Release Notes for iPlanet™ Application Server, Enterprise Edition

Version 6.5

Part Number: 816-6373-10

Updated July 26 

These release notes contain important information available at the time of the Version 6.5 release of iPlanet Application Server, Enterprise Edition. New features and enhancements, installation notes, known problems, and other late-breaking issues are addressed here. Read this document before you begin using iPlanet Application Server, Enterprise Edition.

These release notes contain the following sections:

What's New in iPlanet Application Server, Enterprise Edition 6.5

iPlanet Application Server, Enterprise Edition 6.5 includes enhancements described in the following sections:

JDK 1.3.1_02 Support

J2SDK 1.3.1_02 is bundled with iPlanet Application Server, Enterprise Edition, 6.5.

Developer Resources

The iPlanet Application Server now includes a Developer Resources component to assist developers developing applications using the Forte for Java IDE and seamlessly deploying those applications to the iPlanet Application Server and Web Server.

The Developers Resources for iPlanet Application Server 6.5 includes:

For more information about installing and using the Developer Resources Integration modules for developing applications for the iPlanet Application Server, consult the ReadMe located on the product CD in devtools/readme.html.

Additionally, the most up-to-date Developers Resources documentation can be found at the Sun documentation Website. Select the Developer Pack link to locate the latest documentation for developers. To assist you in quickly getting started using the iPlanet Integration Module with Forte for Java, use the Tutorial available at

CTS Compliance

iPlanet Application Server, Enterprise Edition, 6.5 complies with the latest CTS 1.2.1.d specifications.

Performance Improvements

iPlanet Application Server, Enterprise Edition, 6.5 sports the following performance improvements compared to 6.0, SP4:

Database Infrastructure Enhancements

Encina has been replaced with the Java TM Transaction Service Reference Implementation (JTS RI), with suitable modifications for production environments. The following enhancements have been made to the database support infrastructure:

These new features affect various processes and functions of iPlanet Application Server, as described below:

Driver Registration

DataSource Registration

Connection Pooling

The following enhancements have been made to the connection pooling infrastructure:

Transaction Service

The following enhancements have been made to the Transaction Service:

Support for Message Driven Beans

Message-driven beans are now supported by iPlanet Application Server. The Administration Tool and Deployment Tool offers added functionality to administer and deploy message-driven beans.

The message-driven bean functionality in this release is certified for developer use only.

For more information, see chapter 7, "Using Message Driven Beans" in the Developers Guide, and chapter 15, "Configuring JMS Providers", in the Administration Guide.

ORB Upgrade

The ORB bundled with iPlanet Application Server has been replaced by J2EE 1.3 RI ORB.

The J2EE 1.3 RI ORB is Portable Object Adaptor (POA) compliant and makes upgrades easier in the future.

This ORB upgrade provides better performance and scalability in the rich client path. A few bugs in the J2EE 1.3 RI ORB have been fixed in the ORB version bundled with iPlanet Application Server.

A few classes, which were earlier part of J2EE 1.2 RI ORB, have been moved to JDK1.3.  Consequently, the class definitions and packages of some of these classes have changed.

The file has been modified by commenting out some of the properties, since default values for those properties must be used for J2EE 1.3 RI ORB. 

SOAP Enhancements

The latest version of SOAP (SOAP 2.2) is available on the iPlanet Application Server product CD. To make SOAP applications run on iPlanet Application Server, the following two modifications are needed:

Installation, Administration, and Deployment Enhancements

This section describes the following topics:

Installation Changes

The following changes have been made to iPlanet Application Server installation procedure:

Deployment Tool Enhancements

Administration Tool Enhancements

The 6.5 administration framework provides improved administration control, monitoring, and tracing capabilities.

The following monitoring and tracing features are available in 6.5: 

Sample Application Enhancements

The following samples have been added in iPlanet Application Server, Enterprise Edition 6.5 release:

The sources and documentation for the sample applications are available at:

Product Packaging

The following products are available on the iPlanet Application Server Enterprise Edition 6.5, product CD:

Compatibility with Previous Releases

This section describes changes made in 6.5 that affect applications developed or deployed on earlier versions of iPlanet Application Server, Enterprise Edition.

