Replacing HA stop and start Scripts

To ensure that SIMS and directory start and stop can be controlled through the HA framework, the normal /etc/rc?.d hard links to the start and stop scripts in /etc/init.d are removed. In return, these scripts are replaced with specialized HA start and stop scripts.

These HA scripts are packaged in SUNWimha and located by default in /opt/SUNWimha/clust_progs (This path is similar to those used by other HA services.)

SIMS installation uses the hareg command to register these scripts with the HA framework and associates them with the HA service name Sun_Internet_Mail.

While a Fail-over can occur either at a system administrator's request or after a failure is detected, it proceeds by calling these HA scripts to shut down SIMS (and optionally the directory) on one machine and start up on the other machine.

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