Release Notes for iPlanet Application Server

Version 6.0 SP2

Updated February 23, 2001

These release notes contain important information available at the time of the version 6.0 Service Pack 2 (SP2) release of iPlanet Application Server. New features and enhancements, installation notes, known problems, and other late-breaking issues are addressed here. Read this document before you begin using iPlanet Application Server 6.0 Service Pack 2.

Check this web site ( periodically to view the most up-to-date release notes and manuals.

These release notes contain the following sections:

What's New

The following features are new to the iPlanet Application Server 6.0 SP2 release:

Overview of Changes in this Release

iPlanet Application Server 6.0 SP2 was released to manufacturing with a total of over four hundred (400) bugs and RFEs closed. Key improvements have been made to the product in the following areas:

Core Server Engine

Installation and Production Tools

Developer Experience

For more details see the following sections.

Compatibility with Previous Release

This revision of iPlanet Application Server requires you to re-register your J2EE applications or re-deploy your Web Applications. See Installation, Upgrade, and Migration Information for procedures on upgrading to iPlanet Application Server 6.0 Service Pack 2. This one-time upgrade requirement is due to the improvements in the class loader, which you can read about in: "Class Loader Improvements" and "Migrating to SP2".

Product Packaging

The following products are packaged with iPlanet Application Server 6.0 SP2:

Apache Ant

Apache Ant is a Java-based build tool, not unlike a classic make tool. The iPlanet Application Server sample applications provide detailed build facility documentation for using Apache Ant with the application server. These sample application documents are available in serveral places, including:

You can also access the product documentation for Apache Ant, at:

Database Support

For the full list of database support see the table under Database Connectivity Support. The following libraries and drivers are new for the SP2 release:

Installation Upgrade

In response to customer feedback, the installation process is being improved. The following installation improvements are included in this release:

Application Server Runtime Improvements

iPlanet Application Server 6.0 SP2 includes the following runtime improvements:

Class Loader Improvements

The class loader improvements create naming of modules and applications that are consistent with the J2EE specification. These improvements include:

The class loader now uses the current application context information to locate classes within the current application. It searches in all the subdirectories of <appName> to find these classes, rather than looking through many .jar and .war files the way it previously did. For locating classes easily, the iPlanet Application Server class loader now supports the following directory structures:

Note that the second code path is used when an application is registered only as a module.

Web Server to Application Server Component Security

Beginning with iPlanet Application Server 6.0 SP2, developers can selectively encrypt the traffic between the Web servers and the KXS per component. The encryption is done using 128 bit keys and RSA BSafe 3.0 library. It is recommended that developers turn on encryption judiciously to those components (servlets or JSPs) that require high security such as credit card informaton gathering servlets, login servlets, and so on.

To enable encryption of the traffic between these components, the application server itself would have to be enabled to support encryption. The steps required to do so are:

  1. Set CCS0\\SECURITY\\EnableEncryption=D (for Domestic 128 bit, data type String).
  2. Create an entry or value CCS0\\SECURITY\\LogEncryption=1 (data type integer). If you want to verify the encryption log messages in the KXS logs.
  3. Create a key CCS0\\EXTENSIONS\\CRYPTEXT\\CRYPTSVC\\ENGINES\\0 because there is no data type or value to a keyCreate a key.
  4. Re-start the Web server and iPlanet Application Server.

For every component that needs encryption enabled, you should follows these steps:

  1. Set <encrypt>true</encrypt> in the ias-web.xml file for each component (servlet or JSP) that you wish to encrypt.
  2. Register the application using iasdeploy.
  3. Re-start the iPlanet Application Server.

