Running Your Programs

Creating a custom channel

Channel programs written with the Sun Internet Mail SDK will in general be used to create custom channel's which serve a site-specific need not covered by the default SIMS product. This section briefly explains how to create and configure a custom channel. These operations are described in the SIMS Reference Manual. Please refer to it for a precise syntax definition.

In /etc/opt/SUNWmail/imta/imta.cnf, define the channel in the second half of the file. For example, consider a new channel called custom.

	! custom channel built with SDK
	custom logging charset7 US-ASCII charset8 ISO-8859-1

The logging keyword allows the logging of each message enqueued and dequeued from this channel in the log file (/var/opt/SUNWmail/imta/log/mail.log_current). The charset7 and charset8 keywords will add a Content-type:TEXT/PLAIN header line if no content-type is defined in the message. They also add a MIME Version: 1.0 header if it doesn't exist. See the SIMS Reference Guide for more details about channel keywords.

In the first half of the configuration file, create a rewrite rule associated with the custom channel. Example:

	! rewrite rules associated with custom channel  $E$

After the configuration file is changed, the MTA must be restarted to load the changes:

	# imta restart

At this point, messages addressed to will be routed to the custom channel and dequeued by the master program associated with this channel. The next section explains how to register channel programs.

Configuring channel programs to be run automatically

The SIMS IMTA job controller daemon automatically invokes the master program of a channel whenever a message is enqueued to this channel.

It's possible to configure the job controller to invoke your program custom_master whenever a message is enqueued to the channel custom. To do this, edit /etc/opt/SUNWmail/imta/job_controller.cnf and append the following block:

	! declaration of custom's master program.

For an exact definition of the syntax of this configuration file, please refer to the SIMS reference guide.

Associating local users with a custom channel

In SIMS, the user LDAP attribute maildeliveryoption defines the list of delivery mechanisms this user is using to receive mail, e.g. message store delivery (mailbox), pipe delivery program (program), etc. In other words, the maildeliveryoption value mailbox causes mail addressed to this email user to be enqueued to the message store channel, and the value program causes his/her mail to be enqueued to the pipe channel.

As well as a mail delivery option, the routing of messages towards a channel involves one or more rewrite rules. In the case of the message store channel (sims-ms), the mail delivery option mailbox gives the user the internal address:


This address is then matched by the rewrite rule

	sims-ms.mailhost  $E$U@sims-ms-daemon

and the message is enqueued to the message store channel (sims-ms).

A similar thing can be done with your own custom channel; setting the maildeliveryoption attribute to

gives the user the internal an internal address equal to:

And to enqueue mail for this user to the custom channel, an equivalent to the following rewrite rule has to be created:

	custom.mailhost  $E$U@custom-daemon

Running privileges

Not surprisingly, the use of the Sun Internet Mail SDK requires specific privileges. Indeed, were these privileges not required, then anyone could read messages out of SIMS's message queues and send fraudulent mail messages. Unpriviledged programs should exit immediately, and possibly restart as a privileged user.

A program which will be enqueuing or dequeuing messages from or to the SIMS IMTA message queues must be run by the SIMS administrator's UNIX account (inetmail by default). If the program is to be run by users other than this one, then it must have the setuid attribute.

Note that if the master program is invoked by the IMTA job controller, it will automatically be run with the right priviledges.


The Sun Internet Mail SDK provides debugging facilities which may help in tracking down unusual behavior. A debugging trace may be generated by using imta_debug.

Debugging can by turned on by editing the configuration. The channel keywords master_debug and slave_debug shall be used to turn on debugging on the dequeue side or enqueue sidfe respectively. Additional debugging information may be obtain by setting the MM_DEBUG and DEQUEUE_DEBUG options in /etc/opt/SUNWmail/imta/option.dat. Please consult the SIMS Reference Guide for more info.

Alternatively, the function imta_set_debug may be called to enable debugging output for either enqueuing or dequeuing operations. In programs using the Message Dequeue API, imta_set_debug should be called after immd_init.

The debugging information generated from both the calling code and the library is output into the channel debug output file, which is created in /var/opt/SUNWmail/imta/log/.

The file name syntax is as follows:

where channel is the name of the channel, direction is the "master" for a master program and "slave" for a slave program, and the X's are a random string.

Environment variables

The Sun Internet Mail SDK uses internally the environment variable PMDF_CHANNEL. Therefore, it must not be used by programs using the Sun Internet Mail SDK. Doing so would cause channel programs not to work properly.

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