Netscape Application Server

Version 4.0 Service Pack 6

Release Notes

Updated May 14, 2001



This document summarizes the new features, resolved issues, and known problems relevant to Netscape Application Server (NAS), 4.0 SP6. This document updates previous Release Notes for NAS 4.0.

Frequently asked questions (FAQ) about NAS 4.0 are available at

Native Drivers Certified

The following table lists native drivers certified to run on NAS 4.0, SP6.
Database Server Database Client (Solaris 2.6, 2.8)
Oracle 8.0.6 Oracle 8.0.6 client in compatibly mode using OCI 7.x 
(SQL3 blobs and CLOB calls are not supported)
Sybase 11.9.2 Sybase Open/Client System 11.1.1 
Informix 9.2 (+7.3) Informix Client SDK 2.40 
SQL Server 6.5 ODBC 3.5.2 and 3.60
DB2 7.1 DB2 Client 6.1, 7.1

Support for Web Servers

Interface Web Server
NSAPI iPlanet Web Server, 4.1 SP7
ISAPI Microsoft Internet Information Server 4.0 (NT only)
Apache Equivalent to Apache Web Server 1.3.9 (Solaris 8 ONLY Apache Webserver version 11.8 on Solaris) 

Note: Apache support files are included on the CD but not integrated into the installation

  • NOTE: During installation on Windows NT you are asked to choose which Webserver to use. If you have Netscape/IAS 4.0 or later installed, leave the
    Netscape Enterprise Server 4.0 checkbox selected.

  • Installation

    Installation of this product is as follows:

    Documentation Issues

    This product includes an Overview Guide, Installation Guide, NAS Foundation Class Reference (Java), NAS Foundation Class Reference (C++), Deployment Guide, Administrator's Guideand a Programmer's Guide.

    To locate these guides, use the following iPlanet web site:

    Adobe Acrobat 4.0 and PostScript printer with PS level 2 fonts are required to print the PDF version.

    For previous product documentation please visit the iPlanet web site above.

    General Issues

    To run kjs with -nojit option on NT :
    Add an environment variable NAS_JRE_ARGS when running jre and NAS_JAVA_ARGS when running java development environment.
    eg., if JRE options for heap size are to be added say -ms32 -mx64, where -ms32 sets the initial Java heap size,
    and -mx64 sets the maximum java heap size, add the following : NAS_JRE_ARGS "-ms64m -mx128m"

    Note : Set all the parameters in double quotes.

    To run kjs with -nojit option on Solaris :
    Add -nojit after java or jre in the kjs script.

    [538514] Global and local transactions

    The NAS Transaction Manger can run either global or local Container Managed Transactions (CMT). The NAS Transaction Manager cannot run both global and local CMT's in the same NAS instance. If the NAS instance is set for global CMT's then only datasources that have a resource manager will be managed by the container. If the NAS instance is set for local CMT's then all datasources can be managed by the container.

    Programmer's Guide (Java) The Programmer's Guide (Java) contains a couple of documentation errors, as follows:

    Resolved Issues

    NAS 4.0 SP6

    The following issues have been resolved in the Netscape Application Server 4.0  SP6 release.
    ID Summary
    387913 NAS Plugin has problems with Custom Headers being passed.
    390608 warning: EVENT-004: no bits left to use for this thread.
    393560 A cookie disabled:<href> was getting appended with the session id.
    396355 While under load, Sybase database not returning all rows.
    398283 Added support of Informix client 2.40
    513070 java.sql.ResultSet.beforeFirst() result incorrect output after returning 400th row.
    513368 Memory leak fix with com.kivasoft.data2.JDBCResultSetMetaData
    513515 The servlet 2.2 specs, getParameterValues() returns an array of String objects containing all the parameter values associated with ONE parameter name. For example a parameter named HTTP_TEST1, can have zero, one or more values which would be returned by getParameterValues("HTTP_TEST1")
    515997 kxs coring while trying to lock a GXDSyncNode
    516475 Rollback with Container Managed Local Transactions

    Added an optional parameter called 'CacheOption' for Servlet ntv files. This is for the timeout based on the creation time functionality.

    CacheOption will have the following values:

    • TIMEOUT_CREATE : Will take the cache-timeout value from the creation time.
    • TIMEOUT_LASTACCESS : Will take timeout based on the last accessed time. By default cache-timeout is going to based on the last accessed time
    517341 Allow the installer to install NAS 40 SP5 with iWS 4.1
    518581 After LDAP failover, if kjs core dump occurs, kjs cannot wake up.
    518877 Encryption between the WebConnector and the KXS does not work.
    1. Manually register the crypt128.gxr file ( kreg -q crypt128.gxr )
    This file would be in [NAS_INSTALL]/nas/registry on Solaris and [NAS_INSTALL]/nas/bin/ on WinNT
    2. Set CCS0\\SECURITY\\EnableEncryption=D ( for Domestic 128 bit)
    3. Create CCS0\\SECURITY\\LogEncryption=1
    5. Set "encrypt" Str "y", in nsFortune.ntv file and do a servletreg on the appInfo.ntv file.
    You will notice that the registry entry under \\CLASSDEF\\Servlet-GUID\\SecurityFlags=1
    6. Restart NAS and restart the webserverthe encrypt/decrypt messages will appear in the kxs log when
    running nsFortune
    519445 LOADB-040 - warning is misleading -
    520160 URL rewriting patch for WML does not rewrite WML HREF's correctly.
    520242 Plug in with webconnector logs was recording messages twice.
    520583 Kxs Engine Crashing in cluster.
    521228 moveTo method in IResultSet interface fixed.
    523237 Kxs Engine Crashing in cluster with Oracle as database.
    523709 Applogic Multi Select Box input delimiter changed from ; to ^~^
    523760 Log rotation out of synch from output generated with system.out.println.
    524901 Update JSP classloader.
    526395 Segmentation fault with database access.
    527474 NAS40Sp5 corrupts target page URL's by prepending string GXHC_gx_session_id_blahblah=fffffffffff.
    527922 Session data getting truncated from array.
    529822 IAppEnent Interface problem
    • The primary key size is not expected to exceed 512 bytes.
    • If the size of the primary key turns out to be more than that, NAS/iAS will throw the primary key null exception.
    • If the primary key used doesn't exceed this limit, it will work fine.
    532591 Using Oracle806 client, executeUpdate does not return update count (JDBC executeUpdate) correctly with datatype having LONG.
    533245 Oracle client crashing client rather then throwing exception.

