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Sun ONE Application Server 7 Administrator's Guide

  Symbols A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X-Z  


accept language header, parsing   1
acceptor threads
specifying number via HTPP listener   1
virtual servers   1
access   1
access control, using virtual servers   1
access log files   1, 2
configuring   1
rotation   1
viewing   1
access.log   1
ACL, attributes   1
acl, dotted name   1
activation, definition   1
Adaptor, Resource   1
additional document directories   1
AddLog   1
add-resources command   1, 2
administered objects See JMS administered objects 1
Administration interface
accessing   1, 2
administering transactions   1
automatic transaction recovery   1
configuring log service attributes   1
general settings, configuring   1
JVM options, configuring   1
JVM Profiler, configuring   1
online help, accessing   1
path settings, configuring   1
shutting down the Administration Server   1
standard buttons   1
tabs, using   1
using   1
Administration Server
about   1
applying changes   1
control settings, viewing   1
settings, accessing   1
shutting down, methods for   1
starting the SNMP master agent   1
starting, methods for   1
administration, tools and associated functions   1
administrative domains
about   1
creating   1
admin-service   1
afterBegin   1
afterCompletion   1, 2
agents, SNMP   1
analyzer, log
running (archive server logs prior to use)   1
ansi_x3.4-1968   1
ansi_x3.4-1986   1
Ant tasks   1
appclient utility   1
application and server log output, redirecting   1
Application Client Container (ACC)
client side logging   1
application client JAR file   1
Application Server
logging features and functions   1
online documentation, web site location   1
overview and key features   1
product line overview   1
application server instance
about   1
accessing   1
advanced settings   1
applying changes   1
starting and stopping   1
starting manually   1
status, viewing   1
application, dotted name   1
application.xml deployment descriptor   1
application-client.xml deployment descriptor   1
attributes   1
connection sharing   1
directory structure   1
disabling   1
dynamic reloading   1
elements of web   1
environment entries   1
J2EE, introduction   1
JMS and   1
JNDI lookup names   1
monitoring object type   1
naming standards   1
resource environment references   1
resource references   1
runtime environment   1
appserv.mib   1
managed objects and descriptions   1
appservd   1
appservd-wdog.exe   1
appserv-wdog   1
archiving, log files   1
asadmin utility
about   1
attributes   1
command syntax   1
commands   1
concurrent access   1
database, administering and monitoring transactions   1
default values   1
dotted names   1
environment commands   1
environment variables   1
escape characters   1
exit status   1
export   1
extracting monitoring data   1
from command line   1
from pipe   1
from script   1
get   1
help   1
interactive   1
JVM settings   1
license commands   1
local   1
long options   1
multimode   1
non-interactive   1
operands   1
options   1
password file option   1
reconfig   1
remote   1
restarting instances   1
security   1
set   1
short options   1
singlemode   1
starting and stopping instances   1
transaction administration   1
unset   1
usage   1
ascii   1
atomicity   1
EJB container (that can be monitored)   1
transaction, deployment descriptors   1
transactions   1
virtual server   1
web-module   1
attributes, asadmin   1
auth-db   1
authentication   1
authentication database attributes   1
authorization realm attributes   1
auth-passthrough   1, 2
authrealm   1
AuthTrans   1
AuthTrans qos-handler   1
AuthTrans-class   1
auto-commit connection validation   1
avax.transaction.UserTransaction   1


monitoring attribute names   1
monitoring object type   1
beanIdleTimeoutInSeconds   1
bean-managed transactions
not allowed for entity beans   1
monitoring attribute names   1
monitoring object type   1
bean-pool, monitoring object type   1
beans, message-driven
characteristics   1
beforeCompletion   1
boolean options   1
business methods, transactions   1, 2


