Directory Service Error Messages Returned by slapd and slurpd Daemons

<= dn2id could not open dn2idfileext

The specified file cannot be opened. Check that the root directory for the data store is defined correctly. Check that the directory exists and that you have access to it.

<= dn2id NOID

The dn2id file is invalid. Use idxgen to regenerate the index files, as described in the SIMS Reference Manual.

<= dn2id_delete could not open dn2idfileext

The specified file cannot be opened. Check that the root directory for the data store is defined correctly. Check that the directory exists and that you have access to it.

<= has_children -1 could not open id2childrenfileext

The specified file cannot be opened. Check that the root directory for the data store is defined correctly. Check that the directory exists and that you have access to it.

<= id2children_add -1 could not open id2childrenfileext

The specified file cannot be opened. Check that the root directory for the data store is defined correctly. Check that the directory exists and that you have access to it.

<= id2entry (info) not found

Database error. Use idxgen to regenerate the index files, as described in SIMS Reference Manual. Check whether any data has been lost.

<= index_read NULL (could not open file)
<= index_add_values -1 (could not open/create file)

Database error. Use idxgen to regenerate the index files, as described in SIMS Reference Manual. Check whether any data has been lost.

<= ldbm_cache_open NULL location errno number reason reason

The internal database cannot be opened. Use the information in reason to diagnose the problem.

accept() failed errno number (error)

Cannot accept connection. Stop and restart slapd, as described in "Maintaining the Directory Service" on page 241.

Alias dereferencing problem

An alias encountered during the operation could not be dereferenced. Check that the aliased entry exists. Check that you have access to the aliased entry. If the alias is in a replica naming context, synchronize the replica with the master naming context.

Alias loop detected: (Entry: dn)

A loop was detected while dereferencing an alias. Check that the alias entry is correctly defined.

Alias problem

The distinguished name in the aliasedObjectName is not valid, or the entry indicated does not exist.

Already exists

The attribute and value you are trying to add is already present in the entry.

another slurpd is already running

You have tried to start a second slurpd daemon when one is already running. The second daemon will not start.

artc: msgid not in request list

Internal error. Contact your authorized service provider.

Bad Alias Entry (alias):no aliasedObjectName

The alias entry does not contain a value for the aliasedObjectName attribute.

Bad parameter to an ldap routine

Internal error. Contact your authorized service provider.

ber_alloc failed

Insufficient memory available.

ber_flush failed errno number msg (error)

Cannot send LDAP PDU.

ber_get_next on fd number failed errno number (error)

Cannot receive PDU from the network. Check for errors in your networking software.

ber_printf failed

Error encoding result.

ber_scanf failed

An invalid LDAP PDU was received.

cache_add_entry_lock failed

The entry you are trying to add already exists in the database. Use idxgen to regenerate the index files, as described in the SIMS Reference Manual.

Calloc error in reception

Insufficient memory available

Calloc error of appl table in reception

Insufficient memory available.

calloc of number elems of number bytes failed

Insufficient memory available.

Cannot initialize queue

Insufficient memory available.

Cannot initialize status data

Cannot open /usr/tmp/slurpd.status. Check the file permissions.

Cannot modify object class

You cannot modify the objectClass attribute of an entry. Delete and re-create the entry, ensuring that you provide all the mandatory attribute of the new objectClass.

Can't contact LDAP server

The LDAP server cannot be reached. Retry the operation. Check for other errors indicating a shortage of resources required by the directory server.

Can't find aliased entry (dn)

The aliased entry does not exist or you do not have access to it. Check that the alias entry is defined correctly. If the alias entry is in a replica naming context, synchronize the replica with the master naming context.

Can't find aliased entry (dn) for entry (aliasdn)

Check that the aliased entry exists. Check that you have access to the aliased entry. If the alias is in a replica naming context, synchronize the replica with the master naming context.

Can't getmsg from slapd errno=number

Internal error in SNMP daemon. Contact your authorized service provider.

Can't initialize connection to the license server, exiting

The license server holding the directory server license cannot be reached. The directory server will not run without a license.

Can't putmsg to slapd errno=number

Internal error in SNMP daemon. Contact your authorized service provider.

can't set file descriptor limit to number

The maximum number concurrent of connections, specified with the -n option of slapd, is too large.

check_naming failed

An invalid distinguished name was supplied.

Constraint violation

An attribute value exceeds the maximum size permitted. Check for other error messages indicating the attribute for which the value is incorrect.

could not delete number (string) from cache

Internal error. Contact your authorized service provider.

could not find attribute attribute

Client error. A delete attribute operation is requested for an attribute that is not present.

could not find value for attr attribute

Client error. A delete attribute value operation is requested for an attribute value that is not present.