To verify that encryption is enabled and working fine, open the kxs logs and search for messages similar to:

[11/Jan/2001 19:58:43:0] info: CRYPT-003: Encrypting 2309 bytes, keysize = 128 bits
[11/Jan/2001 19:58:43:5] info: NSAPICLI-012: plugin reqstart, tickct: 1903570535
[11/Jan/2001 19:58:43:5] info: NSAPICLI-009: plugin reqexit: 0s+.12995s. (198114 0537)
[11/Jan/2001 19:58:52:2] info: CRYPT-004: Decrypting 1897 bytes, keysize = 128 bits

Built-in Debugging Support

The iPlanet Application Server 6.0 SP2 release includes the Sun Java Platform Debugger Architecture (JPDA) package. This package is downloadable from and is an add-on to the Java 1.2 platform. JPDA enables both local and remote debugging with various third-party development tools such as, Forte for Java and JBuilder. For more information on JPDA, see:


JPDA is supported on the production version of Java 2 1.2 for NT as bundled with iPlanet Application Server. To see examples for JDPA go to:

JPDA on Solaris

Since JPDA is not supported on the Production Java 2 1.2.2_05a platform bundled with the application server on Solaris, JPDA supported is not enabled out of the box when installing the iPlanet Application Server on Solaris.

To work around the Production Solaris Java 2 1.2 JDK/JPDA issue, you can install the Reference version of the Java 2 1.2 platform for Solaris and configure the application server to use this JDK in support of debugging in a your development environment. Note that the Reference version of the JDK on Solaris has not been certified for production use in conjunction with iPlanet Application Server.

JPDA and Java 2 1.3

Since JPDA is integrated into Java 2 1.3 and the next release of the application server will support Java 2 1.3, support for JPDA will be automatic for the next release of iPlanet Application Server. No workarounds will exist to enable JPDA support on Solaris during the next release of the application server.

Administration Tool

The iPlanet Application Server's Administration Tool now has the following enhancements:

The iascontrol Command

The iascontrol command for Windows NT provides start, stop, and kill options for the iPlanet Application Server.

Note: Before using the start and stop commands you must register you iPlanet Application Server instance with theAdministration Tool.


iascontrol <subcommand> [-instance <instance> |
[-user <user> -password <password>] [-host <host> -port <port>] ]



Deployment Tool Enhancements

The iPlanet Application Server's Deployment Tool now has the following enhancements:

The iasdeploy Command

The iasdeploy command replaces j2eeappreg, webappreg, ejbreg, resreg, and deploycmd, which are now deprecated.

Note: This tool requires that the Application Server instance be registered by using the iPlanet Application Server Administration Tool before it can be used.


iasdeploy <subcommand> [options] <operand>




iasdeploy -help deployapp or iasdeploy deployapp -help

Provides a complete help description for the iasdeploy command, the subcommands, and options command lists and usage.

Dynamic Servlet Reloading

By default, dynamic servlet reloading is disabled in the iPlanet Application Server. To enable it, follow these instructions:

  1. Start the iPlanet Application Server's Registry Editor, kregedit, and modify the Versioning\ area under: SOFTWARE\iPlanet\Application Server\6.0\CCS0\SYSTEM_JAVA\Versioning
  2. Set the Disable key to "0".
  3. Restart iPlanet Application Server to pick up the Versioning\ change.

This change enables dynamic reloading of servlet classes and registered JSPs. These are the JSPs that have assigned GUIDs and are listed as servlets in web.xml files. By default, unregistered JSPs are dynamically reloaded by the application server.

Sample Applications Enhancements

The iPlanet Application Server Service Pack 2 (SP2) samples contain many enhancements and additions, including:

Note: The iPlanet Application Server sample applications can be found on the Web at:

iPlanet Type 2 JDBC Database Drivers Deprecated

Type 2 JDBC drivers provided by iPlanet are officially deprecated. In the iPlanet Application Server 7.0 release, the iPlanet drivers will no longer be supplied. In almost all situations, 3rd party JDBC drivers should be used for RDBMS connectivity. Exceptions where the iPlanet drivers should be used are (for iPlanet Application Server 6.0 SP2 only) when global transactions are required.

Application Builder JSP Tag Extensions Patch

When using the iPlanet Application Builder 6.0 Service Pack 1 with the iPlanet Application Server 6.0 Service Pack 2, you must install the iPlanet Application Builder JSP Tag Extensions Patch to maintain compatability.

