Populating the Directory

Setting the Environment for Directory Population  


Saving and Restoring Existing Data in the Directory  


Using ldif2ldbm and ldbmcat to Initially Populate Local Directories  


Populating the Directory Via the SLAPD Server  


Appendix C, "Populating the Directory Examples  


This section describes two ways in which to populate the directory with entries for mail users, user aliases, and distribution lists.

  1. Writing LDIF data directly into the LDBM database using ldif2ldbm and ldbmcat, bypassing the SLPAD server. This is a fast way of doing bulk loading. However, there is no schema checking done with this method. Use this method only if you are certain that your LDIF data is compliant with the schema supported by your SLAPD server.
  2. Populating the directory via the SLAPD server. This is a safer, but more time-consuming way of populating the directory.

Note - By default SIMS assumes that all users receiving mail on this server have entries in the LDAP Directory. Mail will not be routed to users by SIMS until the LDAP Directory is populated with entries. SIMS can be configured to forward unroutable mail to a DNS "smarthost"; see "To Configure IMTA Position Relative to the Internet" on page 114 if you wish mail to be forwarded to the smarthost in the event the intended recipient is not in the LDAP Directory.

Directory entries are created from the passwd(4) file and the mail aliases(4) file. These procedures describe populating the directory for use by SIMS, not for general purpose directory use. "Populating the directory" in this scope means "adding User and Alias entries to the directory for use by SIMS." Other attributes may be added to the directory for other uses, but they must not interfere with the attribute/value pairs used by SIMS.

For a look at some sample directory population sessions, refer to "Populating the Directory with User Data--Sample Session" on page 319, "Populating the Directory with User Aliases Data and Distribution Lists --Sample Session" on page 323, and "Populating the Directory with User Aliases Data and Distribution Lists --Sample Session" on page 323.

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