Native Drivers Deprecated

Admin Command Line Tool Removed

JSP Caching Changes

Compiler Changes

 iPlanet Application Server, Enterprise Edition, 6.5 sources have been recompiled using the new Forte C++ 6  (update2) compiler on Solaris.

As a result, C++ Applogics based applications might have to be recompiled and change native code to follow ANSI/ISO C++ standard. You might also have to install additional OS/Compiler patches.

you will have to rename all occurrences of gx_session_id to GX_SESSIONID, if you are using this parameter in your applications.

Internationalization Changes

JSP Includes

To work around multi-byte character issues, use the following two methods to include JSPs:

Message Driven Beans

iPlanet Application Server 6.5 supports GX.SetCharset() method of deprecated Netscape Application Server API. This method is extensively used to support Multibyte locale functionality in iPlanet Application Server.

Use this method to display Japanese messages correctly in a message-driven bean Java Client.

Since the application uses com.kivasoft.util.GX, as it is an internal API, you have to set $LD_LIBRARY_PATH to /ias/gxlib to enable the JMS client to send messages.

Memory Settings

The default JVM arguments on iPlanet Application Server, Enterprise Edition, 6.5 are as follows:

-server -Xss512k -Xms128m -Xmx1024m -XX:NewSize=42m -XX:MaxNewSize=342m -XX:+DisableExplicitGC -Xconcurrentio

Refer to for details on VM parameters.

The heap values will need to be changed based on available system memory. In previous versions of iPlanet Application Server, the default values of minimum & maximum heap used to be 64MB. Due to the change in default values, the memory startup footprint will be higher. A thumb of rule for NewSize & MaxNewSize are 1/3* and 1/3* respectively.

Note  If your system does not have 1GB memory, then reduce the maximum heap size to fit your system's resources.

When -XX:+DisableExplicitGC is set, VM disables explicit calls to GC. The HotSpot technology discourages use of explicit GC due to performance reasons. You may need to take care of this if your application invokes GC explicitly.

Caution  If GX.cleaner.enabled=yes in JAVA_ARGS setting, then remove -XX:+DisableExplicitGC.

Applogics Deprecated

The Applogics framework is deprecated with this release of iPlanet Application Server and will not be supported in future releases.

Software and Hardware Requirements

Your system must meet the following requirements before you can install iPlanet Application Server.


Your Solaris® system must meet the following requirements before you can install iPlanet Application Server: The following patches for JDK 1.3.1_02 must be applied on Solaris 8 . These patches can be downloaded from the or

  Table 2  Required patches for Solaris 8 


Patch Description 

108652-37  X11 6.4.1 patch 
108921-13  CDE 1.4 patch 
108940-32  Motif patch 

Other required patches:
Table 3  Required patches for Solaris 8 


Patch Description 

108528-12  kernel update patch 
108434-04(32-bit) / 108435-04 (64-bit)  libC patch 
108827-12  SunOS 5.8: /usr/lib/ patch 


Your Microsoft Windows system must meet the following requirements before you can install iPlanet Application Server:

Installation Notes

This section contains late-breaking information about installing iPlanet Application Server, Enterprise Edition, 6.5. For detailed information about installation procedures, see iPlanet Application Server Installation Guide.

Installing iPlanet Directory Server 5.0 SP1 Patch 

This patch should be installed if you are planning to use a fresh installation of iPlanet Application Server, Enterprise Edition 6.5 with a remote user directory. This patch must be installed even if you are using iPlanet Directory Server 4.13 or later versions, as your user directory.

For detailed instructions on installing the iPlanet Directory Server 5,0 SP1 patch,  see iPlanet Application Server Installation Guide .

Certified Directory Servers 

The following directory servers are certified to work with iPlanet Application Server 6.5.
Table 1    Certified Directory Servers 
Directory Server 

iPlanet Directory Server  5.1

5.0 SP1 (bundled with iPlanet Application Server 6.5) 


Certified Web Servers 

The following Web servers are certified to work with iPlanet Application Server, Enterprise Edition 6.5.
Table 2   Certified Web Servers
Web Server 


iPlanet Web Server, Enterprise Edition 6.0, SP1, SP2, or 6.0.1  NSAPI
iPlanet Web Server Enterprise Edition 4.1, SP7 or later  NSAPI 
Microsoft Internet Information Server 4.0 (Windows NT)  ISAPI 
Microsoft Internet Information Server 5.0 (Windows 2000)  ISAPI 
Apache 1.3.19  APACHEAPI 

Certified JVMs 

The following JVMs are certified to work with iPlanet Application Server 6.5.