In iPlanet Application Server 6.0 Service Pack 2 the classloader has been changed at the iPlanet Application Server level during deployment and registration of applications or modules. To accomodate these changes, the iAB60SP2Patch enables iPlanet Application Builder to create an EAR file to register your application when the application is saved.

Possible stack trace:

Installing the Patch

Once you have successfully installed the iPlanet Application Server 6.0 Service Pack 2, you must install the iPlanet Application Builder JSP Tag Extensions Patch located on the same CD package in the iAB60SP2Patch directory.

The iAB60SP2Patch directory contents include:

To install iAB60SP2Patch on NT platforms, perform the following steps:
  1. Copy the iABSP2Patch.jar file from your CD to your iasInstallDir\iab60\lib directory.

  2. Copy the *.jsptmpl files from your CD to your iasInstallDir\ias\templates directory.

  3. Open the IAB.ini file located in: iasInstallDir\iab60\lib\IAB.ini

  4. In the CLASSPATH field, add iABSP2PATCH.jar as the first entry. For example: CLASSPATH="d:\iasInstallDir\iab60\lib\iABSP2Patch.jar

To install iAB60SP2Patch on Solaris platforms, perform the following steps:

  1. Copy the iABSP2Patch.jar file from your CD to your iasInstallDir/iab60/lib directory.

  2. Copy the *.jsptmpl files from your CD to your iasInstallDir/ias/templates directory.

  3. Open the IAB script file located in: iasInstallDir/iAB60/bin/IAB

  4. Edit the file to add the iABSP2PATCH.jar as the first entry in the CLASSPATH. For example: CLASSPATH=iasInstallDir/iab60/lib/iABSP2Patch.jar:{CLASSPATH}

Software and Hardware Requirements

This section describes the software and hardware that is required to successfully set up, run, and deploy applications to the iPlanet Application Server.

Device Requirement
Computer/Operating system
  • Sun UltraSPARC running Solaris 2.6 (with Solaris Patches) or Solaris 8
  • Windows NT 4.0 SP5 or SP6
Memory Per CPU: 256 MB minimum; 512 MB recommended
Available disk space

Total disk space:

  • 250 MB NT (NTFS not FAT)
  • 400 MB Solaris 
  • 800 MB Solaris if installing both NetDynamics and iPlanet Application Server 6.0 

CD-ROM drive 

Required software

One of the following Web Servers:

  • iPlanet Web Server 4.1 Enterprise Edition (SP5)
  • Microsoft Internet Information Server 4.0 (NT only) 

One of the following Web Browsers:

  • Netscape Communicator 4.5 or later 
  • Microsoft Internet Explorer 4.0 (NT only) or later 

Database Connectivity Support

Support for third party JDBC drivers was added as a new feature in iPlanet Application Server SP1. This feature augments the previous database support for the iPlanet Application Server native Type 2 JDBC database drivers.

iPlanet Application Server will continue to support iPlanet Application Server native Type 2 JDBC database drivers until iPlanet Application Server version 7.0 is released. At that time, they are planned for deprecation. Future iPlanet Application Server applications must function with JDBC database drivers.

iPlanet Application Server version 6.0 SP2 provides database support for the drivers shown in the following tables:

Certified JDBC Drivers

iPlanet Application Server version 6.0 SP2 is certified against the JDBC database drivers in the following table:

Database Vendor JDBC Driver
Oracle Oracle8i (Type 4 and Type 2 drivers)
Merant (Intersolv) SequeLink Java Edition v5.0 (with Oracle and MSSQL only)
Sybase jConnect 5.2 (Type 4 driver)
IBM DB2 IBM DB2 7.1 JDBC Client
Informix Informix JDBC v2.1 (Type 4 driver)

iPlanet Deprecated Type 2 JDBC Database Drivers

The iPlanet Application Server 6.0 SP2 continues to support the database clients and servers for the iPlanet Application Server Type 2 JDBC Database Drivers listed in the following table, though they are officially deprecated and will no longer be available by the time of the next major iPlanet Application Server release, which is 7.0.

