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Web Publishing Client API Guide

Chapter 1

This manual was last updated 3/9/99. It applies to Enterprise Server 3.x releases up to and including 3.6.

This manual describes the Java classes for the Web Publishing component of the Content Management IFC. These classes allow a client application to manipulate the resources on the server. Resources can be of two types: those that can contain other resources (called containers) and those that directly contain actual content (called components).

With these classes, you can perform standard file system actions such as creating, deleting, and copying resources. In addition, you can associate meta-information (attributes) with a resource to track arbitrary information about the resource, such as associating a project or a list of reviewers with the resource. You can use the locking facility to ensure that two users don't edit the same resource at the same time. You can also choose to track the history of a component resource by maintaining separate versions of it; this is known as version control.

Chapter 2, "Using the Web Publishing API," gives an overview of using the Web Publishing API and presents programming examples.

Chapter 3, "Web Publishing API Reference," provides reference information on the classes and methods in the Web Publishing API.

Chapter 4, "Distributed Authoring and Versioning Protocol," describes the underlying protocol that this API implements.

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Last Updated: 03/10/99 13:42:00