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iPlanet Trustbase Payment Services 2.0 Beta Developer and Integration Guide

Chapter 1   Backend Integration


Developing and integrating your own applications is covered in three main areas:

  • Integrating with your own backend by replacing Biab with your own Bank Back End application. The is the subject of this chapter.

  • Installing and Running your CPI together with An example java source code on how to deploy a CPI application. Your implementation of this example will then replace TooledUp. This is the subject of chapters 2 and 3.

  • How to develop your own email acknowledgements. This is the subject of the final chapter 4.

Integration with Banks' Back End Systems

In order to achieve integration Banks are expected to replace Biab with the banks own back end system. iTPS is a consumer and producer of Eleanor XML messages that are pushed /read from from the Java Message Service Queue. Thus, the integration task is to get the XML message into a format that the banks back office can understand.

In order to understand existing ERA architecture you should consult the Eleanor Technical Specification, section 7, page 225 for details about what XML messaging has been adopted. There are two kinds of JMS Messaging models

  1. Publish and Subscribe

    1. One producer can send a message to many consumers

    2. Every consumer receives a copy of the message sent by the producer

    3. The producer sending the messages is not dependent on the consumer receiving the messages

    4. This model could be broadly described as push-based model, where messages are broadcast to the consumers, without the consumers requesting or polling for new messages.

  2. Point to Point

    1. This model allows clients to send and receive messages via channels known as queues.

    2. When a message is sent, only one receiver may consume that message.

The Transport mechanism implemented is iPlanet IMQ for Java 2.0, which is an implementation of the JMS messaging specification. It follows the Point-to-Point JMS model. You should consult the following document.

High Level Interaction Overview

When iTPS receives Identrus Eleanor messages it processes these messages, and translates the messages, into the xml messages specified in section 7 of the Eleanor Technical specification. These messages are then sent to the bank's back end systems via a queue. In the case of the ERA, we use the application called Bank-in-a-Box (Biab), to simulate a bank's systems, thus it is Biab that reads these messages off the queue specified in the ERA configuration. The users of Biab can view these messages, and send messages in response. These messages are sent back to iTPS via another specified queue. ITPS reads these messages off the queue, and translates these messages into Identrus Eleanor specified messages, and sends these messages to the appropriate parties.

Future Integration

Currently the application Biab is provided to simulate a bank's back end systems. This is only an example application for the ERA pilot. The banks' ultimate goal must be to replace this application and integrate this application's functionality into their banking systems. The exercise thus, is for the banks to implement an application that can:

  1. Read the xml messages sent from iTPS from the specified queue.

  2. Process these messages

  3. Convert these messages into a format that can be understood by the bank's back end systems.

  4. Process the information provided.

  5. Convert the responses from the bank's back end system, into the xml messages defined in the Eleanor technical specification (section 7)

  6. Put these xml messages on the specified queue for iTPS to read from, and process.

  7. Plus, provide the ability to log and view these messages.

An example of how the back office processes incoming messages and provides responses to iTPS can be found in


Following a successful integration between iTPS and your back office, this guide now discusses how customers can send Eleanor payment messages in a similar way to the tooled up demo website.

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Copyright © 2001 Sun Microsystems, Inc. Some preexisting portions Copyright © 2001 Netscape Communications Corp. All rights reserved.

Last Updated October 22, 2002