The uninstall Utility

The uninstall utility removes SIMS and other related files and packages from your system. You can specify uninstall to perform a standard or dramatic procedure.

Note - uninstall may not remove certain packages that are likely to have been installed by a separate application and may be used by that application. This is the case even if SIMS has installed that package upon setup.
The syntax for using this command is:

uninstall [-c sims] | [-d sims]

The options for this command are:

TABLE  A-2   Options for the uninstall Command

-c sims  

Specifies a standard uninstall of SIMS and related files and packages.  

-d sims  

Specifies a dramatic uninstall of SIMS and related files and packages. This option removes all data and configuration files. The dramatic uninstall option is a clean uninstall, removing all files installed by the SIMS installation process and created by SIMS during operation, with the exception of packages that may have already been present before the uninstall procedure.  

The following command performs a standard uninstall:

% uninstall -c sims

The following command performs a dramatic uninstall:

% uninstall -d sims

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