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Sun ONE Application Server 7 Developer's Guide to J2EE Features and Services



acknowledgement modes 1
Admin Password setting 1
Admin Username setting 1
administered objects 1
Administration interface
using to add to the server classpath 1
using to configure the JMS Service 1
using to configure the transaction service 1
using to create a connection pool 1
using to create a custom resource 1
using to create a JavaMail session 1
using to create a JDBC resource 1
using to create an external JNDI resource 1
using to create JMS resources 1
using to create physical destinations 1
append-version property 1
application model 1
asadmin create-custom-resource command 1
asadmin create-javamail-resource command 1
asadmin create-jdbc-connection-pool command 1
asadmin create-jdbc-resource command 1
asadmin create-jmsdest command 1
asadmin create-jms-resource command 1
asadmin create-jndi-resource command 1
asadmin delete-custom-resource command 1
asadmin delete-javamail-resource command 1
asadmin delete-jdbc-connection-pool command 1
asadmin delete-jdbc-resource command 1
asadmin delete-jmsdest command 1
asadmin delete-jms-resource command 1
asadmin delete-jndi-resource command 1
asadmin get command 1, 2
asadmin jms-ping command 1
asadmin list-custom-resources command 1
asadmin list-javamail-resources command 1
asadmin list-jdbc-connection-pools command 1
asadmin list-jdbc-resources command 1
asadmin list-jmsdest command 1
asadmin list-jms-resources command 1
asadmin list-jndi-resources command 1
asadmin reconfig command 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
asadmin set command 1, 2


BLOB size limit for Oracle JDBC driver 1, 2


CMP, and JNDI 1
Common Classloader, and the JDBC driver 1
component-managed transactions 1
connection factories, JNDI subcontexts for 1
connection pool
creating 1
properties 1
purpose of 1
Connection Validation Required setting 1
Connection.isClosed() method 1
ConnectionFactory interface 1
connections, JDBC
code example 1
opening and closing 1
pooling 1
sharing 1
connections, JMS
creating 1
starting 1
and JNDI 1
and transactions 1
JNDI subcontext for 1
container-managed persistence see CMP 1
container-managed transactions 1
context, for JNDI naming 1
CosNaming provider 1
custom resource 1
properties 1
Custom Resource Enabled setting 1


Data Direct Connect JDBC3.0/ Type4 Driver
for Oracle databases 1
Data Source Enabled setting 1
database vendor limitations 1
Database Vendor setting 1
databaseName property 1
as transaction resource managers 1
connection handling with JDBC 1, 2
EJB components as the preferred interface to 1
supported 1
Datasource Classname setting 1
datasourceName property 1
Debug Enabled setting 1
declarative transactions 1
Default Return Address setting 1
Default User setting 1
deployment descriptor files 1
description property 1
Description setting 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
Destination interface 1
Destination Name setting 1
destination resources 1
looking up 1
physical 1
disable-distributed-transaction-logging property 1


EJB 2.0 Specification 1
EJB components
transaction isolation level in 1
transactions in 1
using JDBC in 1
ejb-ref element 1
escape characters 1
external JNDI resource 1
properties 1
External Resource Enabled setting 1


Factory Class setting 1, 2
Fail All Connections setting 1
Forte for Java 1


getInitialContext() method 1
Global Transaction Support setting 1
Guarantee Isolation Level setting 1


Heuristic Decision setting 1


Idle Timeout setting 1
IMAP4 protocol 1
imqBrokerHostName property 1
imqBrokerHostPort property 1
imqConfiguredClientID property 1
imqDestinationName property 1
InitialContext naming service handle 1
InitialContext.lookup() method 1
instance-name property 1
instance-name-suffix property 1


