SunVTS 5.0 Test Reference Manual

cputest Options

To reach the dialog box below, right-click on the test name in the System Map and select Test Parameter Options. If you do not see this test in the System Map, you might need to expand the collapsed groups, or your system may not include the device appropriate to this test. Refer to the SunVTS User's Guide for more details.

Figure 10-1 cputest Test Parameter Options Dialog Box


Table 10-1 cputest Option Dialog Box Descriptions




Specifies the number of times to loop on the selected subtests. Use the up/down arrows to select a value from 1 to 8192. The default varies depending on the SunVTS test mode. 

Test List 

Specifies which subtests to run. The choices are: 

  • CUC--the compress/uncompress/compare subtest.

  • g0--the g0 register subtest.

Refer to the general test description at the beginning of this chapter for subtest descriptions. If no subtest is selected, both subtests run. 

File Size (KBytes) 

Specifies the size of the CUC pattern file in KBytes. Select a value from 1 to 8192. The default varies depending on the SunVTS test mode.  

File Retention Mode 

Specifies whether the cputest removes the CUC pattern files or not. The choices are:

  • Purge--unconditionally removes the four subtest files.

  • Save--does not remove any of the four subtest files.

  • OnError--removes the four subtest files unless the CUC resulted in a miscompare. In this case, do not remove the files.

The default is OnError. 

Refer to the Caution at the beginning of this chapter regarding the Save value. 

Processor Affinity 

Although the test parameter dialog box displays the processor affinity "bound to" selection box, the processor that corresponds to this instance of the cputest is determined when the SunVTS kernel probes for devices. Therefore, switching processor affinity in this dialog box is not supported.