Upgrading from SIMS 3.x to SIMS 3.5

FIGURE  5-1 SIMS Upgrade Configuration Screen

Preserve Configuration Files--This option allows you to upgrade to SIMS 3.5 by keeping your exiting data and configuration files and directory structure.

Recreate Configuration Files--This option is the same as a fresh install, where all of the data and configuration files and directory structure will be removed.

SIMS installation will detect an earlier version of SIMS on your system and then prompt you to make a decision accordingly. That is, whether to install fresh or to keep your data and configuration files. The installation then installs SIMS 3.5 on your system. Simply select one of the upgrade options indicated above.

As an alternative, you may use the SIMS uninstall command to remove your files. You may then reinstall SIMS and then restore your system. uninstall does not reinstall the software. See Section "Preparing a Clean System," below for information on how to use the uninstall command.

Note - You may backup your entire database and configuration files before upgrading your SIMS system. This enables you to restore your system to its previous state if the upgrade procedure fails for any reason.
See Chapter "Post-Install Configurations," for detailed information on post-installation configurations.

Note - If you select the "Preserve Configuration File" option, you must complete the procedure in Section "Upgrading SIMS 3.1/3.2 Directory Contents to SIMS 3.5," in Chapter "Post-Install Configurations," after upgrading.

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