Installation Updates

This chapter describes updates and workarounds for the known problems that occur during installation and initial configuration.

Note - Go to for updated release notes and other product information concerning the Sun Internet Mail Server 4.0 (SIMS).

Post Installation Tasks

After you install SIMS 4.0, use the SIMS Administration Console to adjust the imta dirsync and impurge schedules within crontab. impurge has no default crontab entry and will not run until it is configured in crontab.

To configure the purge schedule:

See "Message Purge" in Chapter 7, "Message Store Administration" in the SIMS 4.0 Administrator's Guide.

To reconfigure the alias synchronization schedule:

See "Alias Synchronization Schedule" in Chapter 5, "Internet Mail Transport Agent" in the SIMS 4.0 Administrator's Guide.

Installation Updates

The following section describes any updates limitations to the SIMS 4.0 installation procedures.

Wrong NSDS Location in Installation Guide (bug 4247530)

The SIMS 4.0 Installation Guide (Step 2 of "Installing Netscape Directory Services 4.1" of Appendix A) currently refers to the NSDS package as if it was located on the SIMS 4.0 CD. The instructions state "Insert the SIMS CD-ROM into the disk drive."

NSDS is delivered on a separate CD in the SIMS packaging and information about the most current version can be found on the following at

setup-tty Allows Installation Over Existing SIMS Setup (bug 4232885)

Description: If you run setup-tty after installing SIMS, you are allowed to install over an existing SIMS setup. This should not occur; in fact, you should not be allowed to go past the options page.

Workaround: Automatic upgrade is not supported in this release. Installing over an existing SIMS installation will not save configuration or data.

Install Overwrites Previously saved LDAP Directory (bug 4245234)

Description: Installing SIMS 4.0 can overwrite anything previously saved in the /var/opt/SUNWconn/ldap directory. The following steps reproduce the problem:

  1. Invoke uninstall
  2. Select the do not remove the SDS directory option
  3. Create a tar archive of the dbm directory
  4. Install SIMS 4.0

The following are the results:

The dbm files in /var/opt/SUNWconn/ldap/dbm are deleted
The tar file in /var/opt/SUNWconn/ldap is deleted

Workaround: There is currently no workaround. Suggest saving the tar file into a directory other than /var/opt/SUNWconn/ldap.

Schema Files for NSDS slapd.conf Removed with Uninstall

Description: Performing an uninstall of SIMS 4.0 removes the SIMS schema files included in the NSDS slapd.conf file. The following steps reproduce this problem:

  1. Install NSDS 4.1.
  2. Edit /usr/netscape/server4/slapd-<hostname>/config/slapd.conf to add the following four lines:

include "/usr/netscape/server4/slapd-minister/config/"
include "/usr/netscape/server4/slapd-minister/config/sims-sisp.oc.conf"
include "/usr/netscape/server4/slapd-minister/config/"
include "/usr/netscape/server4/slapd-minister/config/sims.oc.conf"

  3. Install SIMS 4.0.
  4. Uninstall SIMS 4.0 with the uninstall -d sims command

The four lines added to the slapd.conf file disappears.

Workaround: Manually add the four lines back into the slapd.conf file.

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