Could not fork to run process

Error running idxgen. Child processes could not be created. Reduce the number of processes running on your machine and rerun idxgen.

could not open config file file - absolute path?

Check that the configuration file exists in the specified location and is readable. Check that you have specified an absolute path to the file.

Could not open id2entryfileext

The specified file cannot be opened. Check that the root directory for the data store is defined correctly. Check that the directory exists and that you have access to it.

could not open slapd.replog

The replication log file cannot be opened. Check that the file exists and has suitable file permissions.

Could not open/create dn2idfileext

The specified file cannot be created or opened. Check that the root directory for the data store is defined correctly. Check that the directory exists and that you have access to it.

Could not open/create id2entry file

The id2entry file cannot be created or opened. Check that the root directory for the data store is defined correctly. Check that the directory exists and that you have access to it.

Could not open/create id2entryattr

The specified file cannot be opened. Check that the root directory for the data store is defined correctly. Check that the directory exists and that you have access to it.

Could not write next id number

Error running idxgen. Check that the database directory is configured correctly. Check that the database directory exists and has suitable permissions. Make sure that there is sufficient disk space available.

db_errno number

Database problem. Use idxgen to regenerate the index files, as described in the SIMS Reference Manual.

Decoding error

An invalid LDAP PDU was received.

dn2id_add failed

Database error. Use idxgen to regenerate the index files, as described in the SIMS Reference Manual.

dn_normalize - unknown state number

Internal error. The supplied distinguished name is invalid.

DSA is busy

Retry the operation. Check for other errors indicating a shortage of resources required by the directory server.

DSA is unavailable

Retry the operation. Check for other errors indicating a shortage of resources required by the directory server.

DSA is unwilling to perform

Retry the operation. Check for other errors indicating a shortage of resources required by the directory server.

Encoding error

An LDAP request or response could not be encoded. Check that there is sufficient memory available.

Entry (dn), attr (attribute) not allowed

The named entry contains an attribute that is not permitted for that objectClass.

Entry (dn), required attr (attribute) missing

The named entry is missing a value for a mandatory attribute.

Error: cannot acquire lock on file for trimming

Check the file permissions.

Error: cannot create status file file

Check the directory and file permissions.

Error: cannot open status file file: error

Use the information in error to diagnose and fix the problem.

error: can't lock file file: error

Check the file permissions.

error: can't seek to offset number in file file

Internal format error in replication log file.

Error: copy_replog: Can't lock replog replogfile for read: error

Check for errors in your operating environment. Use the information in error to diagnose and fix the problem.

Error: copy_replog: Can't lock replog replogfile for write: error

Check for errors in your operating environment. Use the information in error to diagnose and fix the problem.

Error: copy_replog: Error closing replogfile

Check for errors in your operating environment. Use the information in error to diagnose and fix the problem.

Error: copy_replog (number): Directory /usr/tmp is not writable

Check that /usr/tmp is accessible. Check for errors in your operating environment.

Error: do_bind: ldap_unbind failed: error

Use the information in error to diagnose and fix the problem.

Error: do_bind: null ri ptr

Internal error. Contact your authorized service provider.

Error: do_bind: unknown auth type bindmethod for hostname:port

The bind method is not correctly configured in slapd.conf.

Error: do_ldap: bad op changetype, dn = dn

The specified entry could not be modified. The modification requested is not appropriate for the entry.

Error: do_unbind: ldap_unbind failed for hostname:port: error

Use the information in error to diagnose and fix the problem.

Error: file: file not readable

You do not have read access to the specified file. Check that the file is specified correctly. Check that the file and directory permissions are set correctly.

Error: file: file not writable

You do not have write access to the specified file. Check that the file is specified correctly. Check that the file and directory permissions are set correctly.

Error in poll errno=number

Internal error in SNMP daemon. Contact your authorized service provider.

Error: ldap operation failed, data written to file

Check for other error messages indicating the operation that failed. Use the data in file to retry the operation.

Error: ldap_add_s failed adding "dn": error

The ldapadd operation failed. Use the information in error to diagnose the problem.

Error: ldap_delete_s failed deleting entry: error

Use the information in error to diagnose and fix the problem.

Error: ldap_modify_s failed modifying entry: error

Use the information in error to diagnose and fix the problem.

Error: ldap_modrdn_s failed modifying entry: error

Use the information in error to diagnose and fix the problem.

