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immd_get_recipient - Obtain the next envelope To: address from a message.


#include <imta.h>

int immd_get_recipient(immd_t md, int *flags, char **adr, char **origadr);


immd_get_recipient() should be called repeatedly to obtain each envelope To: address from a message. The address is placed in a buffer referenced by adr . For each call, a single envelope To: address will be returned in address.

Each call to immd_get_recipient() overwrites values previously output by calls to the same function. Therefore, the contents of adr or origadr must be copied to a buffer allocated by the caller if it is to be re-used after immd_get_recipient() is again called.

md is the dequeue context output by an earlier call to immd_init() .

After all addresses have been output, immd_get_recipient() will return IMRC_EOF. For example, if the message envelope has two To: addresses, then three calls to immd_get_recipient() should be made. In the first two calls, the two addresses will be output along with the return IMRC_OK. In the third call no address will be output and IMRC_EOF will be returned. After all of the envelope To: addresses have been read, the message header and body may be read with immd_read_header() and/or immd_read_text() .

The origadr gives, if known, the original form of the envelope To: address. This is useful when dealing with messaging formats such as X.400 which retain such information. When re-enqueuing a message, this information can be subsequently passed back into imme_add_recipient() and otherwised used or discarded as appropriate.

flags is set by the library to the notary flags for this recipient the value is a bitwise OR of zero or more of the following constants:

A DSN is requested if the delivery fails permanently
A DSN is requested if the delivery is successful
A DSN is requested if the delivery fails temporarily
no DSN is requested whatsoever

Return Values

The call is successful and an address is output.
There are no more addresses to read.
The dequeue context md has not been initialized or has been corrupted. Make sure immd_init() has been previously called.
No message is currently processed. make sure the previous call to immd_get_message() returned successfully.
it is likely that the file could not be read, because it was deleted or because it's missing both message header and message body. This can happen consecutively to a hardware failure.

The calling program should then abort processing of the current message and call either immd_dequeue() or immd_defer(). In this particular case, both calls have the same effect.

A textual version reason for the failure can be obtained by calling imta_error() immediately afterwards.



Attribute Type
Attribute Value _______________________________________
sparc, x86 _______________________________________
SUNWimsdk _______________________________________
MT-Safe _______________________________________
Interface Stability
Stable _______________________________________ |

See Also

immd_init(3) , imta_error(3) , immd_read_header(3)

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