Indexed Attributes

Directory attributes must be indexed to optimize the access speed of directory information. Attributes that a directory client (message transfer agent, admin console, mail clients, and message access server) retrieves from the directory server must be indexed. However, the more indexes you support on your server, the more of a performance hit the server will take whenever entries are added or changed. Thus, it is important that only attributes used for searching by mail server be indexed. Attributes can be indexed using any of the following matching rules. The keywords inside parenthesis correspond to Sun Directory Server 1.0

Equality (eq) - Optimizes direct access to entries where an exact attribute value is supplied
Presence (pres) - Optimizes searches with filters specifying the presence of an attribute but no specific value (cn=*, for example)
Substring (sub) - Optimizes searches with filters containing a partially-specified attribute value (cn=ada*, for example).
Approximate (approx) - Optimizes searches with approximate match filters. The method used in approximate indexing is to discard vowels.

Below is a list of attribute names recommended for the optimal performance of SIMS. These are specified using the following BNF:

  idx-list ::= attr-list:idx-syntax-list:dep-service-list
attr-list ::= attr [,attr-list]
attr ::= <name of attribute in schema>
idx-syntax-list ::= idx-syntax [, idx-syntax-list]
idx-syntax ::= eq | pres | sub |
approx dep-service-list ::= dep-service [, dep-service-list]
dep-service ::= mta | ma | ms | admin | smcs

Below, the first set of comma separated names is the attribute list. The second set of names (after the colon), is the index syntax rules. The third set of names, are the dependent services.

< commonname, surname, givenname, mail, mailHost : pres, eq, sub, approx : admin, mta, ma >

< preferredRfc822Recipient, rfc822Mailbox, ccmailaddresses, profsaddresses, msmailaddresses : pres, eq : smcs, mta, admin >

< userid : pres, eq : ma, mta, admin >

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