Error: ldap_open(hostname, port) failed: error

Use the information in error to diagnose and fix the problem.

Error: ldap_simple_bind_s for hostname:port failed: error

Use the information in error to diagnose and fix the problem.

Error: malformed modify op, passedtype: value (expecting exptype:)

The modification operation cannot be complete with the specified type.

error: malformed replog entry (begins with string)

There is an incorrect entry in the replication log file.

Error: malformed replog line number

There is an error in the specified line of the replication log file. Correct the line and resynchronize the replica. If you cannot correct the problem, make a copy of the slapd.replog file and contact your authorized service provider.

Error: parse_replica_line: unknown keyword keyword

There is an unrecognized keyword in the replication log file.

Error: path: directory does not exist

The specified directory does not exist. Check that the directory is specified correctly.

Error: path: directory not readable

You do not have read access to the specified directory. Check that the directory is specified correctly. Check that the directory permissions are set correctly.

Error: re is null in Ri_process

Internal error. Contact your authorized service provider.

Error: Re_parse: bad type type

Internal error. Make a copy of the slapd.replog file and contact your authorized service provider.

Error: Re_parse: malformed replog file

The replication log file has been corrupted. Make a copy of the slapd.replog file and contact your authorized service provider.

Error: Ri_process: ri == NULL!

Internal error. Contact your authorized service provider.

Error truncating replication log: replogfile

The replogfile cannot be re-initialized. Check for errors in your operating environment.

Error while writing: error

Error while copying the replication log file. Use the information in error to diagnose and fix the problem.

Error: write_reject: Cannot create file: error

Cannot write to the specified file. Use the information in error to diagnose and fix the problem.

Errors encountered while processing config file "file"

The configuration file cannot be processed. Check that the file exists and that you have access to it. Check for operating environment errors indicating the reason why the file cannot be processed.

Failed to add status element structure

Fatal error running slurpd. Check the log files for other information.

Fatal error: no "replogfile" directive given

No replication log file is specified in slapd.conf.

Fatal error while copying replication log

There is a format error in the replication log file.

file: db_errno number

Database problem. Use idxgen to regenerate the index files, as described in the SIMS Reference Manual.

file: line number: unknown hashing method "hash"

The hashing method must be either none or crypt.

FIONBIO ioctl failed on socket

An error occurred when configuring the communications socket.

FIONBIO ioctl on number failed

Internal error. Contact your authorized service provider.

id number already in next block

Database error. Use idxgen to regenerate the index files, as described in the SIMS Reference Manual. Check whether any data has been lost.

id2children_add failed

Database error. Use idxgen to regenerate the index files, as described in the SIMS Reference Manual.

id2entry_add failed

Database error. Use idxgen to regenerate the index files, as described in the SIMS Reference Manual.

idl_fetch of (string) returns NULL

Internal error. Contact your authorized service provider.

idl_fetch_one (string) returns NULL

Internal error. Contact your authorized service provider.

idl_insert_key (string) number failed

Database problem. Use idxgen to regenerate the index files, as described in the SIMS Reference Manual.

Illegal aliasing: Entry aliasdn, aliasedObjectName dn

An alias entry is not defined correctly, or the aliasedObject is itself an alias.

Impossible case in dn2entry_deref

Internal error. Contact your authorized service provider.

Inappropriate matching

A specified matching rule is not appropriate for the attributes involved in the operation. For example, an approximate match is not appropriate for an attribute whose values are in binary syntax.

incoming connection refused, out of file descriptors

Retry the operation. Check your operating environment to see whether more file descriptors could be configured.

index_add_entry failed

Database error. Use idxgen to regenerate the index files, as described in the SIMS Reference Manual.

Insufficient access

You do not have permission to access an entry required for this operation.

Internal error: Re_write: NULL argument

Internal error. Contact your authorized service provider.

invalid base 64 encoding char (string) encodedstring

The ldif file is invalid: binary data is not base64 encoded. Pass the binary data to the utility in a file specified by the -f option.

Invalid credentials

Either the distinguished name or the password specified are not valid.

Invalid DN syntax

A distinguished name is incorrectly specified.

