Frequently Asked Questions

Check the FAQ page of the iPlanet website at for updated information.

What is Forte, what is NetBeans? How can I get more information?
Consult the web site. An FAQ is posted at It explains the relationship between Forte for Java and NetBeans.

How can I improve the overall performance of the Forte IDE?
See the performance FAQ located at Forte loads faster with fewer modules enabled. Disable modules that you seldom use. Enable them dynamically at runtime when you need them.

  1. From the Forte Tools menu, select Global Options.
  2. Select to open Modules node.
  3. Select the module you wish to disable.
  4. From the Properties tab, set the Enabled field to False.

For example, if you do not plan to create Swing UI, you can remove the Form Editor module. This will free up a huge portion of the Toolbar, by removing the Palette.

I am encountering the following error message:
Error (0x1 0x0 0x0 0x80020007):
BIND step: could not bind to {C01274CC-00E5-EE17-4C5F-98E1A98A0002}

This indicates you have attempted to access a servlet when KJS is not running. To recover, right click on the default server instance node from the Explorer and select the Server Status menu option. Select the Stop Engines button, then select the Start Engines button. This verifies that the server engines are started correctly. Select OK to close the window.

How do I add a JAR file in my CLASSPATH in Forte?
Consult The filesystem should be seen as your CLASSPATH as well as your SOURCEPATH. Any directory (correctly mounted according to the Java package hierarchy) or JAR file mounted as a filesytem is part of your CLASSPATH. Be sure to mount the source directory at the root level of your Java package structure.

How can I get more information about the system?
Examine the Forte log file located in <ForteInstallDir>\system\ide.log file. When reporting a bug to Technical Support, include this bug log in your report. If the information in the log file is not sufficent to troubleshoot the problem, you can enable the debug logging feature as follows:

  1. From the Tools menu, select Global Options.
  2. Select the iPlanet Application Server Settings to display the Properties.
  3. For the Debug Output Level field, enter a number from 0 to 6.

    0 = dump
    1 = verbose
    2 = info
    3 = warning
    4 = error
    5 = critical
    6 = assert

    The higher the number the fewer the debug output messages. Setting the level to 4 outputs all the programmed error messages. Any number greater than 6 disables the output.

See also
Using Advanced Features

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