Database Client Database Server
Oracle 8.1.6 Oracle 8.0.5, 8i (8.1.5 and 8.1.6)1, 7.3.4
Sybase 11.1.1 Sybase 11.9.2, 12
DB2 6.1 DB2 6.1, 7.1
ODBC 3.51 Microsoft SQL Server 7
Informix 2.4 Informix Server 7.3, 9.1.4, IDS2000

Solaris Patch Requirements

The iPlanet Application Server 6.0 bundles Solaris Production JDK 1.2.2_05a for SPARC. For proper operation of iPlanet Application Server 6.0 SP2 on Solaris 2.6, the following patches for JDK 1.2.2_05a must be applied to Solaris 2.6. Solaris 8 does not require these JDK 1.2.2_05a patches.

Patch ID

Patch Description
105490-07 Linker Patch
105568-14 Libthread Patch
105210-25 LibC Patch
106040-13 X Input & Output Method Patch
105633-30 OpenWindows 3.6: Xsun Patch
106409-01 Fixes the Chinese TrueType fonts
108091-01 SunOS 5.6: ssJDK1.2.1_03 fails with fatal error in ISO8859-01 Locales
105181-17 Kernel Update (socket close/hang)
105669-09 CDE 1.2: libDTSvc Patch (dtmail)
105284-31 Motif 1.2.7: Runtime library patch

Installation, Upgrade, and Migration Information

This section contains information about the following topics:

Installing iPlanet Application Server 6.0 SP2

Before you start, read the following guidelines:

Upgrading to iPlanet Application Server 6.0 SP2

The following sections are the upgrade instructions for both the Windows NT and Solaris platforms, to iPlanet Application Server 6.0 Service Pack 2. You may use these procedures to upgrade from your installation of iPlanet Application Server 6.0 Service Pack 1 Rev B, otherwise you must do a complete reinstall.

Note: After the installation you must redeploy all your applications, due to the changes in the classloader in this release.

To Upgrade to iPlanet Application Server 6.0 SP2 on Solaris

To upgrade to iPlanet Application Server 6.0 SP2 on Solaris, perform the following steps:

  1. Consult the Before You Start checklist.

    Note:  Make sure that you stop the iPlanet Application Server before you start the upgrade process.
  2. Run setup. The iPlanet Application Server installation screen appears.
  3. Select Custom as the Installation type.
  4. When you get to the screen that asks what components to install, select only the iPlanet Application Server Suite.
  5. Follow directions in the installer as you would for a normal installation.

For more information see: iPlanet Application Server Installation Guide.

To Upgrade to iPlanet Application Server 6.0 SP2 on Windows NT

To upgrade to iPlanet Application Server 6.0 SP2 on Windows NT, perform the following steps:

  1. Consult the Before You Start checklist.
  2. Double-click setup.exe. The Installation Wizard appears.
  3. When you get to the Type of Installation panel, select any of the following installation types: Express, Typical or Custom.

    Note: If you select Custom Installation, don't change the port numbers in the Port Selection wizard panel for the Administration server, Executive Server, Java Server(s), and C++ server(s). The port numbers shown by the installer are the port numbers currently in use by the Administration server, Executive Server, Java server(s) and C++ server(s).
  4. In the component selection wizard panel, select the components you want to upgrade.

    Note: Don't select the component Netscape Directory Server 4.1 Synch Service
  5. Follow directions in the installer as you would for a normal install.

For more information see: iPlanet Application Server Installation Guide.

Migrating To SP2

Several improvements have been made to iPlanet Application Server SP2 that require you to migrate your J2EE applications and standalone modules from a previous release of the iPlanet Application Server. They're discussed in the following sections.

Re-registering J2EE Applications and Modules for the New Class Loader

To run your J2EE applications properly on SP2 you must re-register them. This requirement is based on class loader enhancements introduced in SP2.

The new class loader loads application classes from a new directory structure layout, which is implemented by default under: <iPlanetInstallDir>/ias/APPS/.