Invalid traversal type number

Internal error. Contact your authorized service provider.

ldapadd or ldapmodify: unknown item "name" (line number of entry: dn)

ldapadd or ldapmodify could not complete the operation because of the unknown item reported. Check that the operation is specified correctly. Check that all attributes mentioned are present in the schema definition.

ldapadd or ldapmodify: expecting "item1" but saw "item2" (line number of 
entry dn)

ldapadd or ldapmodify could not complete the operation because of the unknown item reported. Check that the operation is specified correctly. Check that all attributes mentioned are present in the schema definition.

ldapadd or ldapmodify: extra lines at end (line number of entry dn)

The definition of the specified entry contains extra lines, so the operation cannot be completed. Check that the operation is specified correctly.

ldapadd or ldapmodify: missing value on line number (attr is attribute)

The operation cannot be completed because no value is provided for the specified attribute.

ldapmodify: skipping change record for entry: dn
(LDAP host/port does not match replica: lines)

There is a mismatch between the host and port defined for the replica in the master server configuration and the host and port used.

listen() failed errno number (error)

The port is already in use by another application. Check that the port number is specified correctly.

listener pthread_create failed

Cannot create thread for listening on incoming socket. Stop and restart slapd, as described in "Maintaining the Directory Service" on page 241.

Local error

Check for other errors, both in the directory service and in the operating environment, and make sure those problems are resolved. Retry the operation. If this error message is returned frequently, contact your authorized service provider.

Loop detected

Loop detected when dereferencing an alias. Check that the alias entry is defined correctly.

Malformed slurpd status file file

The file /usr/tmp/slurpd.status is invalid and should be deleted.

malloc of number bytes failed

Insufficient memory available.

merged parent (id number) error info:

An error occurred when merging the results returned after a referral.

more than hopcount referral hops (dropping)

The query has been forwarded more than the specified maximum number of time and will be returned to the user with a error message.

Naming violation

An invalid distinguished name was encountered.

next_id number: cannot fclose

Use idxgen to regenerate the index files, as described in the SIMS Reference Manual.

next_id number: cannot fgets nextid from file

Use idxgen to regenerate the index files, as described in the SIMS Reference Manual.

next_id number: cannot fprintf

Use idxgen to regenerate the index files, as described in the SIMS Reference Manual.

next_id number: could not fgets nextid from file

Use idxgen to regenerate the index files, as described in the SIMS Reference Manual.

next_id number: could not open file

Either the database is empty or the NEXTID file has been removed. Use idxgen to regenerate the index files, as described in the SIMS Reference Manual.

next_id_return of number: cannot fclose file next id number

Use idxgen to regenerate the index files, as described in the SIMS Reference Manual.

next_id_return of number: cannot fprintf string next id number

Use idxgen to regenerate the index files, as described in the SIMS Reference Manual.

next_id_return of number: could not open file next id number

Use idxgen to regenerate the index files, as described in the SIMS Reference Manual.

no access to parent

Access control error. Check that the access controls are defined correctly. Check your authentication to the directory.

No License

There is no license available for the directory server.

No object class for entry (dn)

There is no value for the objectClass attribute of the entry.

no parent & not root

You are attempting to create the root entry of a tree. Only the root user (cn=admin be default) is permitted to create this entry.

No replicas in slapd config file file!

No replicas are defined for this data store, so no synchronization is necessary.

No such object

A specified entry does not exist in the directory. Check that the operation is specified correctly.

no values for type type

There is no value for the specified attribute.

nonexistent continuation block (string)

Database error. Use idxgen to regenerate the index files, as described in the SIMS Reference Manual. Check whether any data has been lost.

not enough pattern space

An LDAP filter contains a regular expression that is too complicated.

null ref in (file)

No value is defined for the referral attribute.

Object class violation

An attribute has been specified that is not permitted in this object class.

Object is a leaf

The operation you are trying to perform is not appropriate for an entry that does not have child entry. Make sure you have specified the operation and entry correctly.

op_delete: can't find op number

Internal error. Contact your authorized service provider.

open /dev/null failed errno error

Use the information in the error to diagnose and fix the problem.

Operation not allowed on nonleaf

The operation you are trying to perform is not appropriate for an entry that has a child entry. Make sure you have specified the operation and entry correctly.

Operation not allowed on RDN

The operation you are trying to perform would change the RDN. If you want to change the value of an attribute used in an RDN, use ldapmodrdn and not ldapmodify.

Operations error

Check for other error messages explaining the specific problem.

Out of memory

Check your operating environment. If the operation you are performing is a search, try specifying more exact criteria so that a smaller number of results are returned.

out of memory, add_replica

Check for messages concerning memory in your operating environment. If possible, make more memory available to the directory server.

Out of memory in get_repl_hosts

Check for messages concerning memory in your operating environment. If possible, make more memory available to the directory server.

