Creating a Web Module

The step in creating a Web Application module include:
  1. Mount a directory to contain the Web Application module.
  2. Create a web module for an already mounted directory.
  3. Switch to the iPlanet Application Server for deployment and execution.
  4. Insert components into the web module, such as a JSP (HTML) page.
  5. Edit the component as desired.
To mount a directory:
  1. From the Explorer File menu, select New.

    The Template Chooser dialog appears.

  2. Expand the JSP & Servlet node and select the WebModule node.
  3. Select the Next button.
  4. When the New... Web Module dialog appears, select the button to navigate to the directory you wish to use.
  5. Select the web module directory and select Add.

    Additionally, you can create a new directory by selecting the Folder icon.

  6. Select Finish to create the directory for the web module.

    A new Web Module is mounted.

To create a web module on an already mounted directory:
  1. Select the mounted directory.
  2. Right click and select Tools -> Convert Filesystem into webmodule.

    A WEB-INF directory appears as a subnode to the mounted directory.

  3. Right click on the newly converted web module node and select New -> JSP & Servlet -> WebModule.
  4. When the New... Web Module dialog appears, select the button to navigate to the directory you wish to use and select Finish.

To switch to the iPlanet Application Server for deployment:

  1. Select the WebModule node.
  2. Right click and select Tools -> Switch Web Execution to iPlanet Application Server.

    You are now ready to insert components into your web module.

Once you have added a component into your web module, such as a JSP (HTML) page, you can edit it using the Explorer Source Editor.

Once you have completed your edits, you can execute the web module to the iPlanet Application Server.

See also
  Inserting Components into a Web Module
Debugging a Web Module
Deploying and Executing Web Modules

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