Post Installation Tasks

After you have installed SunTM Internet Mail ServerTM 4.0 or the SIMS High Availability system, you are now ready to start up you server. This chapter provides you with steps to start your SIMS server as well as a procedure to test your new server.

Overview SIMS post installation tasks
Adjusting the IMTA dirsync and impurge schedules
Building the IMTA table
Configuring dirsync and impurge
Checking SIMS installation log files
Starting the mail server
Linking to an existing Sun Web Server
Accessing the manual pages
Accessing the online documentation
Starting the SIMS Administration Console
Starting SIMS Administration Console for HA Systems
Starting the Sun Web Access server
Starting the Sun Directory Services
Starting the Delegated Management server
Populating the directory
Starting the Delegated Management Console
Migrating mail folders
Testing your SIMS 4.0 server

Overview of SIMS Post Installation Tasks

The following are the steps that you need to take after you have installed SIMS:

  1. Adjust the IMTA dirsync and impurge schedules.
  2. Build the IMTA table.
  3. Configure dirsync and impurge
  4. Check the SIMS installation log files.
  5. Start the mail server.
  6. Link to an existing Web Server.
  7. Access the manual pages.
  8. Accessing the online documentation
  9. Start the SIMS Administration Console.
  10. Start the SIMS Administration Console for High Availability systems.
  11. Start the Sun Web Access server.
  12. Start the Sun Directory Services.
  13. Start the Delegated Management server.
  14. Populate the directory.
  15. Start the Delegated Management Console.
  16. Migrate mail folders.
  17. Testing your SIMS 4.0 server.

Checking SIMS Installation Log Files

SIMS records installation activities in log files located in /var/opt/SUNWmail/log/SIMS_installation_log.n, where n is the date and time stamp of the form YYMMDD.HR:MM. This number is generated automatically. For example, SIMS_installation_log.97112012:40.

Note - During installation, the log file is created in the /tmp directory. It is then moved to the directory /var/opt/SUNWmail/log after installation is completed.

Starting the Mail Server

After checking the log file, the next step is to start the mail server daemon im.server. This script invokes several startup scripts, including Message Store, IMTA, and Sun Directory Services daemons.

To activate im.server, run the following command as root.

# /etc/init.d/im.server start

The im.server script is provided by SIMS, which in turn executes other scripts. After installing SIMS, the administrator needs to run this script to startup the SIMS server.

See "Startup Scripts" on page 39 in Chapter 6, "What SIMS 4.0 Installs," for a list of components that the im.server script starts.

Linking to an Existing Sun Web Server

If while installing SIMS an HTTP server is not already running on port 80 of the mail server, SIMS will install the Sun Web Server. SIMS then automatically connects the http://<machinename>/sims URL to the SIMS main page, which is located on /opt/SUNWmail/html/index.html.

However, if your HTTP server is already running on the mail server, you need to manually link the index.html SIMS main page to the server where your SIMS server resides. Use the documentation for your Sun WebServer to establish this link.

Accessing the Manual Pages

The SIMS 4.0 manual pages that are accessible via the man command reside in the
/opt/SUNWmail/man directory. Optionally, you may want to add this directory to your $MANPATH variable in your .login, .cshrc, or .profile file by entering the following command:

% setenv MANPATH $MANPATH\:/opt/SUNWmail/man

The man pages for the LDAP directory server are in /opt/SUNWconn/man and should also be added to your $MANPATH.

Accessing the Online Documentation

If you installed the SIMS 4.0 documentation set from the product CD, use the following URL to access the online documentation:


where, <machinename> is the machine on which SIMS is installed.

Starting the SIMS Administration Console

To start the SIMS Administration Console, do the steps in this section.

Note - Be sure to have configured your Netscape browser as described in Chapter 8, "Post Installation Configurations."

% netscape

Bring up the Netscape browser.



Start the SIMS Administration Console from the browser.

  where <sims-machinename> is the name of the server on which SIMS is installed.

Starting SIMS Administration Console for High Availability Systems

To start the Administration Console for a SIMS High Availability system, follow the steps in this section:

  1. Stop the HTTP daemon

# /etc/init.d/httpd stop

as a root user.


# /etc/init.d/httpd start

Restart the HTTP daemon.

Note - Be sure to have already configured the Netscape browser as described in Chapter 8, "Post Installation Configurations."

% netscape

Bring up the Netscape browser.

  4. Start the SIMS Administration Console for the High Availability system.


  Where ha-logical-hostname is the logical name assigned to the HA machine that you used during installing SIMS/HA, for example, relo-up.

See "Installing the SIMS High Availability System" on page 59 in Chapter 7, "Installing SIMS 4.0," for instructions for installing the SIMS High Availability system.

