How do I create iMQ administered objects using jmqadmin and use them in a JMS application?

This tutorial will walk you through, step by step, on the creation of iMQ administered objects (a Connection Factory object and a Destination object) using jmqadmin, which will then be used in a JMS client application.

You can also create these iMQ administered objects using the command-line utility, jmqobjmgr.  We will provide the jmqobjmgr equivalence for those of you who prefer it.

To keep things simple, we will use the file system for the object store in this tutorial.  However, we do suggest that you use an LDAP-based object store for deployment.  We will cover steps that you will need to follow in order to setup an LDAP-based object store.

This tutorial is developed on the Windows NT platform.  In order to run this tutorial on UNIX, you will have to make a couple of adjustments, such as the syntax for a directory name.  We will cover these as we encounter them in this tutorial.

The basic steps to complete this exercise are :

  1. Use jmqadmin to create a Connection Factory object and a Destination object.
  2. Start the broker.
  3. Run the client application.

Before you begin, you should be familiar with the layout and names of different components of jmqadmin, as this document refers to them throughout.

jmqadmin Layout

jmqadmin console is divided into five panes, as shown below.

The corresponding names for each pane are:

  1. menu bar
  2. tool bar
  3. navigational pane
  4. results pane
  5. status pane

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