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adding NAS machines 102
adjusting KCS threads 90
adjusting KJS threads 89
Administrative Server (KAS) 29, 74
  described 74
analyzing performance test results 81, 84
application components 70, 71, 89
  described 67, 117
  result caching 91
  sticky 95
  bottlenecks 87
  deploying 16, 71, 113
  designing 93
  input 93, 94
  limiting the size of session data 93
  name-value pair list 93
  output 93, 94, 95
  partitioning 69, 70
  performance 87
  returning large amounts of data 103
  sample scenario for performance testing 80
  types of requests 67, 68
AppLogics 67, 74, 89
assessing network components 21

back-end data source 38
  bottlenecks 87
backup requirements 47
balancing application-request loads 71
bandwidth 25
bottlenecks 25, 48, 57, 81, 86
  C++ Servers (KCS) 90
  Executive Server (KXS) 91
  Java Servers (KJS) 89
  web server 87, 102
broadcasting NAS information 97
Browse request
  described 79
Buy/Place Order request
  described 79

C++ Servers (KCS) 75, 91
  adjusting the number of engines 90
  described 74
  threads 75, 90
cable modem 23
capacity 55, 56, 57, 63, 66
capacity planning 72
CGI 25
checklist 114
Cisco's LocalDirector 38
client-side bottlenecks 86
cluster 45, 74
  data synchronization 93
  described 47, 117
  role of servers 47
  sizing 100
  Sync Backup 98
concurrent users 56, 58, 59, 60, 66, 86
  described 57, 117
  maximum 65
conventions, documentation 12
cookies 93, 94, 95, 103
CPUs 36, 46, 102, 103
  increasing 48
  machine-CPU mix 46
  number 99, 101
  number of engines 74, 89, 90, 100
  overloading 102
  resource usage 88, 96
  web server 103
CreateSession method 92, 93

database connections 99
databases 48
  bottlenecks 48
  subnets 48
  using global transactions 48, 49
data synchronization 47, 48, 93
deploying a pilot system 114
deploying applications 16, 71, 113
deploying a production system 113
  checklist 114
  described 15, 16, 117
  goals 16, 19
  phases 17
described 118
determining failover threshold 73
developing a failover provision 71
Directory Server 53
  configuration Directory Server 53
  described 51
  failover 54
  integrating NAS with Directory Server 51, 53
  master server 54
  NAS configuration settings 51
  NAS registry settings 51
  o=NetscapeRoot tree 53
  slave server 54
distributed data synchronization see data synchronization
distributed transactions 49
DMZ 29
  database protection 29
DMZ-database protection firewall 32
DMZ firewall 31
documentation 7
documentation conventions 12
dsync see data synchronization
dynamic load balancing 24, 28, 96
  described 24

EJBs 49, 74, 89
enabling ports 28
engines 73, 74
Enterprise Java Beans ( EJBs) 67
Enterprise Java Beans (EJBs) 70
Ethernet cards 25
Executive Server (KXS) 25, 28, 32, 95
  bottlenecks 91
  described 74
  threads 91, 92

failover 17, 71, 73, 74
  developing a failover provision 72, 73
  sticky application components 96
fault tolerance 17, 74
fiber optic lines 22
fine-tuning NAS 88, 116
  worksheet 103
  connections and replies 28
  described 26
  DMZ 29
  DMZ-database protection 29, 32
  DMZ topology 31
  filters 27, 28
  opening ports 28
  packet filtering 27, 28
  single firewall topology 29, 30
  topology 29, 117
  Transmission Control Protocol (TCP/IP) 26
  User Datagram Protocol (UDP) 26
firewall topology
  described 29
fonts, use in document 13
format, URLs, in manual 12

getSession method 92, 93
global transactions 48, 49
goals of deployment 16, 19
goals of performance 56, 63
guidelines for fine-tuning the server 88

hard disk access 96
heavyweight requests 68, 101
hosting applications on multiple NAS machines 69
HTTP headers 93, 95, 103
HTTP requests 30

I/O 36, 89, 90
increasing the number of CPUs 46, 48
Internet access lines 21, 25
ISDN 22, 23

Java Servers
  threads 49
Java Servers (KJS) 49, 75, 91
  adjusting the number of engines 89
  described 74, 89
  threads 50, 75, 89
JDBC 99, 105
JSPs 67, 74, 89

KAS see Administrative Server
KCS see C++ Servers (KCS)
KJS see Java Servers (KJS)
KXS see Executive Server

