Platform Notes: The SunATM Driver Software

Error Messages

This section includes a list of some of the most common error messages you might see while configuring and bringing up your SunATM interface. For each message, there is a brief explanation of the problem and a possible solution.

Error Messages from S00sunatm

Cannot find ATM utilities in /etc/opt/SUNWconn/atm/bin; exiting S00sunatm.

The SunATM utility directory /etc/opt/SUNWconn/atm/bin does not exist. Make sure that the SUNWatm package installation completed successfully (see "Checking the Package Installation Using pkginfo", for more information). You might need to reinstall the package.

Cannot find atmconfig file in /etc; exiting S00sunatm.

The /etc/opt/SUNWconn/atm/atmconfig file provides configuration information to the S00sunatm script so that it can bring up the SunATM interfaces during system boot. If the /etc/opt/SUNWconn/atm/atmconfig file is not present, S00sunatm prints this warning message and exits. The /etc/opt/SUNWconn/atm/atmconfig file is installed with the SUNWatm package as /etc/opt/SUNWconn/atm/atmconfig.template; if you choose autoconfiguration or if no previous /etc/opt/SUNWconn/atm/atmconfig file exists, pkgadd copies this template file to /etc/opt/SUNWconn/atm/atmconfig. If a previous /etc/opt/SUNWconn/atm/atmconfig file exists, it is not overwritten. See "Basic ATM Interface Plumbing".

warning: can't plumb <device>; no UNI version provided

The first entry in /etc/opt/SUNWconn/atm/atmconfig for a physical interface must include a UNI value in the second field.

warning: can't plumb <uni version> on <device>; <uni version> already plumbed

The system encountered an entry which attempted to plumb a signalling version on an interface that has already been plumbed with a different signalling version. The script ignores the new UNI version and continues processing the entry and the remaining entries in the file.

warning: can't plumb <lane instance>: too many lane instances on <device>

A physical interface will support up to n lane instances, where n is the number of MAC addresses on the board (or 1 if the board has no MAC address).You can check the number of MAC addresses on a board using the count option of the atmgetmac(1m) command. If an entry is encountered that attempts to plumb more LANE instances than allowed, this message occurs; processing will continue with the next entry in the file.

warning: can't plumb signalling on <device> warning: can't plumb classical IP interface <device> warning: can't plumb <lane instance> on <device>

An error occurred when the script attempted to run atmplumb(1m) (either to plumb signalling, classical IP, or LAN Emulation on an interface) with information specified in /etc/opt/SUNWconn/atm/atmconfig. The atmplumb program will generally display an error message indicating why it failed; use that information to check your values in the /etc/opt/SUNWconn/atm/atmconfig entry for device. The script proceeds to read and process the remaining entries in /etc/opt/SUNWconn/atm/atmconfig, although further entries for the failed interface are not processed correctly.

warning: invalid interface <lane instance>

The minor number provided in a logical interface name was not in the range 0 - 255. The script proceeds without attempting to configure the invalid lane device.

warning: only one classical ip hostname is allowed on <device>

An additional entry was found containing a Classical IP hostname after an initial Classical IP hostname was already plumbed for the given device. Multiple Classical IP instances are not supported on a single physical interface. The script ignores additional Classical IP information for a physical interface.

warning: <laneN> entry must appear before <laneN:X> entry

When you use logical interface names, the first entry in /etc/opt/SUNWconn/atm/atmconfig must always be either laneN or laneN:0, which are equivalent. All entries that appear before the laneN or laneN:0 entry are ignored.

Please install <SUNWatm>

A required software package is not installed on the system. Install the package and reboot the system.

warning: extra fields for <device> will be ignored

There were additional fields in the /etc/opt/SUNWconn/atm/atmconfig entry for the given device name. The script proceeds, ignoring the additional fields.

warning: duplicate entry <lane device>

There were multiple entries in /etc/opt/SUNWconn/atm/atmconfig using the same LAN Emulation instance number. This is not a fatal error; the script continues to run. However, only the first entry for each LAN Emulation instance number is configured for LAN Emulation.

warning: not enough fields to configure <device>

The /etc/opt/SUNWconn/atm/atmconfig entry for the given device did not have all the required fields. You must edit the /etc/opt/SUNWconn/atm/atmconfig file (see "Basic ATM Interface Plumbing"), filling in all the appropriate information, and reboot the system. Empty fields should be indicated with a hyphen (-).

warning: ifconfig failed for classical IP interface <device> warning: ifconfig failed for <lane instance>

The script attempted to run ifconfig for the specified interface. Error messages indicate why ifconfig failed; use that information to check your values in /etc/opt/SUNWconn/atm/atmconfig. In particular, verify that the hostname you provide in /etc/opt/SUNWconn/atm/atmconfig appears in the /etc/hosts file on your system.

warning: invalid lane instance (<lane instance>) for <device>

The lane instance number provided in /etc/opt/SUNWconn/atm/atmconfig was not in the range 0 to 999. The script proceeds without attempting to configure the invalid lane instance.

warning: aarsetup failed; could not configure classical IP interfaces warning: lanesetup failed; could not configure LAN Emulation interfaces

Either the LAN Emulation or the Classical IP startup script failed and exited with an error value. Check the error messages that were printed by aarsetup or lanesetup, and verify the values you have entered in /etc/opt/SUNWconn/atm/aarconfig and/or /etc/opt/SUNWconn/atm/laneconfig.

