Netscape Mail Server Administrator's Guide

Ensuring a secure messaging system

This chapter provides information about security features available in Netscape Messaging Server 3.0. The chapter is divided into two sections:

System security

The messaging server approach to system security is to carefully isolate the messaging server from the remainder of the system. During messaging server installation, a special account is created for the Messaging Server to operate under. The account's permissions are intentionally limited to those necessary to operate the messaging server. The majority of executable modules that constitute the messaging server are designed to operate in this intentionally limited environment.

Runtime permissions

With few exceptions (discussed later), the daemon, or service, portion of the messaging server is the only module allowed to use root permissions during runtime. Most messaging server executables are run under the MTA user account and group and cannot gain access to the host system beyond what is required for the messaging system.

The messaging server daemon, or service, known as the dispatcher, is the module that controls the overall operation of the messaging system, as well as permissions for the other messaging server modules. Because the dispatcher's main role is to manage mail delivery, it doesn't actually communicate with users or other machines.


The dispatcher initially runs with root (or superuser) permissions when the messaging server is started so that it can initialize the network connections. Unix allows only a process with the root permissions to open and bind to a socket with a port number below 1024. The ports necessary for SMTP and POP3, for example, are 25 and 110, respectively, and thus root permission is required for those services.

Immediately following necessary initialization, and prior to accepting or processing any messages, the dispatcher irrevocably releases the root permission and hence takes only the permissions set up for the messaging server system during installation.

Thus, all special privileges are dropped, and only the MTA user's privileges are retained during normal operation. With few exceptions, the dispatcher runs all the messaging server modules with these limited permissions.


The exception to the rule of limited permissions is the utility module that works with Unix Deliver to create a maildrop file. Because of the ownership requirements of the Unix maildrop file--the owner is the person receiving the incoming mail, and the group is usually the mail group--there must be a special program that can create an empty file with the proper permissions to allow access for both the mail system (to deposit mail) and the user (to pick up mail from the file). This module is therefore owned by root and has root permissions.

In normal operation, the messaging server uses three directory trees: the executable, postoffice, and mailbox directories. The permissions for each of these directory trees allow proper operation of the messaging server modules while providing a secure envelope for the host system running the messaging server.

The owner and group on these directories are as follows:

Directory Tree Owner Group
executables MTA nsgroup (SuiteSpot group)
postoffice MTA nsgroup (SuiteSpot group)
mailbox MTA nsgroup (SuiteSpot group)

Access domains

An access domain restricts the places from which users can read their email. (The access domains are applied to the POP or IMAP mail client's hostname or IP address.)

Access can be limited to a single computer or a set of computers in an addressing hierarchy. You can specify a single computer by giving either its IP address or its fully qualified domain name (for example, Likewise, you can specify a set of computers by using an incomplete DNS or IP address. An incomplete DNS address is one that doesn't specify a particular host; an incomplete IP address is one that contains a 0, which acts as a wildcard, in any of the four numbers in the dotted quad address.

You can leave the access domain feature blank to allow access from anywhere (with the appropriate password), or you can enter the keyword "none" to prevent access to an account.

If a single computer is specified as the access domain--for instance, user can't access mail from any other machine even when giving the correct password. If, instead, the access domain is specified as, the user can access his or her mail from any computer within the domain.

Use of domain names or IP addresses is a trade-off between flexibility and security. Using a hostname or domain name is easily understandable and immune to network topology changes, while an IP address or range might not be. Generally, IP addresses are safer than domain names as access domains. For maximum security, you can configure your access domain to be the IP address of a single computer.

Here's how an access domain might be set up:

The domain entries would let you access the account from any of these computers:

The IP entry would allow access from these hosts:

However, you would not be able to access the account from these:

Access domain algorithm

This section describes the steps that the messaging server follows when it verifies and limits access domains during POP/IMAP logins.

When a client connects to your machine, the messaging server is given the IP address of the connecting computer. The algorithm used to determine if the client computer can access the server is as follows:

  1. If the list is empty, access is allowed.
  2. If the list contains the keyword "none," access is denied.
  3. For each IP address or network in the list (for example,, the messaging server checks for a match with the client's IP address. Any zero is treated as a wildcard match, so would allow any computer in the 123.4.5 class-C network to connect. If a match is found, access is allowed. (No addresses are looked up in the DNS when performing this step--the numbers are simply compared. Also note that a host file can be consulted instead of the DNS if your machine is configured to do so.)
  4. For each domain name in the list, the messaging server checks if the hostname associated with the client's IP address is within the domain (the client's hostname is found by using the DNS or the host file). For example, if the client's hostname is determined to be, the connection is allowed if,, or com is in the list of access domains. If a match is found, access is allowed.
  5. If no match is found, access is denied.

