Release Notes for Sun ONE TM Application Server, Enterprise Edition

Version 6.5, Maintenance Update 3 for SPARCTM/SolarisTM

Part Number: 816-6436-10

Updated August 26, 2002

These release notes contain important information available at the time of the Version 6.5, Maintenance Update 3 release of Sun ONE Application Server, Enterprise Edition.

These release notes contain the following sections:

Installation Notes

This section contains information about installing Sun ONE Application Server, Enterprise Edition, 6.5 Maintenance Update 3. For detailed information about installation procedures, see Sun ONE Application Server Installation Guide.

Relevant Architecture: SPARC

Relevant Operating Systems: Solaris 2.6, 8, and 9

Files included with this patch:


Installation Instructions

  1. Ensure that all application server processes have been shutdown.

  2. Ensure that the directory server is running.

  3. If the Web server running on the same machine as Sun ONE Application Server, then stop the Web server before installing this update.

  4. Become the user who had installed the Sun ONE Application Server you want to patch.

  5. Change the working directory to the directory containing the patch.

  6. Set the environment variable GX_ROOTDIR to the directory where you have installed Sun ONE Application Server:

    Example: for Bourne shell

    GX_ROOTDIR=/opt/appserver/ias; export GX_ROOTDIR

    Example: for Korn shell and BASH

    export GX_ROOTDIR=/opt/appserver/ias

    Example: for C shell

    setenv GX_ROOTDIR /opt/appserver/ias

  7. Apply the Update by typing:


Special Install Instructions

  1. If you have not installed the "Sun ONE Application Server Core Server Component", "PointBase Database Server", and the "Web Connector plug-in Component", then set the environment variable SPECIAL_INSTALL_OPTS to -i before you run applypatch in Step 6, Installation Instructions.

  2. If the Webconnector plugin is running on a separate machine, then the Update must be installed on that machine as well. Set the environment variable SPECIAL_INSTALL_OPTS to -i before performing the steps described in Installation Instructions.

  3. If you are running Rich clients, make sure to copy the modified install_dir/ias/classes/java/iasacc.jar file to the directory where the Rich client is installed.

Uninstallation Instructions

  1. Become the user who had installed the application server installation for which you want to backout the patch.

  2. Ensure that all webserver and application server processes have been shutdown.

  3. Ensure that the directory server is running.

  4. Change working directory to the directory where the backup data is saved. The backup data is saved in a directory named backup_patch number in your Sun ONE Application Server installation directory:

    Example: cd /opt/appserver/ias/backup_1

    Note: If the Webconnector plugin is installed on a different machine, then you must uninstall the update from the Webconnector directory as well. To restore the old files from the backup directory, follow the steps given under Uninstallation Instructions.

  5. If you want all the files in the backup directory to be removed after uninstalling Maintenance Update 3, set the REMOVE_BACKUPFILES environment variable to 1.

    Example: for Bourne shell


    Example: for Korn shell and BASH


    Example: for C shell


    Note: The presence of the backup directory does not affect the reinstallation of the same patch. However, you may want to remove the files in the backup directory to save disk space.

  6. Uninstall the Update by typing:


Special Uninstallation Instructions

If the installation process quits after patching some of the files, then follow these steps to restore the older files:

  1. Change the working directory to the backup_patch number directory present in your Sun ONE Application Server installation.

  2. Give execute permission to the file, unpatch

  3. Run the following command:


    This command will restore the files that were patched.

Note: If you are running Rich clients, after uninstalling the patch, make sure to copy the older install_dir/ias/classes/java/iasacc.jar file to the directory where the Rich client is installed.

Special Instructions

Firewall Time-outs

Problem:If the inactivity period of the application server exceeds the TCP/IP timeout interval of the firewall, then you need to restart the application server and web server.


  1. Open the registry editor by running the command, kregedit
  2. Go to Application Server\6.5\CCSO\HTTPAPI.
  3. Create a new entry called KeepAliveTimeOut, of type integer.

