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iPlanet Process Manager 6.0 (SP2) Process Builder's Guide



automated  1
Data Sheet sample  1
expiration  1
planning assignments  1
setting assignments  1
addGroupAssignee()  1
address field  1
addUser()  1
addUserAssignee()  1
forms  1
group  1
AdvancedOfficeSetup  1
all group  1
alphabetical list
JavaScript functions  1
application menu  1
application tree view  1
creating  1
deleting  1
editing a deployed application  1
folder  1
getting path  1
initializing  1
redeploying  1
samples  1
selecting  1
shutting down  1
assignees  1
getting  1
assigning exception nodes  1
assignment scripts  1, 2
example  1, 2
predefined  1
forms  1
modifying for users  1
automated activities
Data Sheet sample  1
deferring  1
planning  1
properties  1
automation scripts  1
example  1
example of writing to content store  1


banners  1
base file name
getting for content store  1
BMP images  1
buildDataSheet script  1
buildDS script  1


allow for application group  1
allow for corporate group  1
allow for dynamic group  1
checkbox fields  1
checkParallelApproval()  1
class IDs
creating your own  1
predefined  1
client-side scripts  1
onSubmitForm function  1
verifying form input  1
cluster boot file  1
Command Line Deploy Tool  1
comments, allow to add  1, 2
completion scripts  1, 2
example  1, 2
parallel approval  1
predefined  1, 2
verifying form input  1
computed fields  1
computeTitle script  1
condition scripts  1
conditions, for transitions  1
content store
accessing  1
example of saving file  1
getting base file name  1
getting content  1
getting root URL  1
making directories  1
moving files  1
setting up  1
storing  1
storing files  1
content type, in email notifications  1
contentStore object
reference  1
copy()  1
corporate user directory
defining for application  1
corporateDirectory object  1
creator  1
Credit History
configuring  1
data fields  1
description  1
exit points  1
groups and roles  1
scripts  1
trusted users  1
custom activities
deferring  1
planning  1
custom data fields  1
custom fields
migrating  1


data fields
form elements for  1, 2, 3
getting values  1, 2
naming restraints  1
setting values  1, 2
data mapping
Loan Management sample  1
Data Sheet
activities  1
automated activity  1
configuring  1
decision point  1
description  1
description.txt file  1
entry point  1
exit points  1
fields  1
finished example  1
forms  1
image.gif file  1
process map  1
scripts  1
date fields  1
adding days example  1
datetime fields  1
debugging hints
for scripts  1
decision point scripts  1
getting data field values  1
decision points
Data Sheet sample  1
planning  1
properties  1
defaultNotificationHeader()  1, 2
defaultNotificationSubject()  1, 2
deferring automated activities  1
deferring custom activities  1
delegation  1, 2
planning  1
deleteUserByCN()  1
deleteUserByDN()  1
deleteUserById()  1
deleting users  1
deploying  1
planning  1
using Command Line Deploy Tool  1
deployment descriptor  1, 2
description.txt file  1
development hints
for scripts  1
digital signature fields  1
making in content store  1
Directory Server  1
adding users  1
getting users  1
methods for accessing  1
modifying attributes  1
download()  1


edit menu  1, 2
editing forms  1
for modifying forms  1
adding references in an application  1
adding references using Command Line Deploy Tool  1
components  1
ejbLookup()  1
email notification scripts  1, 2
email scripts  1
emailById()  1, 2
emailOfAssignees()  1, 2
emailOfCreator()  1, 2
emailOfRole()  1, 2
entry points
access to forms  1
Data Sheet sample  1
Loan Management sample  1
Office Setup sample  1
planning  1
properties  1
error checking
Java Script exceptions  1
error checking in Process Builder  1
error messages  1
viewing  1
evaluateTemplate()  1
event handlers  1
example  1
exception manager  1
properties  1
exception nodes
assigning  1
Credit History sample  1
exception nodes, assigning  1
exists()  1
exit points
Credit History sample  1
Data Sheet sample  1
Loan Management sample  1
Office Setup sample  1
planning  1
properties  1
expiration  1
expiration date
setting  1
expiration handler scripts  1, 2
example  1
expiration setter scripts  1, 2
example  1
expireIn()  1
extend()  1
work item expiration date  1
external editors
for modifying forms  1


