Single Sign-On Deployment Guide

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Public-Key Cryptography

For a comprehensive technical discussion of public-key cryptography and cryptographic algorithms, see Bruce Schneier, Applied Cryptography (Wiley, 1996).

For public-key cryptography standard (PKCS) documentation and other information about cryptography and networks, see RSA Data Security.

SuiteSpot Servers

Documentation for SuiteSpot servers can be viewed online by clicking Help in any server window. Most SuiteSpot documentation is also available in the form of printed manuals for each server.

Server Central provides general information about SuiteSpot servers.

Server Training Center provides online training in the installation and configuration of SuiteSpot servers.

Access Control Programmer's Guide Detailed information about using the ACL API with the Enterprise Server to manipulate ACLs, read and write ACL files, and evaluate and test access control to resources.


Certificates. Overview of information related to certificates.

Netscape Certificate Server. Certificate Server's public page on Server Central.

Certificate Authority Services. A listing of some certificate authorities that issue certificates for Netscape products.

Certificate Mapping API. Detailed information about customizing the way a server uses the certmap.conf file to locate a user's entry in an LDAP directory.

Verification Gateway Interface (VGI)

Certificate Server utilities and basic VGI examples are available at these FTP addresses:

More complex VGI examples illustrating the use of information in an LDAP directory to prepopulate a certificate may be found on DevEdge at

Mission Control

Netscape Mission Control. Summary of product information for Mission Control.

Netscape Mission Control Guide. Documentation for Mission Control.

Third-Party Solutions

To fully integrate single sign-on authentication with forms of access not directly controlled by Netscape servers, you can use solutions provided by third parties specifically for such purposes. For information about Netscape partners that provide such single sign-on solutions, see Netscape Security Partners.

Feedback and Help

To give Netscape comments on this guide or on any aspect of single sign-on, please send email to sso-feedback. This address is strictly for collecting feedback; you will not receive a personal response.

For information about getting technical help with any Netscape product, see Netscape Tech Support.

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Last Updated: 10/20/97 14:15:49

Copyright © 1997 Netscape Communications Corporation

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