  4. Enter the value for this key in milliseconds, which could be equal to the default TCP/IP timeout value of the firewall, or equal to the number of milliseconds for the firewall to timeout.
  5. This value represents the number of milliseconds the plugin will wait for inactivity after the first request, and keep sending messages at the KeepAliveTimeOut intervals to keep the connection between the web server plugin and KXS process of the application server alive.

Resolved Issues

The following table lists the critical issues resolved in Sun ONE Application Server, Enterprise Edition 6.5, Maintenance Update 3 release.

Table 1    List of resolved issues

Bug ID



The form authentication login page is not shown when accessed with POST method.


Form authentication does not work with GET method.


ias-cmp with long file names does not perform the lookup and resolve the reference.


Entity bean callback in ejbRemove throws NoSuchEntityException.


You cannot monitor more than 1 NAS server per computer with SNMP.


Invoking business method in ejbRemove() throws PersistenceException.


FBA - url parameters are not passed to error page.


DriverManager.getDriver(url) always returns com.netscape.server.jdbc.Driver.


HttpBindingListener problems in 6.0SP4, 6.5 and 7.0 SE.


Inconsistent JSP cache timeout behavior.


Change not reflected when two JSPs are accessed simultaneously.


Form-Based Login: In web.xml, form-error page value is being misinterpreted.


Performance improvement in CXS.


java.sql.SQLException: executeQuery returned null resultset.


Sybase - stored procedure always returns 0 as output parameter.


Webconnector configure with Apache server stops writing to access logs.


Sun ONE Application Server 6.5 throws "Print Writer in use" if it is running in i18n mode.


RMI - Complex objects in EJB methods throws exceptions with multiple KJS eng.


Sun ONE Application Server crashed after running 12 hours (approximately).


Sessions are not timing out from last accessed time.


Session can be accessed after expiry (timeout).


RequestDispatcher.include & Declarative Security: InvalidStateException.


DataSourceImp in Sun ONE Application Server is not serializable.


Regression: Session Invalidation is not working.


Specification Violation in 6.5 for Certificate handling.


KJS crashes while running User Benchmark Stress test using iPM.


KJS hang issue: JVM unable to process session request.


Rapid memory growth in KJS.


500 simultaneous users, 3 times performance degradation for DB search.


Security in webconnector plugin.


Deployment tool gives a misleading message in the deploy window even when the deployment tool fails to deploy successfully.


Exception throws from getAttributeNamesInScopt() method in PageContext.


Keeping connection open between iAS and iWS.


Sun ONE + jConnect 5.2 causes SQL Exception - "SET CHAINED command not allowed".


Sun ONE Application Server is not load balancing properly in a cluster after an app server restart.


Garbled <input> tag seen in hidden field being passed to the browser.


Webconnector crashes when number of characters are less than 5 in SSL_APP_PREFIX.


MDBs cannot perform resource lookups in either ejbCreate or setMessageDriven.


iASDT prompts for saving, even if you have not changed anything in ear file.


Application session hangs in SP4; was working fine in SP3.


Frame based application resulting in ConcurrentModificationException after apply.


Session object is losing data when accessed from two frames at the same time.


URL re-writing for applogics fails when cookies are disabled.


Dot in JSP filename is recognized as a package name.


JSP file locking problem with Sun ONE Application Server 6.5.


setMaxInactiveInterval API is ineffective wrt session timeout.


HttpSession.invalidate() does not invalidate the session the first time.


JSP cache size in Admin Tool.


Using Apache Web server: cgi applications do not work after loading Apache plugin.


Request path elements wrong for default servlet mapping "/".


JNDI lookup for EJB reference name does not work in client application.


Classloading problems with primitive data type for n (n>1) dimensional arrays.


Session cookies are overwritten prematurely while working with multiple apps.


Webconnector logs "info (5242): gxrequest.cpp: gxrequest()...".


Stress test resulted in large KXS memory growth.

Additional Information

Useful Sun ONE information can be found at the following Internet locations:

Use of Sun ONE Application Server, Enterprise Edition is subject to the terms described in the license agreement accompanying it.

Copyright © 2002 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved.

Last Updated August 26, 2002