Table 3 Certified JVMs 




Windows 2000  Professional, Server, Advanced Server  JDK 1.3.1_002 
Windows NT  4.0 SP6a  JDK 1.3.1_002 
Solaris  2.6, 8  JDK 1.3.1_02 

Certified Third Party JDBC Database Drivers 

The following Third Party JDBC drivers are certified to work with iPlanet Application Server 6.5.

Table 4   Third party JDBC database drivers certified in 6.5 on Windows and Solaris 

Database Vendor 

JDBC Driver 

Oracle  Oracle 8.1.7 (Type 4 and Type 2), 9i 
Merant SequeLink  DataDirect Java 5.1 (all databases supported by DDJ5.1) 
Sybase  jConnect for JDBC 5.2 Type 4 
IBM DB2  IBM DB2 7.1 JDBC Client 
Informix  Informix JDBC v2.1 Type 4 

Certified Native Type 2 Database Servers and Clients 

iPlanet Application Server 6.5 continues to support the database clients and servers for the iPlanet Application Server Type 2 JDBC Database Drivers listed here. 
Table 5    Certified Native Type 2 database servers and clients for 6.5 

Database Server 

Database Client 


Oracle 7.3.4, 8.0.x, 8i, 9i Oracle8i 8.1.7  Windows NT/Solaris 
Sybase 12  Sybase Open/Client System 12  Windows NT/Solaris 
DB2 7.1  DB2 6.1, 7.1  Windows NT/Solaris 
Informix 9.2  Informix SDK 2.40  Windows NT/Solaris 
Microsoft SQL Server 7, 2000  ODBC 3.51  Windows NT only (client) 

  • For proper functioning of the Sybase global transactions on Solaris, the following Sybase patches for client version 12.0 should be installed: 

    • EBF 9651 
    • EBF 9769 

    These patches are available from the Sybase website at: 

  • On Oracle, transactions are supported on Oracle 8.1.7 or later server versions.

Documentation Updates

The following manuals and online help tools were updated for iPlanet Application Server, Enterprise Edition 6.5.

Installation Guide

The iPlanet Application Server, Enterprise Edition 6.5 release includes the following changes for the Installation Guide:

Administrator's Guide

The iPlanet Application Server, Enterprise Edition 6.5 release includes the following changes for the Administrator's Guide:

Migration Guide

The iPlanet Application Server, Enterprise Edition 6.5 release includes the following changes for the Migration Guide:

Developer's Guide

The iPlanet Application Server, Enterprise Edition 6.5 release includes the following changes for the Developer's Guide:

Deployment Tool Online Help

The iPlanet Application Server, Enterprise Edition 6.5 release includes the following changes for the Deployment Tool Online Help:

Performance and Tuning Guide

The iPlanet Application Server, Enterprise Edition 6.5 release includes the following changes for the Performance and Tuning Guide:

Registry Guide

The iPlanet Application Server, Enterprise Edition 6.5 release includes the following changes for the Registry Guide:

Resolved Issues

The following table lists the critical issues resolved in iPlanet Application Server, Enterprise Edition 6.5 release.

Table 1    List of resolved issues

Bud ID




Admin Tool 

Applications are not displayed in NAS Ksvradmin.  


Core server 

Deploy tool does not pick up classes from the classpath properties.  



Core server  

Keeping connections opened between web server and NAS iPlanet Application Server. 


Core server 

Implementation of ISession2 interface in iPlanet Application Server 6.0 SP1 causes memory leak. 


Core server 

JNDI Lookup succeeds; but invoking methods based on this resource throws exceptions.  


Core server 

Header file gxorder.h missing from iPlanet Application Server 6.0 SP1 Rev B install.  


Core server 

iPlanet Application Server 6.0 SP2 is unable to serve static content other than.htm  


Core server 

Applogic is not getting reloaded in iPlanet Application Server 6,0 SP2  


Core server 

iPlanet Application Server registry gets corrupted after installation.  


Core server 

When cookies' are disabled, petstore (signout and then signin), throws exception. 