address  1
allowing searches for  1
checkbox  1
class ID  1
computed  1
creating  1
Credit History sample  1
custom  1
Data Sheet sample  1
data types  1
date  1
datetime  1
deleting  1
digital signature  1
display mode  1
file attachment  1
help message  1
Loan Management sample  1
name  1
Office Setup sample  1
password  1
planning  1
predefined  1, 2
radio buttons  1
roles  1
select list  1
telephone  1
template  1
textarea  1
textfield  1
URL  1
userpicker widget  1
file attachment fields  1
moving in content store  1
storing in content store  1
form elements  1, 2
for data fields  1
verifying input  1
format menu  1, 2
allowing searches in  1
banners  1
comments on  1
creating  1
customizing Office Setup samples  1
Data Sheet sample  1
display mode  1
editing  1
modifying  1
onSubmitForm function  1
planning  1
setting access to  1
verifying input  1
forms[] array  1
alphabetical list  1


geNodeName()  1
getAction()  1
getApplicationName()  1
getApplicationPath()  1
getApplicationPrettyName()  1
getBaseForFileName()  1, 2, 3
getBaseURL()  1
getConnector()  1
getContent()  1
getContentStore()  1, 2, 3
getCorporateDirectory()  1, 2, 3
getCreationDate()  1, 2
getCreatorUser()  1
getCreatorUser() method  1
getCreatorUserId()  1
getData()  1
getData() method  1
getEntryNodeName()  1
getException()  1
getExitNodeName()  1
getExpirationDate()  1
__getIncludePath()  1
getInstanceId()  1
getJndiNamingContext()  1
getPriority()  1
getProcessInstance()  1, 2, 3
getRoleUser()  1
getRoleUser() method  1
getRootURL()  1
getSize()  1
getStatus()  1
getSubProcessInstance()  1
getTitle()  1
getUserByCN()  1
getUserByDN()  1
getUserById()  1
getUserId()  1
getVersion()  1
getWorkItem()  1, 2, 3
global functions
getBaseForFileName()  1
getContentStore()  1
getCorporateDirectory()  1
getProcessInstance()  1
getWorkItem()  1
logErrorMsg()  1
logHistoryMsg()  1
logInfoMsg()  1
logSecurityMsg()  1
miscellaneous  1
groups  1
application group  1
corporate group  1
creating  1
defaults  1
deleting  1
dynamic group  1
planning  1
prioritizing  1


hasExpired()  1
menu  1
messages for fields  1
hidden form elements
for data fields  1
HTML editor  1
HTML forms
modifying  1


getting  1
image.gif file  1
saving  1
__includeFile()  1
initialization scripts  1, 2, 3
initialize()  1
applications  1
insert menu  1, 2
instance id
getting  1
isException()  1
isStateActive()  1
isStateRunning()  1
isStateSuspended()  1


alphabetical list of functions  1
jpeg file
saving  1
JPEG images  1


filters  1
list()  1
Loan Management
configuring  1
data fields  1
data mapping  1
description  1
entry point  1
exit points  1
groups and roles  1
scripts  1
subprocess  1
local application folder  1
logErrorMsg()  1
logging error messages  1
logHistoryMsg()  1
logInfoMsg()  1
viewing  1
logSecurityMsg()  1
lookupCode script  1


mapTo()  1
menus  1
alphabetical list  1
custom fields  1
error checking  1
exception nodes  1, 2
importing applications to Process Builder  1
Java Script exceptions  1
server-side Java Script objects  1
miscellaneous global functions  1
mkdir()  1
modifying forms  1
modifyUserByCN()  1
modifyUserByCN() method  1
modifyUserByDN()  1
modifyUserByDN() method  1
modifyUserById()  1
modifyUserById() method  1
mount()  1
move()  1
moveTo()  1
moving files
in content store  1


name fields  1
naming restraints
for data fields  1
notifications  1
built-in scripts  1
planning  1
checking for  1