See Chapter 12, "SIMS Asymmetric High Availability System," for HA configuration information.

See the Sun Internet Mail Server 4.0 Concepts Guide and the Sun Internet Mail Server 4.0 Administrator's Guide for information on the SIMS Administration Console.

Adjusting IMTA dirsync and
impurge schedules

After you install SIMS, use the SIMS Administration Console to adjust the IMTA dirsync and impurge schedules within crontab. impurge has no default crontab entry and will not run until it is configured in crontab.

To configure the Purge schedule see "Message Purge" in Chapter 7, Message Store Administration" in the Sun Internet Mail Server Administrator's Guide.

To reconfigure the alias synchronization schedule see "Alias Synchronization Schedule" in Chapter 5, "Internet Mail Transport Agent (IMTA) Administration" in the Internet Mail Server Administrator's Guide.

Building the IMTA Table

Enter the following command to build your initial IMTA table:

# /opt/SUNWmail/imta/sbin/imta dirsync -F

Configuring dirsync and impurge

Use the SIMS Administration Console to adjust the IMTA dirsync and impurge schedules within crontab. After SIMS is installed, impurge has no default crontab entry and will not run until it is configured in crontab.

Starting the Sun Web Access Server

To administer the Sun Web Access server, you can use the Sun Web Server 2.1 administration tool.


To access the Sun Web Server 2.1 tool:

  1. Open an Internet browser.
  2. Enter the URL to access the Sun Web Server administration tool.



hostname is the name of the SIMS 4.0 server running the Web Access services, and 2380 is the default port number for the Sun Web Server administration console.

See the Sun Internet Mail Server 4.0 Web Access Online Help for more information on the Sun Web Access Client user interface.


To access the Sun Web Access:

  1. Open an Internet browser.
  2. Enter the URL to access the Sun Web Access directly.


  hostname is the name of the SIMS 4.0 server with the Web Access services enabled, and 8080 is the default port number on which the Sun Web Access is running.

Starting the Sun Directory Services

You may start the Sun Directory Services (SDS) 3.1 by entering the following command:

/etc/init.d/dsserv start

Starting the Delegated Management Server

To start the Delegated Management Server:

  1. Login as root.
  2. Start the dm.server.

# /opt/SUNWmail/spm/sbin/dm.server start

Populating the Directory

If you are installing SIMS 4.0 for the first time, you need to populate the LDAP directory that SIMS uses to resolve incoming email addresses and logins to mailboxes stored in SIMS.

Note - Messages sent to the SIMS system will not be routed until you populate the directory.

Populating the directory is a multi-phase operation which may require significant manipulation of data from NIS/NIS+ files for successful population.

You need to populate the directory with entries for mail users, calendar users, user aliases, and distribution lists. The entries are created either from the /etc/passwd file and the mail /etc/mail/aliases file, or from the NIS/NIS+ equivalents.

See Chapter 9, "Sun Directory Services Administration," in the Sun Internet Mail Server 4.0 Administrator's Guide for information about populating the directory.

Starting the Delegated Management Console

To start the Delegated Management Console, do the steps in this section.

  1. Bring up the Netscape browser.

Note - The Netscape Browser is required for running Delegated Administration Console.


Start the Delegated Administration Console from the browser.

  where <sims-machinename> is the name of the server on which SIMS is installed.
  3. Login as the Site Administrator, Delegated Administrator, or the end-user.
  Depending on the type of login you entered, different sets of functionality will be available.
See Chapter 10, "Delegated Management Administration," in the Sun Internet Mail Server 4.0 Concepts Guide for different lists of tasks that can be accomplished by the Site Administrator, Delegated Administration, and the end-user.

Migrating Mail Folders

To migrate your existing user mail messages and folders from
/var/mail to the secured SIMS Message Store, use the imimportmbox utility.

See the Sun Internet Mail Server 4.0 Administrator's Guide and the Sun Internet Server 4.0 Reference Manual for more information on using this utility.

Testing Your SIMS 4.0 Server

This section provides you with steps to test the ability of your SIMS server to send and receive mail to and from SIMS.

For detailed instructions on accomplishing these tasks, see the Sun Internet Mail Server 4.0 Administrator's Guide.


To test your SIMS server

  1. Create a couple of test users by using the SIMS Administration Console, User Management, User from Create option.
  2. Perform an /opt/SUNWmail/sbin/imta dirsync -F to synchronize the directory.
  3. Log in as one of the users that you have just created with an IMAP or POP3 client.
  4. If you have installed Web Access, use any Web browser and then log into mail via Web Access. Use the following URL:

% http://<sims-system>:8080/WebAccess

  5. Send a couple of email messages to another SIMS user or another user on a different system.
  6. Verify that the user on the other end has received your email.

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