PROFS Client-Side Parameters

Following is an explanation of client-side parameters.

TABLE  A-3   PROFS Client Configuration Parameters and Worksheet
Client-Side Parameters


Your Parameter

Server TCP port  

The name of the TCP port used to create the listen socket client connection request  


Fill in your response in the provided text field.


Local node  

The OS/2 NJE host name.  


Fill in your response in the provided text field.


Remote node  

The RSCS host name.  


Fill in your response in the provided text field.


Local LU name  

The logical unit name configured to the SNA software. It addresses the physical port connecting the local host to this peer NJE node.  


Fill in your response in the provided text field.


Remote LU name  

The RSCS host name.  


Fill in your response in the provided text field.


NJE Buffer size  

NJE buffer size specified in the RSCS configuration file..  


Fill in your response in the provided text field.


Logon Mode  

This mode must match that of the logon mode in the VTAM and RSCS configuration files.  


Fill in your response in the provided text field.


Transport Configuration Parameters

njeServer reads the configuration parameters from the file or any other file if the -C option is specified. The configuration information consists of NJE operational parameters, node names, sign-on data, and link information. The configuration file consists of text lines, empty lines, or comment lines. The # character in the first position of a line is considered a comment, and is ignored. A configuration statement begins with a keyword followed by a list of values. Any number of leading and trailing spaces is accepted. The following statements are recognized:

NJE server name: (Optional). Allows you to override the default server name and to set a port number. The default value for name is njeServer. If no port number is coded, the port number is obtained from the /etc/services file or nis (formerly called yp) data base. The port number is used to create the listen socket for client connection requests.

NJEsessionParameters: RU-size [number-of-streams] (Optional.) The Request Unit (RU) size is a value in the range 300 <= RU-size <= 4098. The default is 4098. This value is proposed during the initialization of the link. The remote node can select a smaller value. Number-of-streams is the value of how many streams of each type the njeServer is to support for each link. By default, njeServer supports always seven streams for each type (IN_SYSIN, IN_SYSOUT, OUT_SYSIN, and OUT_SYSOUT).

Local node: name [node-password [line-password]] (Optional). Name is used to override the default local node name that is identical to the host name. The local node name is exchanged during the signon process. Use node-password if you want the remote system(s) to supply a password. If you are using this value, all remote systems must provide this password in the signon message. The values are converted to upper case and truncated to eight characters. The line-password is a additional password and its usage is similar to the node-password.

Note - The local node name is to be configured as an adjacent node at the peer NJE application node. The njeResponder supports the use of additional destination node names. Such node names appear to the NJE network like peer nodes to this local node and must be configured at the NJE nodes that support routing to these nodes.
Remote node: name number-of-streams node-password line-password LU-name [remote-LU-name [logon-mode-name]] (Required.) For each connected node you must provide this statement. Name, number-of-streams, node-password, line-password, and LU-name are required parameters. The strings are converted to uppercase and truncated to eight characters. You may code an empty string, "", as a password. Name is the NJE node name of the adjacent node. Node-password, and line-password may not be empty if the remote node expects one of the passwords during the sign-on procedure.

LU name is the logical unit name configured to the SNA software and addresses a physical port connecting the local host to this peer NJE node. Refer to the LUA configuration requirements (LUA menu) of the SNA software.

The LU name is also configured at the peer node to enable the peer NJE application to open the connection. On IBM systems, this is normally done with an APPL statement in one of the major VTAM application node (Ref. SYS1.VTAMLST and VTAM Install & Resource Definition, IBM Publication SC27-0610). Some NJE applications require the LU-name as an application name in the application configuration file. For example, JES2 requires the statement "APPL APPLID=LU-name,NODE=nnn" in the JES2 start member of the SYS1.PARMLIB data set.

A remote LU name is the name of the peer application to which a SELF INITIATED logon is attempted. If you use this parameter, the peer application must support a logon request (RSCS and JES3 do; JES2 and POWER do not). Logon mode name is the name of an entry in the logon mode table used by Session Service Control Point (SSCP) to locate the bind parameters for a formatted logon message.

Note - All values of this statement are truncated to eight characters and converted to uppercase.

Configuration Example

serverName: njeServer

NJEsessionParameters: 2024

localNode: mercury

remoteNode: UOFM 7 "" "" LU09

remoteNode: CDCESAVM 1 "" "" MERCURY0 rscs RSCSNJE0


Command Processing: No program is implemented to receive commands from an NJE node in the network for execution. However, the NJE API library and the njeServer provide the user with the tools to implement such a facility. Commands received by the njeServer are logged.
Message Processing: Every message received is logged by njeServer. The NJE API library provides the tools to implement an improved message/command facility.
Incoming SYSIN Streams: The njeResponder accepts SYSIN streams and queues the NJE files for processing. However, no job processor is provided by implementation of NJE.
Number of Streams: Make sure that you configure the number of streams at both ends of the link to be equal. If this rule is violated, some NJE implementations such as JES2 or RSCS will stop sending files when the njeServer rejects a stream allocation, and an operator intervention is required. Also verify that the njeResponder is running.
Store-and-Forward: This feature is supported around NJE implementation of the queue served by the njeInitiator and the njeResponder. The njeResponder ignores the variable part of the output processing section of the data set header. This part is therefore not available to the njeInitiator and will be lost.
Compacting Data: This is a negotiable NJE feature not supported by the njeServer.

VTAM Configuration File

Add the following lines to your VTAM file, located on the VM host. Insert your parameter where indicated in italics, excluding the brackets.

[Parameter A] LU LOCADDR= [Parameter B], DLOGMOD= [Parameter C], BATCH=YES

[Parameter C] MODEENT LOGMODE= [Parameter C],


RUSIZES=X[Parameter D]',


RSCS Configuration File

Add the following lines to your RSCS Configuration file, located on the VM Host. Insert your parameter where indicated in italics, excluding the brackets.

LOCAL [Parameter E]* [Parameter I]

LINK [Parameter F] SNANJE * * * 2 SIZE 5 [Parameter A][Parameter C] ASTART RETRY

PARM [Parameter F] STREAMS=[Parameter H] TA=0 BUFF=[Parameter G]  

Example RSCS Configuration File

Here is an example of an RSCS Configuration File, using the example parameters shown in bold text.

Description: RSCS configuration file (fragment only)

Values to note:
    RSCS node  : PROFSSVR
    RSCS name  : PROFSSVR
    Link name  : SUN1
    LU name    : TBA1015
    Log mode   : SMCSMODE
    Streams    : 1
    Buffer size: 1000

                        ---------- ooo O ooo ----------



The REMLOC FILE is used to tell OV/VM how to communicate with remote systems. For SMCS to work properly, entries must be made in the REMLOC FILE to allow for connections through an RSCS network. The REMLOC FILE is organized in columns, as described below.

Table  A-4   REMLOC FILE


node name (F)  




Location for (F), as selected by LAN administrator  





IBM Communications Manager

To configure the IBM Communications Manager:

  a. Open the COMMUNICATION MANAGER SETUP in OS/2 and select the Setup option.
  b. From the Options menu, choose Configure any profile or feature.
  c. Select SNA LUA APIs and enter the following:
  LUA Name: [Parameter A]
  Host Link Name: Host0001
  NAU Address: [Parameter B]
  Optional Comment: NJE

Working with Renamed File Extensions

When you move files from an PC running OS/2 to an IBM mainframe, the files may be renamed from exe to exec during the transfer. Either you need to devise a way to rename these files during the transfer process or manually rename each file to their original names after the file transfer completes.

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