If the user's login name and password are valid, and the above check succeeds relative to the user's access domains, then the user's POP or IMAP login is successful.

Encryption forms

The Messaging Server provides several forms that you can use for added security:

The IMAP Encryption and Authentication form

This form lets you specify the level of encryption and authentication for receiving and managing messages with IMAP clients. Choose the encryption and authentication options that provide adequate security for your needs.

The IMAP Encryption form provides three options for encryption using Secure Sockets Layer (SSL):

For authentications your options are:

The Encrypted port number field lets you specify a specific port for sending and receiving encrypted messages. The default is 993.

The Alias field provides a pull-down list of encryption aliases. Aliases are provided in the menu only if you have already created or imported them using the Administration Server's Generate Key or Import Alias forms. (For more information, see Chapter 4, "Understanding Encryption and SSL," in Managing Netscape Servers.)

The Security Preferences form

You can set a number of preferences for SSL. To do so, choose Encryption|Security Preferences. After you make your changes, you must click OK and confirm your changes. You can configure the following settings.

SSL version. You can specify which versions of SSL your server can communicate with. The latest and most secure version is SSL version 3, but many older clients only use SSL version 2. You will probably want to enable your server to use both versions.

Client certificates. You can refuse any client that doesn't have a client certificate from a trusted CA. If your server is running on an internal company intranet, you might have an internal CA, so all your clients would have certificates. In this case, you would allow only people with client certificates to connect to your server.

Ciphers. A cipher is the algorithm used in encryption. Some ciphers are more secure, or stronger, than others. Generally speaking, the more bits a cipher uses during encryption, the harder it is to decrypt the data. This list doesn't appear unless you've installed security.

When a client initiates an SSL connection with a server, it lets the server know what ciphers it prefers to use to encrypt information. In any two-way encryption process, both parties must use the same ciphers. Because there are a number of ciphers available, your server needs to be able to use the most popular ones.

You can choose ciphers from the SSL 2 protocol, as well as from SSL 3. To specify which ciphers your server can use, check them in the list. Unless you have a compelling reason why you don't want to use a specific cipher, you should check them all.

Warning! You might not want to check No Encryption, only MD5 message authentication. If no other ciphers are available on the client side, the server will use this, and no encryption will occur. Also checking No encryption, only Fortezza and SHA message authentication will sent data in the clear.

Another reason you might not want to enable all ciphers is to prevent SSL connections with less than optimal encryption. That is, United States law prohibits the export of products with 128-bit encryption, so overseas clients might only be using 40-bit encryption, which is not as difficult to crack as 128-bit. Unchecking all 40-bit ciphers effectively restricts access to browsers available only in the United States.

The SSL 2.0 ciphers are:

The SSL 3.0 ciphers are: Note: The Fortezza ciphers are available only with the Fortezza version of Messaging Server 3.5. If there is a problem with the Fortezza hardware or drivers, the Security Preferences form displays an error message describing the problem.

The SSL 3.0 ciphers used for Fortezza are:

Setting up Fortezza (Fortezza only)

Note: The Fortezza Setup form is available only with the Fortezza version of Messaging Server 3.5. If there is a problem with the Fortezza hardware or drivers, the Fortezza Setup form displays an error message describing the problem.

Use the Fortezza Setup form to set up the Fortezza configuration on your server. You can configure the following:

To configure Fortezza:
  1. Choose Encryption|Fortezza Setup.
  2. Choose the card that the server will use. Uncheck any cards that you don't want the server to use. You should uncheck any card that you don't want to use in order to prevent the server from attempting to check the PIN against the card unnecessarily. Ten invalid PIN checks will zero out the card.
  3. Type the name of the personality (certificate) the server will use as its identity in the key exchange.
  4. Type the pathname to the compromised key list for this server. Fortezza-based ciphers will not be enabled if no CKL is specified.
Note CKLs should be located on a server that is not Fortezza enabled.

Starting a secure IMAP4 server

To start a secure IMAP4 server using the ciphers specified by the Encryption|Encryption Preferences form, you must use the command line.

suitespot-home-dir/bin/mail/server/bin/simap4-server (Unix)


suitespot-home-dir\bin\mail\server\bin\simap4-server (Windows NT)

where suitespot-home-dir is the top-level directory where your suitespot servers are installed. The secure server will prompt you to enter security information:

  • The name of the computer on which you want to run the secure IMAP4 server (Windows NT only)
  • The key-file password (if RSA encryption is selected on the Encryption|Encryption Preferences form)
  • The Personal Identification Number (PIN) for your Fortezza PC card (if you are using the Fortezza version of Messaging Server 3.5 and Fortezza encryption is selected on the Encryption|Encryption Preferences form)

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