    PreparedStatement cannot bind LONG datatype.

    533245 Oracle client crashing client rather then throwing exception.

    getString() for LONG datatype returns Garbage or NULL

    Known Problems

    NAS 4.0 SP6:

    This section describes the known problems for NAS 4.0 SP6.

    [386016] Mixing client side JavaScript tags and JSP tags in the same page is not recommended. JSP compilation exceptions may be thrown.

    [529734] Installation instructions for Apache Plugin.
    Apache Webserver bundled with Solaris 2.8:

    Admin Server Not Coming Up After Registering Servlet

    Registration problems occurs when defining servlets in ntv file without some parameters. These optional fields are not really optional, and cause the NAS admin server to hang. To workaround this problem provide a complete definition of ntv file:

    Communication Channel Closed Problem While Debugging Applications with Visual Cafe 3

    This problem is occasionally seen under certain conditions while debugging applications with Visual Cafe along with
    Application builder. It only occurs when trying to debug or set a break point on an EJB code during development (not
    production) with Visual Cafe in certain systems.

    Hot Deploy

    Under high load the output of JSP execution may be corrupted when a modified version of the same JSP is deployed.
    Do not hot deploy in production systems.  Restart the server after a new version of the application components is rolled
    into production. This problem occurs rarely and will be corrected in a future release.

    JSP Compilation Exceptions

    Mixing client side JavaScript tags and JSP tags in the same page is not recommended. JSP compilation exceptions
    may be thrown.

    LDAP Failover

    This has been fixed in NAS 4.0 SP4, however the failover may take 3-5 minutes.

    Multiple Result Sets Are Not Supported

    Netscape Application Server Does Not Appear in the Console

    This problem is occasionally seen when the domain name is not properly registered, or the NAS installer fails to find the
    domain name. To prevent this, set the domainname variable in the shell before the product is installed.

    Online Bank 4.0 Sample Application Does Not Work

    LDAP may not have initialized with the Bank user information during installation. This behavior has been noticed in some cases, and
    user gets an authentication error while executing the application. To workaround, manually load this information from the
    BankUser.ldif file using the ldapmodify command. Make sure that this file is edited properly with the correct domain information.

    Problem Inserting Rows

    NAS has problems inserting rows when running in international mode with the Oracle client configured with Legacy and the
    database server configured to with UTF-8. Workaround: configure both the Oracle client and the database server with either
    Legacy or UTF-8.

    ResultSet Returned by DatabaseMetaData.getColumns( ) Sometimes Not Fully Populated

    This occurs on very large database tables containing more than 300 columns when used with NAS default database driver. To
    work around this problem, use Oracle Native drivers (jdbc thin drivers - type 4). The steps for making Oracle JDBC drivers work with NAS 4.0
    are listed below in the section Using Oracle Thin Drivers.

    Using Oracle Thin Drivers

    1. Download the oracle-jdbc thin driver from the site:

    2. .
    3. Go to Oracle8i 8.1.6 JDBC Drivers for use with JDK 1.1.x.
    4. Select JDBC-Thin, 100% Java (
    5. Add the under <ORACLE_HOME>\jdbc\lib directory.
    6. Update the CLASSPATH with <ORACLE_HOME>\jdbc\lib\
    7. Update the PATH with <ORACLE_HOME>\jdbc\lib.
    8. Reboot the system to make it effective.
    9. Import the class "import oracle.jdbc.driver.*" into your program.
    10. Register the driver using DriverManager.registerDriver(new oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleDriver()) .
    11. Make the connection using the URL: "jdbc:oracle:thin:@<host>:<port>:<oracle_sid>". (For example:

    12. String url = "jdbc:oracle:thin:@psedb:1521:ORCL".)
    13. Conn = DriverManager.getConnection(URL,user,passwd).
    14. Get the Driver using DriverManager.getDriver(URL).
    15. Compile and execute the program.
    setBinaryStream( ) Does Not Work with PreparedStatement as Expected

    To work around this problem, try using setbytes.

    setEvent Does Not Work As Expected

    After enabling events in particular sequence of disabling, enabling, and setting of events. Do not work with events in this sequence.

    SQL3 Blobs and CLOB Calls Are Not Supported with NAS 4.0

    How to Report Problems

    If you have problems with Netscape Application Server, contact iPlanet customer support using one of the following mechanisms:

    So that we can best assist you in resolving problems, please have the following information available when you contact support:

    For More Information

    Useful iPlanet information can be found at the following Internet locations:

    Use of Netscape Application Server is subject to the terms described in the license agreement accompanying it.

    Copyright © 2001 Sun Microsystems, Inc. Some preexisting portions Copyright © 2001 Netscape Communications Corp. All rights reserved.

    Last Updated May 14, 2001