About This Guide
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About This Guide

The Messaging Server Plug-in API Guide describes the programming interface (API) to Netscape Messaging Server 3.0. It describes the Messaging Server plug-in interface and support routines.

The Messaging Server Plug-in API Guide is intended for developers who want to extend the functionality of Netscape Messaging Server for site-specific reasons.

This guide assumes that you are using the Messaging Server Plug-in API 3.0. This API is available on the Solaris, HP-UX, IRIX, and Windows NT platforms.

This chapter includes the following sections:


Conventions Used in This Guide

All program code listings, URLs, and other program names appear in Courier, a monospace font.

This guide emphasizes information with several types of note formats:

NOTE: Information of interest to the developer but not essential to understanding the surrounding topic. §
WARNING: Information that can affect the development decisions you make or the development environment you choose. Don't miss these notes. §

Where to Find Messaging Server Plug-in Files

You can find the plugin.h header file at http://help/netscape.com/products/server/messaging/3x/info/apiheader.html.


Where to Find Developer Information

For Netscape developer information, see the Netscape DevEdge site.

For more information about server APIs, see these Netscape documents:


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Last Updated: 10/01/97 15:03:42

Copyright © 1997 Netscape Communications Corporation