Office Setup
configuring  1
data fields  1
description  1
entry point  1
exit point  1
form customization  1
forms  1
groups and roles  1
parallel processing split  1
scripts  1
onClick event handler  1
onCompletion scripts
see completion scripts1
onSubmitForm()  1, 2
onValueChange event handler  1


palette  1, 2
parallel approval  1
parallel processing  1
Office Setup example  1
planning  1
properties  1
using  1
parseInt()  1, 2
password fields  1
getting for application  1
getting  1
syntax and options  1
using  1  1
PNG images  1
predefined data fields  1
creating  1
pre-defined scripts  1
preferences.ini file  1
priority field  1
Process Administrator
common information  1
Process Builder
starting up  1
process instances  1
how they use the content store  1
id  1
process map
creating  1
Credit History sample  1
Data Sheet  1
deleting items from  1
Loan Management sample  1
planning  1
saving  1
scripts available  1
processInstance object  1, 2
public password  1
public user  1


radio button fields  1
randomToGroup()  1
EJBs  1
EJBs using the Command Line Deploy Tool  1
remove()  1
removeAssignees()  1
resume()  1
rmdir()  1
roles  1
creating  1
defaults  1
deleting  1
field role  1
planning  1
prioritizing  1
root URL
of content store  1


sample applications
Credit History  1
Data Sheet  1
Loan Management  1
Office Setup  1
Credit History  1
Data Sheet  1
Insurance Claim  1
list of  1
Loan Management  1
Office Setup  1
save work item  1
process map as image  1
saving a jpeg file  1
scripts  1
accessing current process  1
assignment  1
client-side  1
Credit History sample  1
Data Sheet sample  1
debugging hints  1
displaying progress of  1
getting information about users  1
initialization  1, 2
Loan Management sample  1
Office Setup sample  1
shutdown  1, 2
searches  1
allow for application group  1
allow for corporate group  1
allow for dynamic group  1
planning  1
select list fields  1
server-side Java Script object
migrating  1
setConnector()  1
setData()  1
setData() method  1
setExpirationDate()  1
__setIncludePath()  1
setRedirectionURL()  1
setRoleById()  1
shutdown scripts  1, 2, 3
signature fields  1
enabling  1
starting Process Builder  1
store()  1
store() method  1
submitting forms  1
subprocesses  1
connecting the parent and child  1
Credit History sample  1
planning  1
properties  1
setting up  1
suspend()  1


telephone fields  1
fields  1
textarea fields  1
textfield fields  1
timer agents  1
title field  1
toCreator()  1
toGroup()  1
toManagerOf()  1
toManagerOfCreator()  1
toManagerOfRole()  1
toolbar  1
toolkit scripts  1
toParallelApproval()  1
toUserById()  1
toUserFromField()  1
transitions  1
condition  1
planning  1
scripts  1
trusted users
Credit History sample  1


upload()  1
URL fields  1
url_OnDisplayHistory()  1
url_OnDisplayProcessInstance()  1
url_OnDisplayWorkItem()  1
url_OnDisplayWorklist()  1
url_OnListApplications()  1
url_OnListEntryNodes()  1
user activities
properties  1
userpicker widget fields  1
adding to directory server from scripts  1
deleting  1
getting  1
getting information about  1
modifing attributes  1
modifying attributes  1


verification scripts  1
predefined  1
verifying form input  1
in completion scripts  1


window menu  1
work items
adding assignees  1
extending  1
getting assignees  1
workItem object  1, 2

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Copyright © 2001 Sun Microsystems, Inc. Some preexisting portions Copyright © 2000 Netscape Communications Corp. All rights reserved.

Last Updated March 13, 2001