Since the deployment tool automatically copied EAR and module files to <iPlanetInstallDir>/ias/JAR/, you should be able to simply re-register the copy from the the JAR directory and rerun your application.

Note: There is no requirement to re-register datasources.

The new deployment structure now isolates Web and EJB JAR modules according to the application in which they are deployed. Prior to SP2, classes in web applications were deployed directly from the APPS directory. With that approach, common classes from different Web applications could overwrite one another. In SP2, classes from Web and EJB JAR modules are deployed to the APPS directory using the following naming convention:

Fixes to Resource Loading

Prior to SP1, resources loaded from Web applications were loaded based on a root of the APPS directory. This behavior was a bug that did not adhere to the Sun Servlet 2.2 specification. In SP2, resources are loaded from the correct location, which is a location relative to the root of the Web application deployment directory. If you had implemented a workaround prior to SP2 to manually copy resource files directly to the APPS directory and modified your JSPs and/or Java sources to include the WAR name in the path to the resource, then you no longer need to perform this manual workaround in SP2 and you must remove the WAR name from the reosurce reference in your application source code.

For example, in SP1, a JSP accessing a query file for iPlanet RDBMStage extentions referred to a .gxq resource file with the WAR name iastags-rdbms as part of the path:

<rdbm:useQuery id="c" queryFile="iastags-rdbms/query/queries.gxq
dataSourceName ="jdbc/iastags/TagsRdbmsDB">

In SP2, you must remove the WAR name from the path, as shown in the following revised example:
<rdbm:useQuery id="c" queryFile="query/queries.gxq" dataSourceName ="jdbc/iastags/TagsRdbmsDB">

This issue had affected both JSPs referring to resource files as well as Java source code in your web applications.

iPlanet Application Builder

Since iPlanet Application Builder enables the use of the RDBMS tag extensions, an exception was made for .gxq resources. After looking in the correct location, the server looks in the old location for these files. This is done so that iPlanet Application Builder-developed applications don't need to be changed. After you install the iAB60SP2Patch, iPlanet Application Builder will build all subsequent applications with the new resource references.

Resolved Issues and Known Problems

This section contains the following topics:

Resolved Issues

The following issues are resolved in the iPlanet Application Server 6.0 SP2 release:

Administration Tool

The following Administration Tool issues are resolved in iPlanet Application Server 6.0 SP2:

ID Summary
527310 New feature introduced to add third party JDBC data source drivers and data sources.

Core Server

The following core server issues are resolved in iPlanet Application Server 6.0 SP2:

ID Summary
397208 Form Authorization Security improved: Roles can now be assigned on URL patterns that are enforced by the container.
398582 Introduced iasdeploy and deprecated j2eeappreg, which took a long time to register an application.
387913 Custome Headers no longer cause problems for the Web Connector Plug-In.
404585 JSP result caching: positive caching with OR is not working
451529 Fixed an HttpServletRequest.getParameter()bug which incorrectly converted the iPlanet Application Server 6.0 input text string "a&b" to "a;b".
453650 The com.netscape.server.nas.BaseLogic.setTemplate()method is not displaying DataSet data in browser.
469009 Any POST/GET requests with blank fields now pass data correctly to applogic.
472409 After EJB session times out, Stateful Session Bean no longer throws a ClassCastException.
531691 Sessions are now shared between applogics and servlets.
513902 Erroneous contextPath, servletPath and pathInfo, corrected.
512423 Stopped the kjs log output of many extra "nameStr=" messages, which slowed down applications.
514477 The J2EE specification says that EJB refs should be resolved within the current app, so this prohibits cross-EAR access. Customers should do a module registration if they need cross-EAR access.
514959 Encryption fixed between the WebConnector and the KXS.
518249 Rollback with Container Managed Local Transaction now works
525339 Memory leaks caused by a simple implementation of ITemplateData and ITemplateMap fixed.

