Sun Directory Services

Sun Directory Services stores information about the users, groups and services within an organization and makes this data available via directory servers. It provides a central repository for organizational information, and is a more manageable solution to the problem of storing and sharing organizational information than unreliable techniques that may use everything from hardcopy files, to files in singular users' home directories, or public file servers on which the data may not be accurate or kept up-to-date.

Users and applications access Directory Services using a client-server protocol called Lightweight Directory Access Protocol. (LDAP). LDAP has been widely endorsed within the Internet community and many vendors have already incorporated LDAP support into their products.

The information stored in a directory service is of little use unless it is actually being used by applications. Directory-enabled applications are essential for a Directory Service to satisfy all users in an organization. Web browsers, email, and calendar or scheduling applications are ideal candidates for directory enabling; others include video, telephony, and conferencing applications.

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