IMTA Error Messages

These messages may occur while using the IMTA and IMTA channel property books.

IMTA is already running.

You are attempting to start the IMTA when it is already running. If desired, you can restart the IMTA from the IMTA property book by clicking on the IMTA menu and selecting Restart IMTA, or Stop IMTA then Start IMTA.

[Add channel] Channel name already exists.

You are attempting to create a channel with a name that already exists. Specify a unique name for the channel you are attempting to create.

Please select a channel

From the Selected menu in the IMTA property book, you chose an option other than Monitor Queue but did not select a channel from the Channels section. Select a channel from the Channels section by clicking on it. Click on the Selected menu and choose the desired option.

This channel is not configurable.

You are attempting to configure an internal channel (reprocessing, conversion, and defragmentation channels). Internal channels cannot be configured using the Admin Console.

Invalid entry in field: Pattern: <> Please change the value 
before continuing.

In the Rewrite Rules section of the IMTA channels property book, you have entered an invalid entry for the pattern or a blank pattern and clicked the Add button. Refer to "To Add, Delete, or Modify A Rewrite Rule" on page 134 for more information on the correct syntax for entering a pattern. Try to add the rewrite rule again.

Invalid entry in field: Template: <ddsdsd hhh> Please change 
the value before continuing.

In the Rewrite Rules section of the IMTA channels property book, you have entered an invalid entry for the template and clicked the Add button. Refer to "To Add, Delete, or Modify A Rewrite Rule" on page 134 for more information on the correct syntax for entering a template. Try to add the rewrite rule again.

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