SunVTS 5.0 User's Guide

Additional Instructions for Localized Environments

SunVTS software is available in English, and is Internationalization (I18N) compliant, which means it is structured in a way that a user who is familiar with internationalization can take advantage of this feature to run SunVTS in a localized environment.

In a localized environment, you can run SunVTS in English or with localized fonts. Perform one of the two following procedures based on how you want SunVTS to run.

To Run SunVTS in English, in a Non-English Environment

Set the LANG variable to English before you start SunVTS. The following is an example using the C shell:

  1. Set the LANG variable:

    # setenv LANG C

To Set Up the GUI resource File for Localized Environments
  1. As superuser, create a directory as follows:

    # mkdir -p /opt/SUNWvts/lib/locale/LANG/app-defaults

    Where LANG is the language code (for example, ja for Japan EUC, or fr for French) for the language that you are using.

  2. Copy the SunVTS Xresource (Vtsui) file into the directory you just created:

    # cp  /opt/SUNWvts/lib/Vtsui  /opt/SUNWvts/lib/locale/LANG/app-defaults

    Note -

    The example above is based on installing SunVTS in the default (/opt) directory. If SunVTS is installed in different directory, adjust the pathnames accordingly.

  3. Customize the font definitions in the Vtsui file to accommodate font specifications required by your localized environment.