
TABLE 1-1small space READMEs of Interest

TABLE 2-1small space csh/sh/ksh Redirection and Piping on the Command Line

TABLE 4-1small space Major Libraries Provided With the Compilers

TABLE 5-1small space Basic Xlist Suboptions

TABLE 5-2small space Complete List of -Xlist Suboptions

TABLE 6-1small space ieee_flags ( action, mode, in, out ) Argument Values

TABLE 6-2small space ieee_flags in, out Argument Meanings

TABLE 6-3small space Functions Returning IEEE Values

TABLE 6-4small space Arguments for ieee_handler ( action , exception , handler )

TABLE 7-1small space Maximum Characters in Data Types

TABLE 7-2small space -xalias Keywords and What They Mean

TABLE 7-3small space Fortran Time Functions

TABLE 7-4small space Summary: Nonstandard VMS Fortran System Routines

TABLE 9-1small space Some Effective Performance Options

TABLE 10-1small space Parallelization Options

TABLE 10-2small space Recognized Reduction Operations

TABLE 10-3small space Explicit Parallelization Problems

TABLE 10-4small space DOALL Qualifiers

TABLE 10-5small space DOALL SCHEDTYPE Qualifiers

TABLE 10-6small space DOALL Qualifiers (Cray Style)

TABLE 10-7small space DOALL Cray Scheduling

TABLE 11-1small space Data Sizes and Alignment--(in Bytes) Pass by Reference ( f95 and cc )

TABLE 11-2small space Comparing I/O Between Fortran and C

TABLE 11-3small space Passing Simple Data Types

TABLE 11-4small space Passing COMPLEX Data Types

TABLE 11-5small space Passing a CHARACTER String

TABLE 11-6small space Passing a One-Dimensional Array

TABLE 11-7small space Passing a Two-Dimensional Array

TABLE 11-8small space Passing Legacy FORTRAN 77 STRUCTURE Records

TABLE 11-9small space Passing Fortran 95 Derived Types

TABLE 11-10small space Passing a FORTRAN 77 (Cray) POINTER

TABLE 11-11small space Passing Simple Data Elements Between C and Fortran 95

TABLE 11-12small space Functions Returning a REAL or Float Value

TABLE 11-13small space Function Returning COMPLEX Data

TABLE 11-14small space A Function Returning a CHARACTER String

TABLE 11-15small space Emulating Labeled COMMON

TABLE 11-16small space Alternate Returns