Core server 

Crashing of KXS engine with malloc().  


Core server 

Error while executing GetSessionCount().  


Core server 

Insertion of NAS session hidden fields within the URL string.  


Core server 

System.out and similar API's log messages only in default KJS.  


Core server 

PrincipalClass does not load automatically.  


Core server 

Need 552184 patch on iPlanet Application Server 6.0 SP3.  


Core server 

Sticky cookie, GX_jst, is not being set properly.  


Core server 

Exceptions taking place in beans are not reaching client.  


Core server 

UDP ports still bind to all the interfaces.  


Core server 

KJS crashes with SIGSEGV on release of GXAgent object.  


Core server 

Memory corruption under stress.  


Core server 

iASDT hangs; 100% usage of CPU when a class is modified.  


Core server 

KJS engine fails to recover after probable LDAP outage.  


Core server 

getRemoteUser always returns null.  



Form login authentication fails due to garbage action url.  



JSP application that is in multiple directories, is not sticky.  



Memory leak when using servlet with some graphics.  



iPlanet Application Server gives "Conversion failed" error when application has NLS information.  



Security roles are not working with URL mappings. 



When NoCookie=1 (URL Rewriting ); gx_jst and gx_session information.  



Rollback with Container Managed Local transaction does not work.  



Stateful session bean with failover leaks memory.  



Custom finder does not work when returning enumeration.  



Context.rebind() throws Corba Exception.  



Reference to EJB in valueUnBound method of HttpSessionListner crashes KJS.  



RMI/IIOP client support using JDK 1.3.x.  



Servlet container does not invalidate the session after the specified number of seconds either described in the deployment descriptor using the Session Timeout field or using the value set programatically using the HttpSession.setMaxInactiveInterval method.  



Multiple includes of HTML files in a JSP does not work. 



When load-on-startup key is on for a servlet, getting a Null.  



Init Parameters not recognized for registered JSPs/Child Server.  



reqeuest.getRequestURI() doesn't work with client certificate.  



Cookie value is getting stored in the request parameter list.  



RequestDispatcher not correctly working with Multi-valued pair.  



Multiple includes of HTML files in a JSP does not work.  



New Session is created & session data is lost when a JSP is invoked after Form Based Authentication.  



Session can be accessed after invalidation (timeout).  



ClassNotFoundException when session times  



Session id being used/shared by multiple users in SP3.  



ClassNotFoundException when session times out. 



httpd.exe crashes if sum of HTTP header entry characters in iPlanet Application Server registry exceeds 256.  



getContextPath() returns null value.  



XA transactions with Sybase not scaling.  



iPlanet Application Server is not detecting and purging bad connections for third party drivers. 



iPlanet Application Server tries to continue using a connection after it has it has been killed. 



Exception is not being propagated to the caller method in ejbstore().  



The isClosed() method always returns' False'.  


Native Driver 

Sybase row locked calling setRollbackOnly.  


Native Driver  

Proper handling of database exceptions when applogics are coded with pluggable third party JDBC drivers in iPlanet Application Server 6.0.  



iPlanet Application Server hangs on DSync. 



smtpd crashes during session termination.  



Documentation for ORBIX integration.  



Japanese characters get corrupt when a file included by <%@ include > directive.  



RMI-IIOP - errors serializing certain objects.  

Known Problems and Limitations

This section describes known problems and associated workarounds with iPlanet Application Server, Enterprise Edition 6.5. This information is organized into the following sections:

Installation Issues

This section describes the known iPlanet Application Server, Enterprise Edition 6.5 installation issues, and the associated workarounds.
< < 
ID  Summary 
Installation fails on Windows if iPlanet Application Server executables are placed in a directory containing spaces or special characters. 

The iPlanet Application Server executables should be placed in a directory, which has no spaces or special characters. 

In custom installation mode, at the point where the user is asked if he wants to populate the Directory Server with entries, if 'None' is chosen then no entry is created. 

After installation, connecting to the server fails since the user is not in the LDAP information. 

Instead of choosing 'None', the user should select the default option: 'Suggest'. 

Creation of administrator user entry in the remote user directory fails if that directory is read-only. 
The administrator user entry must exist in the user LDAP directory for registering the server through iPlanet Application Server Administration Tool (iASAT). 

