Using An Alternate JVM for Web Access

Web Access for SIMS 3.5 ships with a JVM that implements the JDK 1.1.6 level of functionality. If you wish to use another JVM, for example, for performance and scalability, the JVM you specify must implement functionality equivalent to that of JDK 1.1.6.

To configure Web Access to use another JVM

  1. Open the following file.


  2. Edit the file to include the following line.

WA_ARGS=$WA_ARGS -nojre -javahome <java-home>

  where java-home is the location of the new JVM.
  3. Restart the Web Access server.

#/etc/rc3.d/K89webaccess stop
#/etc/rc3.d/S89webaccess start

It is your responsibility to insure that the resulting configuration meets your functional objectives.

Using Web Access with Netscape for Solaris

System administrators should be aware of a potential security risk for users who access Web Access using a Netscape for Solaris browser. The risk scenario involves an authenticated Web Access user who is running the Netscape for Solaris browser. If that user logs out of Web Access and leaves the desktop unattended, it is possible for unauthorized persons to use that instance of the Netscape browser to gain access to the user's Web Access account without presenting a valid username and password. Such users should be advised to

always exit browsers after logging out of Web Access, and
properly utilize existing Solaris security mechanisms (screen lock, for example) when leaving their desktops unattended (even after logging out of Web Access).

Note - In extensive testing of Web Access, the Netscape for Solaris browser was the only browser that presented the potential security risk described above.

Using Web Access with HotJava and JavaStations

System administrators that deploy Web Access for use on JavaStations or with the HotJava browser must first edit a Web Access configuration file to alter the Web Access authentication system. To do so, add the following line to the realm.Sims. properties file:

This allows HotJava browsers and JavaStations to operate with Web Access. Administrators should be aware, however, that such a Web Access configuration faces greater exposure to the limitations of BASIC HTTP authentication.

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