Channel Configuration Reference

This appendix provides reference information on configuring your Microsoft Mail channel on the server and client end. It helps ensure that the parameters are configured correctly on the server and the client to permit email transactions:

Install SIMS using the setup or setup-tty installation program. For details, refer to the Sun Internet Mail Server (SIMS) 3.5 Installation Guide.
Check the box provided for installing SMCS during installation.
Start the Administration Console on the mail server.
In order to create an SMCS channel, click on the IMTA icon seen on the main Administration Console screen.
For detailed information on each channel, refer to other relevant chapters in this manual (the Sun Messaging Connectivity Services Microsoft Mail Channel Configuration Guide).
The entries marked in BOLD in the tables are important, and it is essential to make sure that these entries match both on the client as well as the server side.
Pay particular attention to the entries marked with an asterisk. The asterisk indicates that the information you need to provide for these entries must be derived.

Note - If you are not sure what the value should be, you can retain the default values, if a default is provided.

Microsoft Mail Configuration

To configure a MS-Mail channel successfully the following parameters need to be addressed. TABLE A-4 lists the fields that need to match on the server and the client side. If your input does not match, the connection between the client and the server will fail.

TABLE  A-1   MS-Mail Required Matching Entries on the Server and the Client
Server-Side Entries
Client-Side Entries

Server Name

Server Name

Server Address

Server Socket

Client Name

Client Name

Shared Directory

Root Directory

TABLE A-5 and TABLE A-6 lists the significance of the server and client parameters, their possible values, and examples. Parameters that need to match on both the server and client end are shown in boldface type. They provide a worksheet to enable you to compile configuration information prior to beginning your installation session (that is the last column of the table is left blank so that you may fill in the parameter that applies to your configuration).

To use this worksheet, copy it and fill in each blank with the parameter specific to your site. When all pages are complete, use the information to configure each screen as presented by the Administration Console or the Client installation software.

TABLE  A-2   MS-Mail Server Configuration Parameters and Worksheet
Server-Side Parameters


Your Parameter

Restart Automatically

If selected, it starts the channel on SMCS startup. If you do not select this option, you have to manually start the channel from the Administration Console.


Indicate your setting in the provided checkbox: o

Retain Processed Messages

Messages are normally deleted from queues after they are handled. Checking this parameter keeps a copy of each message in the queue even after the message has been delivered. Since processed messages may be deleted every night, selecting this parameter helps preserve the messages to enable you to go back to them in order to troubleshoot any problems.


Indicate your setting in the provided checkbox: o

Lookup Addresses in Directory

If this parameter is checked, the addresses in messages processed by this channel will be looked up in the directory. Without the directory lookup facility all the messages must contain fully qualified SMCS addresses in order to be delivered.


Indicate your setting in the provided checkbox: o

Poll Interval (in minutes)

This indicates how often you want the MS-Mail client to check for messages. The value entered indicated in minutes.


Choose your poll interval from the pull down menu.

Alias User Name Format

This controls the format of the user name alias automatically generated when a new user is added to the directory. The rule is formed using strings and variables which represent name attributes stored in the directory.

$g Given Name

$i Initials

$s Surname

$q Generation Qualifier


Fill in your response in the provided text field.

Header Style

The header styles control the placement of headers within a message; whether at the top or at the bottom. To view different values click on the box right next to the Header Styles label. The default style is Required at Top, All at Bottom.

Required at Top, All at Bottom

Choose your header style from the pull down menu.

Default Character Set

Default character set specifies the character set to be assigned to text body parts that do not contain character set information.


Choose your default character set from the pull down menu.

Server Name1

The name of SPX server for this channel. This must match the Server Name provided on the PC side of the link.

SPXSRV (this is the default value for this parameter)

Fill in your response in the provided text field.

Copy this information in the server name parameter listed in the client configuration table, TABLE A-6.

Server Address

The hexadecimal socket number used by the SPX server. The default SPX socket number is 8000. Valid ranges are
0001-0BB8 and 8000-FFFF. If you change the default value you must also specify the new socket address on Client configuration. This should match the Server Socket on the client.


Fill in your response in the provided text field.

Copy this information in the server socket parameter listed in the client configuration table, TABLE A-6.

Client Name

The SPX name of the PC. This can be from 1-8 alphanumeric characters and must match the Client Name on PC side of the link. If you have more than one MS-Mail channel, choose a unique name for each channel.

MSMAICLI (this is the default value for this parameter)

Refer to the client name listed in TABLE A-6. Fill in the same name in this parameter.

Shared Directory

The name of the directory to use for file sharing. This directory must be accessible for read and write by the Microsoft Mail client PC using File Sharing. This should match the Root Directory on the client.


