SunVTS 5.0 User's Guide

Using the Debugging Features

You can enable certain options that cause the SunVTS test session to output more test data than when you run the session with the default option values. The following procedures describe how to enable these features.

To Enable (or Disable) Verbose and Core File Options
  1. Open the Test Execution dialog box at one of the following levels:

    • System level--select Option->Test Execution from the Menu bar.

    • Group-level--place your pointer over the group and right-click. Then select Test Execution Options.

    • Device-level--place your pointer over the device and right-click. Then select Test Execution Options.

  2. Enable (or disable) one or more of the following options:

    • Verbose--displays verbose messages indicating when the test is starting and stopping during the test session.

    • Core File--when enabled, creates a core file when a test session results in a core dump. The core file is called sunvts_install_dir/bin/core.testname.xxxxxx , where testname is the test that dumped the core, and xxxxxx is a character string generated by the system in order to make the file name unique.

    Note -

    The Trace feature also provides additional test data. See "Tracing a Test".