Deploying and Executing the CDShopCart Forte for Java Tutorial

To deploy and execute the CDShopCart Forte tutorial to the iPlanet Application Server you must perform some manual steps:
  1. Create the CDShopCart tutorial from FFJ with an Oracle database or PointBase Network Server version 3.5.
  2. Modify JSP taglib URI as for the ProductList.jsp and ShopCart.jsp files as follows:

  3. <%@taglib uri="dbtags" prefix="jdbc" %>
    <%@taglib uri="ietags" prefix="pr" %>

  4. Modify Tag Libraries field in the Property sheet for the web.xml as follows:

  5. For dbtags: Taglib URI = dbtags
                Taglib Location = /WEB-INF/tlds/dbtags.tld

    For ietags: Taglib URI = ietags
                Taglib Location = /WEB-INF/tlds/ietags.tld

    Make sure to remove two entries that reference  .jar files that IDE added automatically after unmounting and mounting the web module directory again.

  6. Add the missing import statement in the jsp files as follows:

  7. For the ShopCart.jsp file, the import line (second line) should look like this:
    <%@page import="java.util.*, Cart, CartLineItem" %>

    For the PlaceOrder.jsp file, add the following import line after the first line:
    <%@page import="Cart, CheckOutBean" %>

See also
  Using Advanced Features

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