LDAP see Lightweight Directory Access Protocol
Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) 51
lightweight requests 68, 101
limiting the size of session data 93
live staging environment 113
load balancing 28, 69, 71, 73, 96
  broadcasting intervals 97
  described 24, 117
  monitoring 98
  update intervals 97
  web server 38
LocalDirector (Cisco) 38
local transactions 48, 49, 50
Log out request
  described 79

machine-CPU mix 46
maximum number of concurrent users 60
MaxProcs registry setting 38
measuring performance 56, 59
mediumweight requests 68, 101
memory issues 100
memory thrashing 96

name-value pair list 91, 93
  applications 93
  servlets 94
name-value pair list (application)
  described 117
name-value pair list (session)
  described 118
NAS registry 92
NAS see Netscape Application Server (NAS)
NES see Netscape Enterprise Server (NES)
Netscape Application Server (NAS) 15, 73, 74
  deploying 15, 16
  deploying into production 113
  documentation 7
  engines 73, 74
  fine-tuning 88
  integrating with Directory Server 51, 53
  patterns of server behavior 85
  performance 87
  registry settings 89
Netscape Application Server registry settings 51
Netscape Enterprise Server (NES) 25, 103
network bandwidth 21, 22, 64, 93
network bottlenecks 25
network components
  ADSL 23
  assessing 21
  cards 25
  Internet access lines 21
  routers and subnets 24
network traffic 21
NSCP_THREADPOOL_MAX environment variable 103

o=NetscapeRoot tree 53

packet filters 27, 28
packets 95, 103
  size 95
partitioning applications 69, 70
peak capacity 62, 86
  described 60, 117
peak load 22, 63, 64, 72, 73, 82, 86
  described 59, 117
performance 19, 55
  described 117
  goals 19, 56, 63
  improving 96
  measuring 56, 59
  memory considerations 100
  Netscape Application Server 87
  patterns of server behavior 85
performance testing 82
  analyzing results 81, 84
  scripts 83
  test environment 82
  tools 84
  types of tests 83
pilot system
  deploying 114
planning for failover
  determining failover requirements 72, 73
production system 116

Registration request
  described 79
  settings stored on Directory Server 51
registry settings 92
  see also NAS registry
remote browser emulator (RBE) tool 56
request and response streams 91
request manager threads 92
request object 118
  described 93
requests 57, 64, 75, 118
  browse 79
  Buy/Place Order 79
  described 16, 20
  flow 95
  frequency 81
  heavyweight 101
  lightweight 101
  Log out 79
  mediumweight 101
  Registration 79
  Search 79
  Shopping Cart 79
  Sign In (Log in) 79
  threads 101
  types 67, 68, 81
requests per minute 16, 60, 61, 66, 82
  formula 67
  relationship to response time 65, 67
requests per second 16
Resource Manager 50
resource manager 50
response object 118
  described 93
response time 56, 62, 64, 65, 82, 85, 118
  acceptable level 65, 66, 67
  described 16, 20
  determining at peak load 66
  improving 101
  relationship to requests per minute 65, 67
routers 24, 25
running performance tests 82

sample application scenario 80
scalability 24
  described 16, 118
scaling factor 45
  described 118
scaling to more than two NAS machines topology 44
  advantages 45
  ratings 45
  performance testing 83
Search request
  described 79
server backup requirements 47
server capacity 66
server engines 73, 74
  adding too many 102
server fail-over 17
server failure 72
server performance 69
server processes 73, 74
servlets 67, 74, 89, 93
  request and response objects 94
session data 96
session object
  described 93, 118
  creating 93
  described 92, 118
  name-value pair list 93
  session object 93
  size of session data 92
Shopping Cart request
  described 79
Sign In (Log in) request
  described 79
single firewall topology 30
single-machine topology 33
  advantages 34
  disadvantages 34
  ratings 35
single point of failure 17, 72
size of packets 95
size of session data 92
state and session data 71, 73
  see also session data
steady state 62, 63, 82
  described 61, 119
steady state load 59
sticky application components 95
  described 119
  failover 96
subnets 24, 25, 32, 48
Sync Alternate
  described 47
Sync Backup 48
  affect on performance 98
  described 47
Sync Primary 48, 98
  described 47
Sync Server 47, 48
system capacity 55, 56

T-1 lines 21, 22, 23
T-3 lines 21, 22
TCP 95
TCP/IP requests 31
test environment 82
think time 56, 58, 81
  described 57, 119
thrashing 61
threads 89, 90, 101
  adding too many 102
  configuring 92
  described 75
  KXS engine 91
  request manager 92
  web server 103
three-machine topology 38
  ratings 39
throughput 20, 22, 45, 56
  described 16, 20, 119
  benchmarking 84
  remote browser emulator (RBE) 56
  web site performance 56, 84
topology 100
  described 29, 119
  DMZ-database protection firewall 32
  examples 33
  firewall 29
  Netscape Application Server 33
  scaling to more than two NAS machines 44, 45
  scaling to two NAS machines 40
  single firewall 30
  single-machine configuration 33, 35
  three-machine configuration 38, 39
  two-machine configuration 36
  two-NAS machine topology 43
transaction manager 49, 50
Transmission Control Protocol (TCP/IP) 26
two-machine topology 36
  advantages and disadvantages 36
  ratings 36
two-NAS machine topology 40
  advantages 41
  ratings 43

  format in manual 12
User Datagram Protocol (UDP) 26, 31, 32

Web Connector plug-in 28, 70, 91, 94, 95, 103
  described 25
web server 25, 30, 32, 33, 36, 38, 44, 102
  bottlenecks 87
  CPUs 103
  described 103
  load balancer 38
  NSCP_THREADPOOL_MAX environment variable 103
  running on NT 38
  running on Unix 38
Web Server Load Balancer plug-in 24
web site performance tools 56
  fine-tuning 103

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