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imme_write_text - Write text to a message being enqueued.


#include <imta.h>

int imme_write_text(imme_t me, const char *text);


imme_write_text() writes the NULL-terminated string referenced text in the body of a message being enqueued corresponding to the enqueue context me . It must be called only after has been called.

imme_write_text() does not append line a terminator (CRLF for SMTP) to the given string, text. It is left to caller to include line terminators, where appropriate, in their text. This allows a single call to output multiple lines of text to the message body. If this terminator is omitted then, in the message being composed, the subsequent line will be appended directly to the end the given text lacking a terminator.

Return Values

imme_write_text() returns IMRC_OK when successful. And otherwise:

The enqueue context me has not been initialized or has been corrupted. Make sure imme_init() has been previously called.
The message envelope has not been created. Call imme_start_envelope() to create it.

A textual explanation of the failure can be obtained by calling imta_error() immediately afterwards.



Attribute Type
Attribute Value _______________________________________
sparc, x86 _______________________________________
SUNWimsdk _______________________________________
MT-Safe _______________________________________
Interface Stability

SunOS 5.5.1 Last change: 05 Jan 1998 1

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SunOS 5.5.1 Last change: 05 Jan 1998 2

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