SunVTS 5.0 Test Reference Manual

sutest Command-Line Syntax

/opt/SUNWvts/bin/sutest standard_arguments -o dev=device_name, porta=port_name,T=test_type,L=loopback_type,D=data_pattern, AB=baud_rate,BS=write_size,F=flow_control

Table 55-3 sutest Command-Line Syntax




Identifies the serial port(s) to test. There is no default value. You must specify a device name such as su0.


The name of the first device of a serial device pair. The default is a.


Specifies the type of test to run: 

  • a= runs the test on port a.

  • b= runs the test on port b.

  • a_b= runs the test on ports a and b sequentially.

  • a_b_concurrent= runs the test on port a and port b concurrently.

  • a_to_b= runs the test from port a to port b.


The type of loopback connector attached to ports: 

  • Internal_a_to_a__b_to_b

  • Null_modem_a_to_b

  • Plug_a_to_a__b_to_b


Selects the data pattern to transfer. The user can select: 

  • Random

  • Sequential

  • Alphanumeric

  • 0x00-0xFF


Asynchronous baud rate (default = 9600). The valid values are between 110 - 460800.


Note: Some platforms can only support asynchronous baud rates up to 38400 or 76800. For baud rates greater then 153600 the serial line drivers must be set for RS-423 mode and not RS-232 mode.  


Asynchronous mode write size; from 1 to 10000 bytes. 


Asynchronous mode flow control 

  • Hardware (RTS/CTS)

  • Software (xon/xoff)

  • None

Note -

64-bit tests are located in the sparcv9 subdirectory: /opt/SUNWvts/bin/sparcv9/testname. If a test is not present in this directory, then it may only be available as a 32-bit test. For more information refer to "32-Bit and 64-Bit Tests".