Fill in your response in the provided text field.

Copy this information in the root directory parameter listed in the client configuration table, TABLE A-6.

Directory Synchronization

None--This indicates that you do not want this channel to participate in any directory synchronization processes.
Full--The very first time you create and configure a channel, choose this option to participate in a thorough, complete directory synchronization process. Since this is a comprehensive synchronization procedure, it is time consuming.
Full Foreign--This option helps resynchronize channels apart from the current channel. For instance, though your
MS-Mail channel may already be synchronized, your cc:Mail, NJE/PROFS, or ldap channels may not be. By choosing this option, the directory information for the other channels will also be synchronized.
Incremental--After your channel participates in a full directory synchronization process, to register any subsequent directory changes, choose this option. It helps incorporate your directory changes and resynchronize the directory information.


Indicate your directory synchronization choice from the pull down menu.

Client Address

Enter the client address. This will be of the form: admin@postoffice.organizationname.channelname.machinename.domain

Fill in your response in the provided text field.

Propagation of New/Deleted Entries in Directory

When the directories are synchronized, both parameters specify how the propagation of new or deleted entries flow to and from the directory. To select an option, click on the box next to propagation label.


Choose to propagate new/deleted entries in the directory from the pull down menu.

Retain the default values if you are unsure.

Propagation of Modified Entries in Directory

When the directories are synchronized, this parameters specifies how the propagation of modified entries flow to and from the directory.

To Central Directory

Choose to propagate modified entries in the directory from the pull down menu.

To select an option, click on the box next to propagation label. Retain the default values if you are unsure.

1 Parameters shown in Bold font need to match on the server and the client end. To ensure that you are comparing the correct entries on the server and the client end, refer to TABLE A-4.

MS-Mail Client-Side Parameters

Following is an explanation of client-side parameters.

TABLE  A-3   MS-Mail Client Configuration Parameters and Worksheet
Client-Side Parameters


Your Parameter

Program Directory

This is the directory where MS-Mail client is installed.


Fill in your response in the provided text field.

Data Directory

This indicates the location where the
MS-Mail gateway postoffice data files reside.


Fill in your response in the provided text field.

User Name

This is the name of an MS-Mail administrative user on the MS-Mail gateway postoffice.


Fill in your response in the provided text field.


This is the administrative user's password.


Fill in your response in the provided text field.

Polling Interval

This indicates how often you want the MS-Mail client to check for messages. The value entered is indicated in minutes.


Fill in your response in the provided text field.

Maximum Log Days

This indicates the number of days for which you want the log files to be maintained.


Fill in your response in the provided text field.

Server's SPX

Fill out the information in this field if you have selected the SPX transport. The
server's SPX will be of the format xxxxxxxx:yyyyyyyyyyyy, where xxxxxxxx is the hostid or the network number of the server, where as yyyyyyyyyyyy is usually a mask set to 000000000001 (eleven zeros and a one). To find out this address, you can go to
/opt/SUNWefps/sbin directory on your server and execute the ipxstat -i command. This will give you the required address.


Fill in your response in the provided text field.

Server Socket

Fill out the information in this field if you have selected the SPX transport. The Server Socket address is usually set to 8000 by default. Retain the default values if you are unsure. This value should match the Server Address on the server-side.


Copy this information from the server address parameter information listed in the server configuration table, TABLE A-5.

Server Name

Fill out the information in this field if you have selected the SPX transport. The name of the Microsoft Mail SPX server. If you change the default name, make sure that you change the corresponding Server Name on the server side configuration as well.

SPXSRV (this is the default name)

Copy this information from the server name parameter information listed in the server configuration table, TABLE A-5.

Retain the default values if you are unsure.

Client Name

Fill out the information in this field if you have selected the SPX transport. The client name should be the SPX name of the PC. This is the Client Name on the server side.

MSMAICLI (this is the default name)

Fill in your response in the provided text field.

Retain the default values if you are unsure.

Copy this information to the client name parameter listed in the server configuration table, TABLE A-5.

Root Directory

Fill out the information in this field if you have selected Fileshare and not SPX. Root directory should be the DOS path to the shared directory. This should match the Shared Directory on the server side.


Copy this information from the shared directory parameter information listed in the server configuration table, TABLE A-5.

Updates-from Address*1

Indicate the address to which directory updates should be sent. The address is as shown:

Fill in your response in the provided text field.

Updates-to Address*

Indicate the address to which directory updates should be sent. The address is as shown:

Fill in your response in the provided text field.

1 Parameters marked with an asterisk (*) require information that needs to be derived before entering them in the space provided.

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