User Object Classes

A SIMS e-mail user is represented by the entry in the directory. An entry which stores user information consists of attributes drawn from at a minimum the following directory object classes:

top - attributes useful for describing the classifications of a directory object.
person - attributes useful for describing a person
organizationalPerson - attributes for describing a person belonging to an organization
inetOrgPerson - same as organizationalPerson and also one that interacts with the internet
emailPerson - attributes useful for describing an e-mail user.

X.521 (1993) defines the top, person and organizationalPerson object classes. The inetOrgPerson object class is defined in the IETF draft Definition of the inetOrgPerson Object Class ( drafts/draft-smith-ldap-inetorgperson-00.txt). The emailPerson and gateway object classes are defined by Sun Microsystems, Inc. and Wingra Technologies.

Optionally, the following object classes are used for a directory entry for those users who use legacy mail systems (like cc:Mail, MS Mail and IBM PROFS) and are connected to SIMS and to the internet mail using Sun Messaging Connectivity Services (SMCS).

gatewayCCMailUser - attributes for describing a user of cc:Mail channel
gatewayMSMailUser - attributes for describing a user of MS Mail channel
gatewayProfsUser - attribute for describing a user of IBM PROFS channel

A SIMS user entry is extensible (as are all other directory entries) and may contain additional object classes/attributes once such schema extensions have been made in the directory. Care must be taken to ensure that the semantics of existing object classes are not changed by a schema extension.

emailPerson Object Class

The emailPerson object class represents SIMS e-mail users. All SIMS users must have this object class. The object class is defined as follows:

( OID - TBD 
NAME 'emailPerson'
commonname $ objectClass
assistant $ channelName $ channelType $ dataSource $
generationQualifier $ freeFormName $ homeDirectory $
homeFacsimileTelephoneNumber $ mail $
mailAutoReplyExpirationDate $ mailAutoReplyMode $
mailAutoReplySubject $ mailAutoReplyText $
mailAutoReplyTextInternal $ mailDeliveryFile $
mailDeliveryOption $ mailFolderMap $ mailForwardingAddress
$ mailHost $ mailMessageStore $ mailProgramDeliveryInfo $
mailQuota $ objectStatus $ preferredRfc822Recipient $
reportsTo $ rfc822MailBox $ userDefinedAttribute1 $
userDefinedAttribute2 $ userDefinedAttribute3 $

TABLE  D-1   Required emailPerson Attributes


(cis, 1 - many, {mta, admin}) The user's full name. There can be more than one cn entry for a user though each entry is required to be unique.  


(cis, 1 - many, {mta, smcs, ma, admin}) the object classes used in defining a SIMS user entry  


(cis, 0 - 1, {smcs, mta, admin}) The name of the users SMCS channel. The channel name is chosen by the administrator when SMCS is configured.  


(cis, 0 - 1, {smcs, mta, admin}) one of the following values denoting the user's SMCS channel: 0 - cc:Mail; 1 - Microsoft Mail; 4 - SMTP; 8 - IBM PROFS  


(cis, 0 - many, {smcs}) String to supplement a user's external e-mail address (used by SMCS channels today. May be used by MTA in the future).  


(cis, 0-1, {mta, admin}) The user's advertised e-mail address (RFC 822 format). Also know as preferredRfc822Originator.  


(cis, 0-1, {mta, admin}) Disable auto-reply at this date. Date must be in UTC time format. e.g. YYMMDDHHSSZ. Please note that the date takes two digit years and is not Y2K compliant.  


(cis, 0 - I, {mta, admin}) The subject line of a auto- reply message. If it contains $SUBJECT then the token is replaced by the subject line of the incoming message.  


(cis, 0 - 1 {admin, mta}) The body of the auto-reply message. If it contains the tokens $SUBJECT or $BODY then these are replaced by the subject or the body of the inbound message. Use "\n" as a line separator.  


(cis, 0 - 1, {mta, admin}) The body of the auto- reply message for use within the organization. If it contains the tokens $SUBJECT or $BODY then these are replaced by the subject or the body of the inbound message. Use "\n" as a line separator.  


(ces, 0 - many, {mta, admin}) Fully qualified path of a file name to which incoming messages are appended.  


(cis, 1-many, {mta, admin}) One or delivery options. While inbound messages can be delivered into multiple message stores (mailbox and native) message access server can read messages only from one of them. The mail store where messages are read from are specified using the mailFolderMap attribute. The supported options are:  


mailbox - deliver mail to the Sun Message Store mailbox. If mailDeliveryOption is set to mailbox, then in order for the user to read messages from the Sun Message Store using SIMS message access servers, mailFolderMap would have to be set to Sun-MS. Please refer to mailFolderMap below.  


shared - deliver mail to a message store shared mailbox This is used for setting up shared mailbox for a distribution list. If a directory entry for a user has this attribute set to shared, it has no affect.  


native - deliver mail to a UNIX file system mailbox. If mailDeliveryOption is set to native, then in order for the user to read messages from the native message store using SIMS message access servers, mailFolderMap would have to be set to UNIX V7. Please refer to mailFolderMap and mailMessageStore below.  


autoreply - deliver mail to an auto-reply facility  


program - deliver mail to a Solaris program. Must point to a valid Solaris program and the program has to be on a approved list of programs installed by the system administrator. See "To Make Delivery Programs Available to Users" on page 102.  


forward - forward mail to another RFC 822 compliant address. Please see attribute mailForwardingAddress for related information.  


file - append mail to a file. For this option to have any effect, mailDeliveryFile would have to point to a valid file over which the user id. under which SIMS is running has write privileges. Please refer to mailDeliveryFile in this section.  


c:<custom channel name> - route mail to a user define channel. SIMS software development kit allows users to develop channel programs. These channel programs are used to process the messages delivered to the channel queue by the message transfer agent. Please refer to the SIMS software development kit and the mta documentation for more details on the developing and using custom channel programs. Also note that the key word c followed by a : is required to precede the channel name.  


