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iPlanet Trustbase Transaction Manager 3.0 Configuration and Installation

Chapter 9   Templates and Message Parsers

Templates allows you to deploy HTML based responses that are sent to the screen populated with data values that have been filled into the HTML page itself.

Under normal circumstances these should not need to be changed. However if you are deploying a new service that requires sending a message to the Trustbase screen you will need to deploy a template in this configuration screen.

Figure 9-1    Template Main Menu

Figure 9-2    Template Configuration


This allows you to configure the parser. You may add and remove message readers, message writers and protocol handlers. Enter the name and class name for each. When you have completed your entries, press the submit button to commit your changes to the server.

  1. Select <Parser> <Configuration>

Figure 9-3    Parser Menu

  1. Enter Message Readers, Writers and Protocol Handlers

Figure 9-4    Parser Details

  1. Select <Submit> when done

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Copyright © 2001 Sun Microsystems, Inc. Some preexisting portions Copyright © 2001 Netscape Communications Corp. All rights reserved.

Last Updated November 21, 2001