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immd_rewind - Rewinds a message file back to the start of its message header


#include <imta.h>

int immd_rewind(immd_t md);


immd_rewind() «rewinds» a message file back to the start of the outermost message header. This routine may be called any time after all of the envelope To: addresses have been read with immd_get_recipient() and prior to dequeuing or deferring the message. After immd_rewind() has been called, the message header and body may be read (again) with immd_read_header(), or immd_read_text().

Return Values

immd_rewind() returns IMRC_OK when successful, and one of the following error codes otherwise.

The dequeue context md has not been initialized or has been corrupted. Make sure immd_init() has been previously called.
it is likely that the file could not be read, because it was deleted or because it's missing both message header and message body. This can happen consecutively to a hardware failure. The calling program should then abort processing of the current message and call either immd_dequeue() or immd_defer().

A textual explanation of the failure can be obtained by calling imta_error() immediately afterwards.



Attribute Type
Attribute Value _______________________________________
sparc, x86 _______________________________________
SUNWimsdk _______________________________________
MT-Safe _______________________________________
Interface Stability
9 |9|9|9|9|9|9|9|9|9|9|9|9|9|9|9|9|9|9|9|9|9|9|9|9|9|9|9|9|9|9|9|9|9|9|9|9|9|9|9 777777777777777777779 |9|9|9|9|9|9|9|9|9|9|9|9|9|9|9|9|9|9|9|9|9|9|9|9|9|9|9|9|9|9|9|9|9|9|9|9|9|9|9 777777777777777777779 |9|9|9|9|9|9|9|9|9|9|9|9|9|9|9|9|9|9|9|9|9|9|9|9|9|9|9|9|9|9|9|9|9|9|9|9|9|9|9 7777777777777777777SEE ALSO immd_init(3) , immd_read_text(3) , imta_error(3) , immd_read_header(3) , immd_get_recipient(3)

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