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iPlanet Portal Server: Instant Collaboration Pack Release 3.0 Administrator's Guide

Appendix B       iPlanet Instant Messaging Server Reference

This appendix describes the iimadmin command used to administer iPlanet Instant Messaging Server, and the iimipsadmin script used for portal deployments.


Use the iimadmin utility to start, stop, and refresh the iPlanet Instant Messaging server and multiplexor. On the Solaris platform, run iimadmin as root or the user specified during the installation.

Requirements: Must be run locally on the iPlanet Instant Messaging server.


    • Solaris: im30_install_dir/SUNWiim/sbin

    • Windows NT: im30_install_dir\sbin

Use iimadmin to:

  • Start the server and multiplexor using start iim option.

  • Stop the server and multiplexor using the stop iim option.

  • Refresh the configuration using the refresh iim option.

  • Start and stop the server alone with the iim_server option.

  • Start and stop the multiplexor alone with the start iim_mux option.

  • Refresh the server alone using the stop iim_mux option.

  • Refresh the multiplexor alone using the refresh iim_server option.


iimadmin [options] [action] [component]


The options (Solaris platform only) for the iimadmin command are:

Table B-1    Options for iimadmin Command



-c alt-config-file  

Used with the start and refresh actions, to specify a different configuration file other than im3.0_install_dir/SUNWiim/config/iim.conf.  


Displays help on the iimadmin command.  


The actions for the iimadmin command are:

Table B-2    Actions for iimadmin Command




Sets the classpath, the Java heap size, and so on, and starts all the specified components.  


Stops all the specified component's daemons cleanly.  


Stops and starts the specified component(s). Useful after a configuration change.  


The components for the iimadmin command are as follows. If no component is specified, iimadmin assumes iim.

Table B-3    Components for iimadmin Command




Indicates the iPlanet Instant Messaging Server processes (server and multiplexor).  


Indicates the iPlanet Instant Messaging server.  


Indicates the iPlanet Instant Messaging multiplexor alone.  


Use the iimipsadmin script to install or uninstall the necessary components to enable or disable iPlanet Instant Messaging Server in the iPlanet Portal Server environment. This script exists only on the Solaris platform. Run iimipsadmin as root or the user specified during the iPlanet Portal Server installation.

Requirements: Must be run locally on the iPlanet Instant Messaging server.


    • Solaris: im30_install_dir/SUNWiim/sbin

Use iimipsadmin to:

  • Install the necessary Application channel links, Netlet rules, and so on, to enable iPlanet Instant Messaging Server to function as an application in the iPlanet Portal Server environment.

  • Uninstall the iIM Server Application channel links, Netlet rules, and so on, from the iPlanet Portal Server.

  • Configure iPlanet Instant Messenger to run in secure or nonsecure mode in the iPlanet Portal Server.

    Note If you previously installed iIM Server on iPlanet Portal Server but did not add the links, you can run iimipsadmin to create the links without having to rerun the iIM Server installer.


iimipsadmin [install | uninstall] [options]

iimipsadmin [securemode | unsecuremode]

iimipsadmin checkgateway


The options for the iimipsadmin command are:

Table B-4    Options for iimipsadmin Command




Adds the following Application channel links, Netlet rules, and so on, to enable iPlanet Instant Messaging Server to function as an application in the iPlanet Portal Server environment:

  • Application channel links: "iPlanetTM Portal Server: Instant Messenger Quick Reference" (documentation link), "Launch iPlanetTM Instant Messenger using Java plug-in," and "Launch iPlanetTM Instant Messenger using Java Web Start."

  • Component iwtiIM and a corresponding link in the iwtPlatform component. This component contains the iIMSecureMode attribute with a default value FALSE, unless the -s option is used, which sets it to TRUE.

  • Soft link iim in the public_html directory of the iPlanet Portal Server, which links to the IIM_DOCROOT.



Removes the Application channel links, Netlet rules, and so on, that were added to the iPlanet Portal Server. The iimipsadmin script will remove all the links that were added to the iPlanet Portal Server by the iPlanet Instant Messaging Server installer. However, if you have customized any components in the iPlanet Portal Server for iPlanet Instant Messenger, you must remove the components manually.  

-p clientport  

When used with the install option, specifies the client port to use for defining Netlet rules. The clientport number, if used, must be less than 64000. If no clientport is set, the default value of 9917 is used. This Netlet rule is then added to the iwtNetlet component.

When used with the uninstall option, specifies the client port (if the default was not used) to be removed.  


Used with the install option to install the iIM Server links in iPlanet Portal Server that enable iPlanet Instant Messenger to communicate in secure mode through Netlet. The value of iIMSecureMode is set to TRUE.  


Sets the iIMSecureMode attribute in the iwtiIM component to TRUE. iPlanet Instant Messenger will use Netlet for communicating securely with the iIM Server.  


Sets the iIMSecureMode attribute in the iwtiIM component to FALSE. iPlanet Instant Messenger will not use the Netlet for communicating with the iIM Server.  


Checks if iPlanet Portal Server gateway is installed.  

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Copyright © 2001 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved.

Last Updated November 26, 2001