To enable iPlanet Application Server to authenticate against a remote user directory server, complete the installation and then perform the following steps: 

  1. Create an adminuser.ldif file with the following entries: 

  2. dn: uid=iasadmin., ou=People, 
    changetype: add 
    cn: Nas Administrator 
    sn: Nas Administrator 
    givenname: iAS admin 
    objectclass: top 
    objectclass: person 
    objectclass: inetorgperson 
    ou: People 
    uid: iasadmin 
    userpassword: password 

  3. Run the ladapmodify command: 

  4. < iASInstallDir /shared/bin> ldapmodify -D "cn=Directory Manager" -p < ldap_PortNo. > -w < password > -a -f adminuser.ldif. 
iPlanet Console hangs if iPlanet Application Server is installed in the same directory where iPlanet Directory Server 4.13 is installed.
This problem occurs because the JDK version used by iPlanet Application Server and iPlanet Directory Server 4.13 are different.

Install iPlanet Application Server in a different directory from the one in which iDS 4.13 is installed.

Core Server Issues

This section describes the known iPlanet Application Server, Enterprise Edition 6.5 core server issues, and the associated workarounds.
ID  Summary 
Administration Tool fails to connect to application server after the primary fails.
This would happen if you have a cluster set-up configured with Maxbackups=0.

If Maxbackups is specified as 0 (none), then there is no backup application server and the alternates change to the standalone state. However, when the primary comes up again, it cannot connect to the alternate as it's in standalone mode.

When configuring a cluster, ensure that Maxbackups is 1 or more, not 0.

Transaction propagation does not work consistently.
If two KJS' are pariticpating in a transaction and only one of them is made recoverable, then this configuration cannot lead to proper recovery.

Ensure that in a recoverable scenario, all participant KJS' should be recoverable. Either all should be recoverable or none should be recoverable.

When using DB2 as the database, transactions are not rolled back even though one of the application servers fails to recover from a crash.
This problem occurs due to limitations in DB2.

If your iPlanet Application Server installation is using DB2 as the database, then ensure that both iPlanet Application Server and DB2 are installed on the same server.

KJS crashes during transaction recovery, if DB2 is in an inconsistent sate.
If recovery is done when DB2 is in an inconsistent state, the recovery call to DB2 dumps core and crashes KJS.

Disable recovery in iPlanet registry to bring up KJS again.

The CORBA Executive Server crashes when exceptions are thrown. 
A JSP of size larger than 185 KB cannot be executed on iPlanet Application Server. 
Struts applications fail when the Versioning key is enabled. 

Do not enable dynamic reloading. Ensure that the Versioning key is set to 1 in the registry. 

To disable dynamic reloading: 

  1. Start iPlanet Registry Editor, kregedit, and modify the Disable value under the Versioning key: SOFTWARE/iPlanet/Application Server/6.0/CCS0/SYSTEM_JAVA/Versioning 
  2. Set the Disable value to 1 
  3. Restart iPlanet Application Server to enable the change. 
On Windows, the security principal class is not invoked automatically when security is enabled for RMI/IIOP based applications. 

Before running RMI/IIOP based applications, the org.omg.CORBA.ORBClass property value should be changed to com.netscape.ejb.client.ClientORB in the file under iASInstDir /ias/usr/java/jre/lib

For example, org.omg.CORBA.ORBClass=com.netscape.ejb.client.ClientORB

For distributed sessions, a negative value for setMaxInactiveInterval() will make the session timeout immediately. 

Pass a very high value as an argument to setMaxInactiveInterval().  

In certain cases, IMQ as the JMS will not work on Solaris.

Go to iASInstallDir/ias/env directory and open iasenv.ksh file. Check whether jmq.jar and jmqadmin.jar are in the CLASSPATH. If not, add them to the end of the CLASSPATH settings.
Stop and restart iPlanet Application Server. The iMQ classes will now be in the server environment.

4640812, 4640854, 4643711
Memory growth when using iPM and BillerXpert with iPlanet Application Server 6.5.

Disable the explicit Garbage Cleaner by uncommenting
JAVA_GX_ARGS=-DGX.cleaner.enabled key in iasenv.ksh file on Solaris, and in the registry settings on Windows.

On Solaris, the JAVA_GX_ARGS=-DGX.cleaner.enabled entry is by default set to no .