Error Messages from aarsetup and lanesetup

aarsetup: could not become control process lanesetup: could not become control process

An instance of the setup program was running when another instance was started up. The second instance exits with this error message. Make sure that there is not a previous instance of the program still running. The setup program might take a while to complete if the switch is slow to respond.

aarsetup: could not open stream to Q93B lanesetup: could not open stream to Q93B

The program was unable to communicate with the Q93B driver. Make sure that you run aarsetup or lanesetup as root, and that the SUNWatm package has been properly installed.

aarsetup: could not scan input file lanesetup: could not scan input file

The program was unable to open the /etc/opt/SUNWconn/atm/aarconfig or /etc/opt/SUNWconn/atm/laneconfig file (or the file specified on the command line). Verify that the appropriate file exists, and has the proper permissions. Also make sure you run aarsetup or lanesetup as root.

aarsetup: exiting because of errors lanesetup: exiting because of errors

Errors were encountered while parsing the /etc/opt/SUNWconn/atm/aarconfig or /etc/opt/SUNWconn/atm/laneconfig file, so the setup program cannot successfully complete. Correct the error condition and then execute either aarsetup or lanesetup.

aarsetup: <interface> running as a server, but PVC-only `t' entries exist

The aarsetup program has found an L entry in /etc/opt/SUNWconn/atm/aarconfig, meaning that this interface will be running as a server; however, there are table entries (t entries) containing only PVCs, which cannot be entered into the server's ATM ARP table. Verify your interface's status (server, client, or stand-alone), make sure all t entries include ATM addresses, and execute aarsetup. See "Editing the /etc/opt/SUNWconn/atm/aarconfig File", for more information.

aarsetup: waiting for ilmid to provide prefix lanesetup: waiting for ilmid to provide prefix

In some cases, the address registration process may take several minutes. If so, aarsetup or lanesetup prints out this message saying that it cannot complete until address registration completes. If the messages continue for more than a minute or two, verify your connection to the switch, and that the switch and interface are both supporting ILMI.

undefined variable

You used a variable in a configuration file without using a set statement to assign the value. Add a set statement, or correct the variable name, and run aarsetup or lanesetup again. See "Using Variables in the  /etc/opt/SUNWconn/atm/aarconfig File", and "Using Variables in the /etc/opt/SUNWconn/atm/laneconfig File", for more information.

variable already defined

You tried to set a variable that had been previously set in the same configuration file. Remove the second assignment and run aarsetup or lanesetup again.

variable name ill-formed

You created a variable in /etc/opt/SUNWconn/atm/aarconfig or /etc/opt/SUNWconn/atm/laneconfig that was syntactically invalid. Variable names are a combination of letters, digits, and underscores (_). Choose a conforming variable name and run aarsetup or lanesetup again.

variable name too long

You created a variable in /etc/opt/SUNWconn/atm/aarconfig or /etc/opt/SUNWconn/atm/laneconfig with a name that is greater than the maximum length (32 characters). Choose a variable name shorter than 32 characters and run aarsetup or lanesetup again.

variable value too long

You assigned a value longer than the maximum value length of 128 characters to a variable in a configuration file. If you want a longer value, use a combination of variable names, with each value less than 128 characters. After correcting the variable value lengths, run aarsetup or lanesetup again.

ifname:cannot join ELAN (frame size too large; please use a different ELAN and rerun lanesetup)

The largest MTU size supported by the SunATM software is 9 kilobytes. If the LAN Emulation Services try to set a size larger than 9 Kbytes, the SunATM client cannot join the emulated LAN. Reset your LAN Emulation services to use an MTU size less than or equal to 9 Kbytes, and rerun lanesetup to join the emulated LAN.

ifname: frame-size change (please rerun lanesetup)

The MTU size was changed by the LAN Emulation Services; rerun lanesetup to notify IP of the change. There is a slight chance that TCP connections will remain open during this change, and if that is the case, performance on those connections is affected by the change. Either restart the affected applications or reboot the system if this becomes a problem.

<ifname> could not download the MAC address

This message indicates that an error occurred while lanesetup was attempting to retrieve a MAC address for the indicated interface. Most likely the kernel is out of memory or you have not run atmplumb for the specified interface.

Could not find driver for <ifname>

Each LAN Emulation interface is associated with an ATM driver when LAN Emulation is set up by atmplumb. This message indicates that this interface/driver association has not been made, most likely because you have not run atmplumb for the specified interface.

Not enough MAC addresses on <ATM interface>

The number of Emulated LANs that can be joined over a single physical interface is limited by the number of MAC addresses on the ATM interface board. This message indicates that you tried to join more Emulated LANs than allowed by the number of MAC addresses on the specified interface. You can find the number of MAC addresses on an interface by using the count option on the atmgetmac(1M) command; the number of Emulated LANs and lane instances indicated in /etc/opt/SUNWconn/atm/atmconfig and /etc/opt/SUNWconn/atm/laneconfig should not exceed this number. See "Supporting Multiple Emulated LANs on a Single Interface".

Error Messages from the Kernel Drivers

q93b: warning: link coming back up on <interface>, but ilmid is not running

The link has gone down and come back up on an interface, but ilmid is not running at this time. Register addresses with the switch again, because both the interface and switch must clear out their address tables when the link goes down. Start ilmid; if the interface does not seem to be running properly after doing this, you may need to reboot the system. It is likely that the interface was in an unusual or unknown state when the link came back up, and may need to be taken down completely by rebooting.