Platform Notes: The SunATM Driver Software

Sample Classical IP Configurations

The following examples demonstrate entries in the /etc/opt/SUNWconn/atm/aarconfig file for several typical network configurations.

Although some of the examples show only one sample aarconfig file, similarly configured files must appear on each system. Example 2 shows the files for each of the three systems in the configuration.

  1. SVC-only: Clients use the default address and access to the ARP server is restricted to clients on the local switch only.

    1. The /etc/opt/SUNWconn/atm/aarconfig file on a client:

      Interface   Host  ATM Address             VCI Flag
      ba0          -    $myaddress               -   l
      ba0          -    $localswitch_server      -   s

    2. The /etc/opt/SUNWconn/atm/aarconfig file on the server:

      Interface Host ATM Address          VCI  Flag
      ba0       -    $localswitch_server   -      L

  2. PVC-only: hosta is connected to hostb and hostc over PVCs. There is no ARP server.

    1. /etc/opt/SUNWconn/atm/aarconfig on hosta:

      Interface   Host       ATM Address   VCI  Flag
      ba0         -          -               -     l
      ba0         hostb      -             100     t
      ba0         hostc      -             101     t

    2. on hostb:

      Interface     Host    ATM Address        VCI    Flag
      ba0           -                 -          -       l
      ba0           hosta             -        100       t
      ba0           hostc             -        102       t

    3. on hostc:

      Interface  Host   ATM Address    VCI   Flag
      ba0        -      -                -      l
      ba0        hosta  -              101      t
      ba0        hostb  -              102      t

  3. SVC with no ARP server: hosta uses SVCs to connect to hostb and hostc. All hosts are connected to the same switch; there is no ARP server.

    Interface   Host   ATM Address                    VCI   Flag
    ba0         -      $myaddress                       -     l
    ba0         hostb  $prefix:08:00:20:d5:08:a8:00     -     t
    ba0         hostc  $prefix:08:00:20:21:20:c3:00     -     t

  4. PVC/SVC mix: hosta uses an SVC to connect to hostb, and a PVC to connect to hostc. hostb is not on the local switch; there is no ARP server.

    Interface  Host  ATM Address                                           VCI  Flag
    ba0        -     $myaddress                                                   -     l
    ba0       hostb 45:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:0f:00:0:08:00:20:d5:08:a8:00   -     t
    ba0       hostc  -                                                       100   t

  5. IPv6 PVC/SVC mix: hosta uses an SVC to connect to hostb, and a PVC to connect to hostc.

    Interface   Host      ATM Address                    VCI   Flagba0         -         $myaddress                       -     lba0         hostb-v6  $prefix:08:00:20:d5:08:a8:00     -     t6ba0         hostc-v6   -                              100    t6

  6. IPv4/IPv6 mix: hosta uses a static IPv4 SVC to connect to hostb and a static IPv6 SVC to connect to hostc.

    Interface   Host     ATM Address                    VCI   Flagba0         -        $myaddress                       -     lba0         hostb    $prefix:08:00:20:d5:08:a8:00     -     tba0         hostc-v6 $prefix:08:00:20:21:20:c3:00     -     t6

  7. ARP server with Access Restrictions: Hosts are connected to an ATM ARP server that resolves addresses. Access is restricted to the local switch subnet and one additional switch subnet.

    1. /etc/opt/SUNWconn/atm/aarconfig on hosta:

      Interface     Host     ATM Address          VCI           Flag
      ba0           -        $myaddress             -              l
      ba0           -        $prefix:$sunmacsel0    -              s

    2. /etc/opt/SUNWconn/atm/aarconfig on server:

      Interface  Host  ATM Address                                        VCI    Flag
      ba0         -    $prefix:$sunmacsel0                                  -       L
      ba0         -    $prefix:$anymacsel                                   -       a
      ba0         -    45:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:0f:00:00:00:00:$anymacsel    -       a

  8. Manual address configuration: Hosts are connected to a switch that does not support ILMI.

    1. /etc/opt/SUNWconn/atm/aarconfig on server:

      set prfx = 45:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:0f:00:00:00:00
      Interface  Host  ATM Address        VCI        Flag
      ba0        -     $prfx:$sunmacsel0    -           L
      ba0        -     -                    -           m

    2. /etc/opt/SUNWconn/atm/aarconfig on client:

      set prfx = 45:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:0f:00:00:00:00
      Interface  Host  ATM Address        VCI         Flag
      ba0        -     $prfx:$macsel        -            l
      ba0        -     $prfx:$sunmacsel0    -            s
      ba0        -      -                   -            m