(cis, 0 - 1, {ma, admin}) The message store for a user's mail folders.  

UNIX V7 - UNIX version 7 mail store. Also know as the Berkeley style
/var/mail message store.  

Sun-MS - Sun Message Store. This is the recommended message store.  


(cis, 0 - many, {mta, admin}) Forward mail to the specified e-mail address (RFC 822 format). For the MTA to forward the e- mail to these addresses, mailDeliveryOption would have to be set to forward in addition to any other delivery options. For example, if a user wants to forward mail to another address, then the directory entry for the user has the first block of values for mailForwardingAddress and mailDeliveryOption. However if the user wishes to continue receiving mail on their default server and forward a copy of every message to another address then the directory entry would have the second block of values.

mailDeliveryOption: forward

mailFolderMap: Sun-MS


mailDeliveryOption: forward

mailDeliveryOption: mailbox

mailFolderMap: Sun-MS



(cis, 0 - 1, {mta, ma, admin}) Hostname of the user's IMAP/POP mail server. This is the fully qualified official hostname of the mail server where the mail is read from. MTA will deliver the incoming mail to the message store on this mail server.  


(ces, 0 - 1, {mta, admin}) File system location for user's INBOX. This applies only when a mailDeliveryOption is set to native. MTA will deliver incoming messages to this file.  


(ces, 0 - many, {mta, admin}) Specifies one or more named commands, to use in program delivery. The valid named commands are defined by
imta-program(1m). Please refer to the man pages for details on how to define named commands.  


(cis, 0 - 1, {mta, ms, admin}) Maximum size (in bytes) of a user's message store. A value of minus one (-1) denotes no limit on the cumulative size of messages in users INBOX and folder collection. A value of minus 2 (-2) implies that the globally defined mail quota (ims-default-quota in
/etc/opt/SUNWmail/ims/ims.cnf) is used for this user. This can be typically set in the Admin Console (see "Configuring Advanced Options" on page 152).  


(cis, 0 - 1, {mta, admin}) The user's internal e- mail address (RFC-822 format).  


(cis, 0 - many, {mta, admin}) Stores all the e-mail addresses (RFC-822 format) defined for the user. It stores, at a minimum, a copy of the e-mail addresses in the mail and preferredRfc822Recipient attributes.  

TABLE  D-2   Reserved emailPerson Attribute


(cis, 0 - many, {}) Mode of operation for the auto-reply facility. Currently only vacation is supported, hence the only acceptable value for this field is vacation.  


(cis, 0 - 1, {} ) Used during Legacy Mail directory synchronization to denote a deleted entry.  

TABLE  D-3   Optional emailPerson Attribute


(cis, 0 - 1, {admin}) File system location for user's home directory.


(tel, 0-many, {admin}) User's home fax number  


(cis, 0 - many, {admin}) Generation information to qualify a users name. e.g. Jr., III, etc.  


(cis, 0 - many, {}) Original data source or migration tool for data in the users entry. Free form text.  


(dn, 0 - many, {}) Distinguished name of the user's assistant.  


(cis, 0 - 1, {}) Distinguished name of the user's manager  


(cis, 0 - many, {}) Attribute for use by the user.  


(cis, 0 - many, {}) Attribute for use by the user.  


(cis, 0 - many, {}) Attribute for use by the user.  


(cis, 0 - many, {}) Attribute for use by the user.  

gatewayCCMailUser Object Class

The gatewayCCMailUser object class only appears in a user's directory entry if the corresponding SMCS channel has been configured. The gatewayCCMailUser object class is defined as follows:

( OID - TBD 
NAME `gatewayCCMailUser'
cCMailAddresses $ preferredCCMailOriginator $

TABLE  D-4   gatewayCCMailUser Attributes


(cis, 1- many) The object classes used in defining the user's entry.  


(cis, 0-many) Used to route e-mail messages through a Lotus cc:Mail channel. It stores a copy of the e-mail addresses in the preferredCCMailOriginator and preferredCCMailRecipient attributes.  


(cis, 0 - 1) E-mail address for routing through a Lotus cc:Mail channel.  


(cis, 0 - 1) The native Lotus cc:Mail address.  

gatewayMSMailUser Object Class

The gatewayMSMailUser object class is defined as follows:

( OID - TBD 
NAME `gatewayMSMailUser'
mSMailAddresses $ preferredMSMailOriginator $

TABLE  D-5   gatewayMSMailUser Attributes


(cis, 1- many) The object classes used in defining the user's entry.  


(cis, 0 - many) Used to route e-mail messages through a Microsoft Mail channel. It stores a copy of the e-mail addresses in the preferredMSMailOriginator and preferredMSMailRecipient attributes.  


(cis, 0 - 1) E-mail address for routing through a Microsoft Mail channel.  


(cis, 0 - 1) The native Microsoft Mail address.  

gatewayPROFSUser Object Class

The gatewayMSMailUser object class is defined as follows:

( OID - TBD 
NAME gatewayPROFSUser\Q
pROFSAddresses $ preferredPROFSOriginator $


TABLE  D-6   gatewayPROFSUser Attributes


(cis, 1- many) The object classes used in defining the user's entry.  


(cis, 0 - many) Used to route e-mail messages through an IBM PROFS channel. It stores a copy of the e-mail addresses in the preferredPROFSOriginator and preferredPROFSRecipient attributes.  


(cis, 0 - 1) E-mail address for routing through an IBM PROFS channel.  


(cis, 0 - 1) The native IBM PROFS address.  

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