Using the EJB Properties iPlanet AS Tab

Enter the appropriate data for each field in the iPlanet AS tab.

Fields with an asterisk (*) appear for entity EJBs.
Allow IIOP Client Access Set to True to allow client access; false (default) disables access.
CMP Deployment Descriptor File * This is an automatically generated field that identifies the CMP descriptor filename as declared in the J2EE XML file for the CMP.
DB Table Name * Identify the name of the database table as declared in the J2EE XML file.
EJB Reference Mappings Opens the EJB Reference Mappings editor where you can specify the EJB reference name and the absolute JNDI name that the EJB references corresponding J2EE XML file.
Global Unique Identifier A read only field identifying the global unique identifier required for the iPlanet Application Server.
Is Failover Required Indicate if the bean is rich client enabled by selecting Tue. The default value is Fasle.
Map DB to EJB Fields * Opens the Map DB to EJB Property Editor where you can edit each field in your database table.
Pass By Value Set to true enables EJB to be passed by value. False disables pass by value (default).
Passivation Timeout Identify in seconds the passivation timeout used by the container.
Persistence Manager Class * Identify the persistance manager factory class.
Pool Manager Settings * Select from Commit Option C (default) and Commit Option B to apply to the ready cache. Also identify the ready pool timeout, in seconds, used by the container (default is 0). The maxsize of the ready cache as an integer (default is 0). The Free pool maxsize is a storage place for the absolute JNDI name.
Resource Reference Mappings Opens the EJB Resource Mappings editor where you can specify the EJB resource reference name and the storage place for the absolute JNDI name that the resource reference in the corresponding J2EE XML file resource reference entry.
Session Timeout Value Identify in seconds the session timeout used by the container.
See also
Using the Reference Mappings Property Editor
Using the Resource Reference Mappings Property Editor

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