Running the Setup Install

After selecting SIMS optional components and specifying configurations for both core and optional components, you are now ready to begin installing SIMS 3.5.

  17. Click the Start Install button if the information you provided in all the forms is accurate.
If the command tool is not invoked automatically, verify that your DISPLAY variable is set correctly. You will then need to restart the software. If the command tool is not available, an error message will be displayed. Check the patch to the command tool or your operating system setup.

  18. Enter the root password at the password prompt.
  19. Enter the SIMS Postmaster's password.
You may not see the screen to enter your password during your installation session. This screen will only appear if the user inetmail does not exist on your system.

  20. Press Enter to exit the command tool window when prompted.
  The Installation Summary page displays.
  21. Select Exit from the browser File menu to quit out of the GUI installation interface.
  You have now successfully installed SIMS 3.5.
  22. Reboot your system now as shown in Step 23 if you have installed any patches during installation. Since, however, you still need to complete the post-installation configuration tasks, you may want to reboot at a later time. To do this, go to step 24.
  23. If you choose to reboot your system right now, stop the mail server that is automatically started.

# /etc/init.d/im.server stop

  24. If you choose to reboot your system later, start the directory services daemon:

# /etc/init.d/slapd start

See Section "After Installing," at the end of this chapter for a roadmap of post-installation configurations and tasks.

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