New Entries Created in Old Domain

If domain information in DNS server is changed, SIMS needs to be reinstalled. If isn't reinstalled, the Admin Console uses the old value for the domain and new user entries will be created under the old domain, not the new domain.

When the administration server starts, it compares the value of DNS domain and domain record in the administration server. If they are different, a warning message displays:

WARNING - domain value of this mail server is different from the one in Admin Server property file - please check SIMS manual for more information."

To fix this inconsistency you can reinstall SIMS or you can manually change the value of MTA.domainname in the to be the same as the DNS domain. In general, we do not recommend manually editing the since a careless edit can adversely affect SIMS. But if you want to avoid reinstalling SIMS and are very careful, you can stop the adm.server and manually change the domain information. Use the following procedure:

  1. stop adm.server
  2. cd /etc/opt/SUNWmail/admin

Change the value of MTA.domainname to the new domain name in

  3. start adm.server

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