Deployment Tool

The following Deployment Tool issues are resolved in iPlanet Application Server 6.0 SP2:

ID Summary
401447 Enabled ability to take an existing .jar/.war/.ear file for an application and update it or refresh the files.
521343 Modified the general panel of the EJB descriptor so that the home interface class name field and the Remote interface class name field are now editable text fields.
516330 Created a new user preference to auto-generate descriptors for JSPs.
513618 Enabled ability to edit the context root field of the Web Application descriptor in an EAR file.
518449 An optional parameter called cache-option has been added to the iPlanet Application Server XML caching section for the timeout based on the creation time functionality. The cache-option has the following values:
TIMEOUT_CREATE: Takes the cache-timeout value from the creation time.
TIMEOUT_LASTACCESS: Takes the timeout based on the last accessed time.
By default the cache timeout is based on the last accessed time.
527396 The IASParamsGroupPanel descriptor information now gets saved.
529156 Added a new context root panel in the EAR descriptor.
529162 1) Added new table called Custom Finders.
2) Added new functionality to move the rows up and down by holding 'Shift+up arrow' and 'Shift+down arrow' keys, respectively, in 'Attribute to database column mapping' table.
516330 Added a user preference feature that allows users to turn on and off the auto-generation of JSP descriptors.
  Deployment to clusters has been improved so that the Deployment Tool now recognizes when multiple instances in a cluster are being targetted so that sequential deployment to these servers is done. In the SP1 Release, simultaneous deployment was triggered in the case of multiple server instances in a cluster being targetted. This sometimes caused integrity problems in the registration of the application in a shared Directory Server cluster.


The following Documentation issues are resolved in iPlanet Application Server 6.0 Service Pack 2:

ID Summary
530986 Silent Installation is now included in the iPlanet Application Server Installation Guide.


The following Installation issues are resolved in iPlanet Application Server 6.0 Service Pack 2:

ID Summary

Issues resolved:

  • Installer now creates the specified new iPlanet Application Server Administrator User for an existing Directory Server.
  • If the specified user already exists in the Directory Server, then the installer reports this.
519944 Uninstaller fixed so that it no longer needs to be done as a two step process.

Known Problems

The following sections detail issues that are known to exist in the iPlanet Application Server 6.0 Service Pack 2 release:

Administration Tool

The following are known to be issues in iPlanet Application Server 6.0 Service Pack 2 Administration Tool:

ID Summary
495501 For Solaris only: Administration Tool needs to show third party driver pooling information.
Workaround: Manually edit the KJS script at the THIRD_PARTY_JDBC_CLASSPATH, to identify the classpath location for the driver. Additionally, if you are using a native driver, set the THIRD_PARTY_NATIVE_DRIVER_DIR_PATH to identify the native driver directory.
527332 Problems when restarting KAS using iascontrol while Administration Tool is running.
Workaround: Do not use the iascontrol kill command while the Administration Tool is running. iascontrol start|stop works well while the Administration Tool is running, however to use iascontrol kill requires that the Administration Tool is not running.
525372 Problems with the Java Component path in the Application Tab.
Workaround: The Java Component path in the Application Tab of the Administration Tool is intended for AppLogic only. Do not attempt to use for iPlanet Application Server's KJS or KAS.
529224 There are JNDI datasource representation differences between Administration Tool and the Deployment Tool. When setting data source in Administration Tool, the format in the tool is explained as "jdbc\application\datasource" but the actual usage can be "Application\datasource."
529446 The stop and iascontrol kill commands do not work if used with a user ID greater than 8 characters long.
Workaround: Limit your user ID to less than 8 characters.

Core Server Support

The following are known to be issues in iPlanet Application Server 6.0 Service Pack 2 Core Server:

ID Summary
413948 If form-based authetication is used with JSPs in an application server and the server is restarted but not the browser, the login always fails.
Workaround: Restart the browser as well as the application server.

Modifying the NASApp Prefix for the Web Connector: For security reasons, many customers don't want to advertise the infrastructure being used to run their web site. NASApp is placed in the URLs associated with web applications that are deployed to iPlanet Application Server.
Workaround: To modify the iPlanet Application Server 6.0 "NASApp" prefix, perform te following procedure

  1. On each web server, open up the iPlanet Registry Editor and modify the key:
    SOFTWARE\iPlanet\Application Server\6.0\CCS0\HTTAPI\SSPL_APP_PREFIX
  2. Restart each web server instance.
404721 Solaris only. When upgrading from NAS 2 and 4 to iPlanet Application Server 6.x, the nab25.jar, which is needed at run time by all applications developed with NAB 3 or 4, is not present.
Workaround: You must manually add the nab25.jar to your classpath.

Database Support

The following are known to be issues in iPlanet Application Server 6.0 Service Pack 2 Database Support:

ID Summary
369014 escapeSyntax supported only for Oracle in this release.
384721 On Solaris and NT when using the callableStatement getString( )it returns the correct string, but the wrong string length is displayed when using native driver for LONG datatype.
387419 iPlanet Application Server JDBC driver fails to detect a duplicate row key insertion for Sybase database.
Workaround: Using Sybase JConnect 5.2, do not insert duplicate rows.
402289 JDBC prepareStatement.getMetaData() is not supported.
412428 The procedure, preparedStatement.setByte, fails for Informix on Solaris.
412888 Text datatypes in prepared statements are not supported for Informix, Sybase, and DB2.
427569 On Informix, getMetaData() may cause KJS to crash.
428609 DB2 stored procedure, jdbcSimpleCallStmt2, returns wrong value
On Solaris, the stored procedure SPDate with getDate(2) returns an incorrect date value when using the native JDBC driver.
Workaround: To fix the problem use the third party driver for DB2.
428729 DB2 stored procedure, getTimestamp(), returns incorrect value when using the native JDBC driver.
Workaround: To fix the problem use the third party driver for DB2.
441410 Oracle 8.1.6 database connection may fail when more than one oracle client installed.
On NT, when starting the iPlanet Application Server from services, the error "failed to create a data connection with any of specified drivers" is received.
Workaround: Check if a previous version of Oracle client was installed, and workaround by renaming that home directory. Make sure there is only one oracle client on one NT machine for database connectivity.
NONE Unregistration of a J2EE application EAR files does not seem to work.
Workaround: To unregister a J2EE Application EAR file(s), the user must supply the EAR file that was deployed to the ias/JAR/ directory when running J2eeappreg -remove. This EAR file should be representative of what was last deployed to the server instance.
NONE Using the callable statement getString() returns the correct string, but the wrong string length is displayed when using native driver.


The following are known to be issues in iPlanet Application Server 6.0 Service Pack 2 documentation:

ID Summary
529897 Use of JavaMail is not yet documented.
Workaround: You'll find an example of the use of JavaMail in the iPlanet Application Server samples at: ias/ias-samples/j2eeguide/confirmer/. The accompanying documentation is at: ias/ias-samples/j2eeguide/docs/confirmer.html.
  The iPlanet Application Server Programmer's Guide incorrectly states that you should use j2eeappreg to register your application. This command is deprecated, you should use iasdeploy instead.
  Programmer's Guide shows JDK1.2.2_07 on page22. It should be JDK1.2.2_05a.

Deployment Tool

The following are known to be issues in iPlanet Application Server 6.0 Service Pack 2 Deployment Tool:

ID Summary
450689 Drag and drop does not work in the Component view.
Workaround: do not use drag and drop in component view.
516228 Renaming in File --> Open Dialog does not work.
Workaround: Do not use this menu item.
516392 When renaming an EJB/WAR component, the references to the EJB in the WAR file do not get modified.
Workaround: When renaming a servlet, JSP, EJB component with a name that is longer than the old one, the update is not displayed in the tree view as expected. To avoid this problem, close and reopen the file for the new names to take effect in the tree view. This applies only to the tree view and not the descriptor panels themselves, where the name is saved correctly.
522619 When mapping a servlet mulitple times, the XML file is modified but the URL doesn't work.
Workaround: Modify the URL manually.
528074 Problems with module names in Deployment Tool.
Workaround: To comply with J2EE EAR file, you must maintain unique module names for proper execution.
528848 Inserting an archive inside an archive should follow the J2EE hierarchy:
1. Insertion of an EAR in an EAR is not valid.
2. Insertion of an EAR/WAR inside WAR is not valid.
3. Insertion of any archive inside JAR is not valid.
4. Insertion of a JAR/WAR in a EAR is valid.
5. Insertion of a JAR in a WAR is valid.


The following are the known installation issues in iPlanet Application Server 6.0 Service Pack 2:

ID Summary
524125 In custom installation mode, at the point where the user is asked if he wants to populate the Directory Server with entries, if he chooses None then no entry is created. After installation, connecting to the server fails since the user is not in the LDAP information.
Workaround: Instead of choosing None, the user should select the option Suggest.
523532 Install stops (on Solaris only) when the Application Server's Administration Server is installed on a Directory Server machine that has a remote location to the Application Server. At the point where where the Installer asks for information about the Application Server's Administration Server, the Installer complains that the username and password are already in use and stops forward progress.
Workaround: Do not install the Application Server's Administration Server on the Directory Server machine. Keep the default installation, which puts it on the same machine as the Application Server.
530989 User should not change the port numbers while upgrading to iPlanet Application Server 6.0 SP2 from iPlanet Application Server 6.0 SP1 or iPlanet Application Server 6.0.
531624 The standalone installation for the administration tool or deployment tool is not working.
Workaround: Install the application server, the Netscape server family core components, and Netscape administrative services, while avoiding the Web Connector plug-in component.

Sample Applications Issue

Since the Ant executable does not treat Windows .bat files in the same manner as .exe files, you need to modify the install_ear target in order to use the build install_ear and build deploy commands with the sample applications on Windows NT.

Edit the build.xml file under the src/ directory of a sample application and replace the existing install_ear target as follows:


<target name="install_ear">
<copy file="${assemble.ear}/${ear}" tofile="../${ear}"/>
<echo message="Copied ${ear} to sample root directory." />

<echo message="Executing iasdeploy to register ${ear}."/>
<exec executable="${ias.bin}/iasdeploy">
<arg line="deployapp -verbose ../${ear}"/>


<target name="install_ear">
<copy file="${assemble.ear}/${ear}" tofile="../${ear}"/>
<echo message="Copied ${ear} to sample root directory." />

<echo message="Executing iasdeploy to register ${ear}."/>
<exec executable="${ias.bin}/iasdeploy" os="SunOS">
<arg line="deployapp -verbose ../${ear}"/>
<exec executable="${ias.bin}/iasdeploy.bat" os="Windows NT">
<arg line="deployapp -verbose ../${ear}"/>

This enhancement executes the iasdeploy.bat command when the install_ear target is executed on Windows NT and executes the iasdeploy command when run on SunOS (Solaris). You can display the
name of your OS by adding the following line to a target within your build.xml file:

<echo message="My operating system is identified by the string: ${}" />

Web Connector Plug-In Causes IIS to Crash (#528287)

After finishing a complete iPlanet Application Server 6.0 SP2 installation with IIS4.0 or an installation of the web connector plug-in only with IIS4.0 and rebooting the machine, there is a known issue with the web connector plug-in that causes the IIS to crash. This happens only after installation and reboot. Workaround: The user needs to restart IIS.

How to Report Problems

If you have problems with iPlanet Application Server, contact iPlanet customer support using one of the following mechanisms:

So that we can best assist you in resolving problems, please have the following information available when you contact support:

You may also find it useful to subscribe to the following interest groups, where iPlanet Application Server topics are discussed. Newsgroup topics for iPlanet Application Server include:

For More Information

Useful iPlanet information can be found at the following Internet locations:

Use of iPlanetApplication Server is subject to the terms described in the license agreement accompanying it.

Copyright © 2001 Sun Microsystems, Inc. Some preexisting portions Copyright © 2001 Netscape Communications Corp. All rights reserved.

Last Updated February 23, 2001