Java Database Connectivity see JDBC 1
Java Mail Session Enabled setting 1
Java Message Service see JMS 1
Java Naming and Directory Interface see JNDI 1
Java Transaction API (JTA) 1
Java Transaction Service (JTS) 1
java.transaction.UserTransaction 1
and JNDI lookups 1
architecture 1
creating sessions 1
defined 1
JNDI subcontext for 1
sample applications 1
session properties 1, 2
specification 1
javax.jms package 1
javax.naming package 1
2.0 extension support 1
3.0 support 1
and JNDI lookups 1
application model diagram 1
creating resources 1
database vendor limitations 1
defined 1
integrating driver JAR files 1
JNDI subcontext for 1
sample applications 1
servlet access using rowsets 1
specification 1
SQL support 1
supported drivers 1, 2
supported functionality 1
transaction isolation levels 1
tutorial 1
using in EJB components 1
using in servlets 1
and JNDI lookups 1
and transactions 1
checking if provider is running 1
clients 1
creating clients 1
creating resources 1
creating sessions 1
defined 1
JMS Service administration 1
JNDI subcontext for 1
messaging models 1
provider 1
resource properties 1
sample applications 1
JMS Service
configuring 1
properties 1
and application clients 1
and CMP 1
and connectors 1
and EJB components 1
and JavaMail 1
and JDBC 1
and JMS 1
and lifecycle modules 1
and transactions 1
and URL connection factories 1
custom resource 1
defined 1
external JNDI resources 1
mapping references 1
sample applications 1
subcontexts for connection factories 1
tutorial 1
JNDI Lookup setting 1
JNDI Name setting 1, 2, 3, 4, 5


Keypoint Interval setting 1


lifecycle modules 1
Log Level setting 1, 2


Mail Host setting 1
mapping resource references 1
Max Pool Size setting 1
Max Wait Time setting 1
message consumers 1
message producers 1
message-driven bean 1
sample applications 1
messages, JavaMail
reading 1
sending 1
messages, JMS
ensuring delivery 1
receiving 1
sending 1
using transactions 1
MessageTransformer utility 1, 2
messaging models 1
Monitoring Enabled setting 1


Name setting 1
naming service 1
for clients 1
nested transactions 1
networkProtocol property 1


Oracle Data Direct Driver 1
Oracle JDBC driver BLOB size limit 1, 2


Password property 1
physical destinations 1
PointBase 4.2 JDBC driver 1
point-to-point messaging model 1
Pool Name setting 1
Pool Resize Quantity setting 1
POP3 protocol 1
port property 1
Port setting 1
programmatic transactions 1
publish-subscribe messaging model 1


Queue interface 1, 2
QueueConnectionFactory interface 1, 2


Recover on Restart setting 1
recovery of transactions 1
Resource Enabled setting 1
resource managers 1
resource references, mapping 1
Resource Type setting 1, 2
resource-env-ref element 1
resource-ref element 1
res-sharing-scope deployment descriptor setting 1
roleName property 1


serverName property 1
using JDBC in 1
using rowsets in 1
sessions, JavaMail, creating 1
sessions, JMS, creating 1
Simple Object Access Protocol see SOAP 1
SMTP protocol 1
SOAP messages 1
SOAP with Attachments API for Java (SAAJ) 1
Solaris 9, bundled
installation directory differences 1
Start Arguments setting 1
Start Enabled setting 1
Start Timeout setting 1
Steady Pool Size setting 1
Store Protocol Class setting 1
Store Protocol setting 1
Sun customer support 1
Sun ONE Message Queue 1, 2
checking to see if running 1
Sun ONE Studio
renamed from Forte for Java 1
sun-application-client.xml file 1
sun-ejb-jar.xml file 1
sun-web.xml file 1
System Classloader, and the JDBC driver 1


Table Name setting 1
for JMS connections 1
for transactions 1, 2
Topic interface 1, 2
TopicConnectionFactory interface 1, 2
Transaction Isolation setting 1
transaction log file 1
Transaction Log Location setting 1
transaction service
configuring 1
properties 1
Transaction Timeout setting 1
accessing through java.transaction.UserTransaction 1
and JMS 1
and JNDI lookups 1
component-managed 1
container-managed 1
defined 1
disabling logging 1
in the J2EE tutorial 1
JDBC isolation levels 1
JNDI subcontext for 1
local or global scope of 1
logging for recovery 1
nested 1
recovery 1
resource managers 1
sample applications 1
XA classes for JMS 1
Transport Protocol Class setting 1
Transport Protocol setting 1
Type setting 1, 2


URL connection factories 1
url property 1
URL, JNDI subcontext for 1
User property 1


Validation Method setting 1


XA resource 1
XADataSource interface 1
xaresource-txn-timeout property 1
XASession.getTransacted() method 1

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