On Windows, the cleaner is enabled by default.

Delete the following flags to the JavaArgs entry in the registry under, SOFTWARE\iPlanet\Application Server\6.0\Java\ .


where N denotes the time in milliseconds.

Deployment Tool Issues

This section describes the known iPlanet Application Server, Enterprise Edition 6.5 Deployment Tool issues, and the associated workarounds.
ID  Summary 
Libthread panic error while opening large application files on Solaris. 

Change the File Descriptor setting in the UNIX environment file using the ulimit command. Set the File Descriptor limit to a number greater than the number of files contained in the ear/war/jar file. 

For example, if a war file contains 970 files, set the File Descriptor limit to 1000: 
ulimit -n 1000 

Redeployment of an updated version of an application does not remove the contents of the previous deployment from the file system area of the application area. The default location of deployed files is install_dir/ias/APPS/modules/module_name/ or APPS/ear_name/module_name/

In addition to leftover file system content, some of the application server registry settings are also not overwritten and/or removed as an application is redeployed. 

This behavior can lead to older application settings remaining in effect after a redeploy. 

To perform a clean redeployment, first perform a remove followed by a deploy. 

537084  Problem 
If iPlanet Application Server is installed as root on a machine using the custom installation, the deploytool (DT) is not accessible by other uses to create applications on Solaris platforms. 

If a user "A" has installed app server and ALL its components, then any other user "B" needs following permissions in order to run the Deploy Tool properly (note that iasdir refers to the installation location of iPlanet Application Server): 

  1. DT reads/writes in iasdir/registry/reg.dat. Make sure that directory, iasdir/ias/registry has ALL permissions for user "B". 
  2. Deploy Tool writes its temporary xml files from descriptors, EJB skels and stubs into, iasdir/ias/tmp. Make sure that user "B" has WRITE permissions to this directory. 
  3. Deploy Tool writes its preferences into "iasdir/ias/dt". If user "B" needs to save the preferences, this directory needs to be WRITABLE by user "B". This permission is not critical for normal functioning of Deploy Tool. 
  4. User "B" needs to have READ and EXECUTE permissions to many other directories/files as Deploy Tool loads/runs scripts/executables/executable jars/libs/dlls, and so on from iasdir/ias/bin, iasdir/ias/lib, iasdir/ias/java/classes (on Unix platforms) and others. 
  5. As an additional precaution, user "B" needs to have WRITE permission to the directory where the app/module being opened resides on file system. For example, bank.ear resides in iasdir/ias/ias-samples/bank. Consequently, that directory should be WRITABLE. 

Database Support Issues

This section describes the known iPlanet Application Server, Enterprise Edition 6.5 database support issues, and the associated workarounds.
ID  Summary 
Vendor specific parameters, such as global connection, servername, databasename, ifxinformixhost, etc., are not saved when datasource is registered using XML file.

The vendor-specific property cannot be specified using iPlanet Application Server 6.0 SPx XML files. You cannot mix parameters between the old and new XML files.
Register the datasource using the new XML file.

PointBase Database Installation (Solaris Platforms) 
The PointBase database installation requires access to the X Windowing System environment. If you are installing the pointbase database with the application server, the installation should have access to an X Windowing System. If there is no access to the X Windows environment, the PointBase database server will fail to start-up on that machine.

When you attempt to install the Pointbase Database, you must have access to an X Windowing System Server, and in particular, have the DISPLAY environment variable set to point to that accessable server.

If the DISPLAY variable is set incorrectly, iPlanet Application Server post installation commands fail. 

Unable to use Oracle 9i client libraries through iPlanet Type 2 Native Driver. 
Rename under,$ORACLE_HOME/lib to
On Solaris platforms, you will be unable to use the Oracle OCI driver if it has been registered under External JDBC Driver , through the Administration Tool. 
Ensure that $ORACLE_HOME is set in the iasenv.ksh script, under iASInstallDir /ias/env directory. 

Sample Application Issues

This section describes the known iPlanet Application Server, Enterprise Edition 6.5 sample application issues, and the associated workarounds.

ID  Summary 
Session distribution of soap web application does not work as per sample application documentation.