Out of memory initializing globals

Check for messages concerning memory in your operating environment. If possible, make more memory available to the directory server.

out of memory, Ri_init

Check for messages concerning memory in your operating environment. If possible, make more memory available to the directory server.

parent does not exist

The entry is not present in the DN list. Your database might be corrupt. Use idxgen to regenerate the index files, as described in SIMS Reference Manual.

parse_line missing ':'

There is a syntax error in the ldif file: the colon (:) is missing from a line.

parse_line missing value

There is a syntax error in the ldif file: an attribute has no value.

Protocol error

Check for other error messages explaining the specific problem.

pthread_create failed

Cannot create a new thread in the slapd server. Stop and restart slapd, as described in "Maintaining the Directory Service" on page 241.

realloc of number bytes failed

Insufficient memory available.

Re_parse: error: re is NULL

Internal error. Contact your authorized service provider.

Re_parse: error: replbuf is NULL

Internal error. Contact your authorized service provider.

replica hostname:port pthread_create failed

Cannot create replication thread. Stop and restart the directory server, as described in "Maintaining the Directory Service" on page 241.

result errno number, error error, matched matchinginfo

An error occurred when merging the results returned after a referral.

Results too large

The result set for the operation is too large. Partial results might be returned. If the operation you are performing is a search, try specifying more exact criteria so that a smaller number of results are returned.

RL error

Internal error. Contact your authorized service provider.

Rq_dump: cannot open file for write

Check for errors in your operating environment.

RR error

Internal error. Contact your authorized service provider.

select failed errno number (error)

Internal error. Contact your authorized service provider.

setsockopt() failed errno number (error)

Cannot create listening socket. Stop and restart slapd, as described in "Maintaining the Directory Service" on page 241. Check for errors in your operating environment or networking software.

Slapd refuses registration

The SNMP daemon cannot communicate with the slapd daemon. Stop and restart slapd, as described in "Maintaining the Directory Service" on page 241.

Slapd refuses trap registration

The SNMP daemon cannot communicate with the slapd daemon. Stop and restart slapd, as described in "Maintaining the Directory Service" on page 241. line number: duplicate attribute

The attribute defined at the specified line has already been defined in the file.

snmp getmsg error errno=number

Cannot communicate with SNMP daemon.

snmp initmbx failed, aborting

Cannot communicate with SNMP daemon.

snmp malloc failed errno=number

Insufficient memory available.

snmp mkfifo string failed errno=number

Cannot communicate with SNMP daemon.

snmp open failed errno=number

Cannot communicate with SNMP daemon.

snmp open string failed errno=number

Cannot communicate with SNMP daemon.

snmp poll error errno=number

Cannot communicate with SNMP daemon.

snmp pthread_create failed

Cannot create thread for SNMP management. Stop and restart slapd, as described in "Maintaining the Directory Service" on page 241.

snmp putmsg failed errno=number

Cannot communicate with SNMP daemon.

snmp trap putmsg failed errno=number

Cannot communicate with SNMP daemon.

snmp Unknown command received string

Internal error. Contact your authorized service provider.

snmp unknown register command received string

Internal error in SNMP daemon.

socket() failed errno number (error)

Cannot create listening socket. Stop and restart slapd, as described in "Maintaining the Directory Service" on page 241". Check for errors in your operating environment or networking software.

Timed out

Check for other error messages indicating resource shortages in the directory service and in your operating environment. If the operation you are performing is a search, try specifying more exact criteria so that a smaller number of results are returned.

Too many tokens (max 100)

The configuration file contains a line that has more than 100 parameters.

Type or value exists

You have specified a value that already exists for an attribute, or you have specified a value for a single-valued attribute that is already present in the entry.

Undefined attribute type

An attribute type that is not defined in the schema has been specified.

Unknown error

Check for other errors, both in the directory service and in the operating environment, and make sure those problems are resolved. Retry the operation. If this error message is returned frequently, contact your authorized service provider.

unknown filter type number

An LDAP filter contains an invalid attribute type.

unknown fmt string

Internal error. Contact your authorized service provider.

Unknown message type received on trap fd

Internal error in SNMP daemon. Contact your authorized service provider.

unknown request pdu

Invalid LDAP PDU received.

unknown version versionnumber

The LDAP protocol version supplied in the bind request is not valid. Only LDAPV2 is supported.

Warning: failed to add replica hostname:port - ignoring replica

Error running slurpd. Check that the named host is reachable. Check the log files on both systems for other information.

Warning: freeing re (dn: dn) with nonzero refcnt

Internal error.

Warning, license lost

There is no license available for the directory server.

Warning, license still lost

There is no license available for the directory server.

Copyright © 1999 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved.