Unified Integration Framework (UIF)


Version 6.0

Release Notes


 Updated June 20, 2000






The Unified Integration Framework (UIF), was formerly known as BSP. These release notes detail the changes and known problems for UIF 6.0.


Installation and Configuration

Please make sure all iPlanet Application Server components have already been installed on the server machine.

The machine should not be rebooted after the UIF installation if an adapter will be installed. To install any adapter on Solaris, do not remove the install.ini.<username> file in /tmp directory. Run the installer under the same user id.

Note: On some Windows NT machines, Uninstall does not work and the           following error message appears:

To workaround, copy the file mfc42.dll from the CD to the winNT/system32 directory. This will replace the existing mcf42.dll.


Exception Management and Logging

The exception and logging mechanism provides the following functions:

Only one generic Unified Integration Framework (UIF) exception message is ever thrown. The exception messages that are thrown relate to data object APIs or enterprise connector errors. The programmer does not have to handle exceptions since the BspException extends java.lang.RuntimeException. The application programmer can safely skip writing special error-handling code.



This product includes a Developer's Guide. For other documentation please refer to the docs directory.

Adobe Acrobat 4.0 and PostScript printer with PS level 2 fonts are required to print the PDF version.

Known Problems

                    java.lang.OutOfMemoryError                     netscape.bsp.dataobject.exceptions.IllegalPathException                     netscape.bsp.dataobject.exceptions.IllegalRecursionException                     netscape.bsp.dataobject.exceptions.FileNotFoundException                     netscape.bsp.dataobject.exceptions.FiledNameIsNullException                     netscape.bsp.dataobject.exceptions.FiledNameTooLongException                     netscape.bsp.dataobject.exceptions.TypeMismatchException                     netscape.bsp.dataobject.exceptions.IndexOutOfBoundsException                     netscape.bsp.dataobject.exceptions.MethodUnsupportedException

startconsole.sh Has Been Removed from the Makefile

Ignore any instructions related to startconsole.sh. With the reduced stack size requirement of the repository, -ss options are no longer needed in shell scripts.

UIF Runtime Connection Pool Exhausted

Applications must call disable( ) on an IBSPServiceProvider before exiting an EJB or servlet. If disable( ) is not called, the connection stays alive until it is timed out, possibly exhausting the connection pool.

Uninstall Erases Common Files

During uninstall of SAP R/3 or PeopleSoft enterprise connectors, common files, such as libldobuffer.so (Solaris), ldobuffer.dll (NT), and console manager files may be erased. Workaround: after uninstall, manual re-copy all erased files from the backup directory ias/APPS/UIFbackup.

Uninstalling Enterprise Connectors

When uninstalling one of several connectors, such as SAP or PSFT, the Appltab file in the APPS/bin will be deleted. It is necessary to copy the Appltab file back for other connectors to function. Uninstalling a single connector will delete some files, but not de-register the connector; reinstalling will correctly update the node and files.

Use GX.Release( ) for Freelist Advantage

For freelists to be effective, the servlet /EJB should execute a GX.Release(obj) on any object returned by the UIF API as soon as it is done with it, and before exiting the EJB /servlet. This will return dataobjects to freelists and avoid unnecessary object creation under peak load. The following programming constructs are not recommended, since they implicitly create wrapped java objects, which can only be garbage collected and not GX.Released:


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