In the soap-install.html file, under "Deploy the Apache SOAP Web Application" the third point should read:
Select the WAR file from the list of Web Applications. Right-click and select Edit Descriptor from the pop-up menu. In the iAS tab, click the Distributed Session button so that it is unselected and click the Local Data Synchronization radio button so that it is selected. Since the Apache SOAP implementation stores non-serializable objects in user session, this step is required to disable session synchronization for the SOAP web application. Close the deployment descriptor window and be sure to save its contents.

Samples fail after recreating tables in PointBase. 

Several of the J2EE Developer's Guide samples require that you to recreate the database tables before executing the samples a second time. If you use the SQL files provided to recreate the tables without restarting the application server, several of the J2EE Developer's Guide samples will fail. 

For those samples that require recreation of database tables before running the samples a second time, restart iPlanet Application Server after recreating the tables. 

"Inserted value too large for column" errors when using Bank application. 

Avoid using special characters or ` - ' for SSN or Phone number fields. Do not enter more than two letters for the State field and not more than four letters for the Prefix field. 

Cannot create new customer in Bank Application with the same SSN of a deleted customer. 

The Bank Application does not correctly update tables in the database, and therefore you cannot create a new customer with same SSN. 

iPlanet Type 2 Native Drivers for Sybase gives errors with JPS 1.1.2. 

Use a Sybase Type 4 driver to exercise JPS 1.1.2 with Sybase. The sample has been tested with the Sybase jConnect type 4 driver.

The setup_syb.bat and scripts for the Transactions sample will not execute. 

The path to isql in the script is wrong. Open the script with a text editor. Search and replace SYBASE/bin/isql with SYBASE/OCS-12_0/bin/isql

Documentation error in the J2EEGuide sample. 
In the chapter "Currency Converter EJB", the third point under "Assemble EAR File", the value of the context root of the web application, is incorrectly mentioned as j2eeguide-confirmer

Replace j2eeguide-confirmer with j2eeguide-converter

Documentation error in the Bank sample. 
Under the "Create bank.war Module" > "Modify Web Application Descriptor" topic, the login information in the "Security Tab" point is incorrect. 

When assembling the Bank sample application from scratch, the two lines for BankUser and BankAdmin have to placed together on one line. 

Search functionality does not work when using JPS 1.1.2 with PointBase. 
Search functions do not work in JPS 1.1.2 when using the bundled PointBase database engine as the current version of PointBase bundled with iPlanet Application Server 6.0 SP4 does not support subqueries. 
Exception while running l10n application 
An exception is thrown when the user logs in as restaurant owner. 
Hot deployment of Petstore Application throws exception. 

1) Disable dynamic reloading, or 
2) Avoid making changes to the application when dynamic reloading is enabled. 

When iPlanet Application Server is installed with Microsoft IIS Webserver running on port number other than 80, the shortcut link for Sample Application will not work. 

Change the port number from 80 to the port number being used by IIS in the path-property for that shortcut. 

Uninstallation Issues

This section describes the known iPlanet Application Server, Enterprise Edition 6.5 uninstallation issues, and the associated workarounds.
ID  Summary 

Documentation Issues

This section describes the known iPlanet Application Server, Enterprise Edition 6.5 documentation issues, and the associated workarounds.
ID  Summary 
Task description about load balancing procedures is incomplete.
In iPlanet Application Server Administrator's Guide, Chapter 14, "Balancing User-Request Loads ", the instructions do not specify to restart the Web server.

Changes to the load balancing scenario requires that the application server and WebConnector Plugin (Web Server) be restarted.

Documentation on uninstallation does not list all the directories left after uninstall.

Some of the directories and files created by the installer, and those created by the user are not removed during uninstallation. Typically, the following directories are left after uninstallation:

  • admin-serv
  • httpacl
  • ias_APPS
  • pointbase
  • setup
  • bin
  • ias
  • lib
  • shared
  • README.txt

You can manually delete these files.

Documentation on dynamic reloading incorrectly states that, "whenever a reload is done, the sessions at that transit time become invalid".

When reloading is enabled, there's no effect on HTTPSession established in the application.

For example, consider an application that has three servlets- login servlet, processServlet, and logout servlet. If the processServlet is changed after accessing the login servlet, the user can still give a request to processServlet and get a new implementation of processServlet.

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Last Updated July 26, 2002