cache control directives, setting   1
cache settings, configuring EJB   1
monitoring attributes   1
monitoring HTTP server elements   1
cacheFaultsPercentage   1
cache-hits   1
cache-misses   1
cache-resize-quantity   1
capture-schema utility   1
CGIs   1
settings for virtual servers   1
with virtual servers   1
character set
changing   1
iso_8859-1   1
us-ascii   1
check-passthrough   1
chroot settings   1
ciphers, TLS Rollback option   1
classpathprefix   1
client name mapping example   1
lists of accesses   1
requests   1
command line, asadmin from   1
command-line interface
name mapping, monitoring   1
shutting down the Administration Server   1
starting the Administration Server   1
using flexanlg to analyze access log files   1
asadmin   1
license   1
commits See transactions, commits 1
community string, with SNMP agent   1
components, MDB, See MDB 1
concurrent access, asadmin   1
concurrent connections
virtual servers, quality of service   1
CONFIG   1, 2, 3, 4
master agent, editing   1
configuration files, about   1
connection factories
defined   1
JNDI   1
URL   1
Connection object   1
connection pooling
about   1
datasource object   1
connection sharing   1
connection validation   1
ConnectionQueue   1
monitoring ConnectionQueueBucket attributes   1
monitoring HTTP server elements   1
ConnectionQueue attributes
monitoring   1
monitoring HTTP server elements   1
ConnectionQueueBucket monitoring attributes   1
connections, shareable or non-shareable   1
connector modules
attributes   1
deployment directory structure   1
connector-module   1
container-managed transactions   1
EJB, responsibilities   1
MDB   1
Web, about   1
context-root   1
control settings, viewing Administration Server   1
conventions used in this guide   1
conversational state   1
CORBA, about   1
COSNaming service   1
Count200 through Count503   1
Count2xx through Count5xx   1
CountAsyncAddrLookups   1
CountAsyncLookupsInProgress   1
CountAsyncNameLookups   1
CountBytesReceived   1
CountBytesTransmitted   1
CountCacheEntries   1
CountCacheHits   1
CountCacheMisses   1
Countcalls   1
monitoring Process attributes   1
CountConnections   1
CountContentHits   1
CountContentMisses   1
CountEntries   1
CountFlushes   1
CountHits   1
CountInfoHits   1
CountInfoMisses   1
CountMisses   1
CountOpenConnections   1
CountOpenEntries   1
CountOther   1
monitoring ConnectionQueueBucket attributes   1
CountQueued   1
monitoring ConnectionQueueBucket attributes   1
CountRefusals   1
CountRequests   1, 2
CountThreads   1
CountThreadsIdle   1
CountTimeouts   1
monitoring ConnectionQueueBucket attributes   1
monitoring ConnectionQueueBucket attributes   1
cp367   1
cp819   1
create-acl command   1
create-authdb command   1
create-auth-realm command   1
create-custom-resource command   1
create-domain command   1, 2
create-file-user command   1
create-http-listener command   1, 2
create-http-qos command   1, 2, 3
create-iiop-listener command   1
create-instance command   1, 2
create-javamail-resource command   1
create-jdbc-connection-pool command   1, 2
create-jdbc-resource command   1, 2, 3
create-jmsdest command   1, 2
create-jms-resource command   1, 2
create-jndi-resource command   1
create-jvm-options command   1, 2
create-lifecycle-module command   1, 2
create-mime command   1, 2
create-persistence-resource command   1
create-profiler command   1
create-ssl command   1
create-virtual-server command   1, 2
cron   1
scheduling execution of logadm   1
crontab, entry format   1
custom resources
about   1
attributes   1
creating   1
customer support, contact information   1
custom-resource   1


native SNMP, restarting   1
data store   1
administering and monitoring via CLI   1
connection validation   1
JNDI names   1
naming services   1
resource manager   1
resource references   1
three-tier access model   1
two-tier access model   1
DataSource   1
DataSource object   1
debug   1
debug mode
starting the application server instance   1
default handlers
subsystem logging   1
default HTTP listener
Administration Server   1
HTTP server   1
default option values   1
default web module   1
delete-acl command   1
delete-authdb command   1
delete-auth-realm command   1
delete-custom-resource command   1
delete-domain command   1, 2
delete-file-user command   1
delete-http-listener command   1, 2
delete-http-qos command   1, 2, 3
delete-iiop-listener command   1
delete-instance command   1, 2
delete-javamail-resource command   1
delete-jdbc-connection-pool command   1
delete-jdbc-resource command   1
delete-jmsdest command   1, 2
delete-jms-resource command   1, 2
delete-jndi-resource command   1
delete-jvm-options command   1
delete-lifecycle-module command   1, 2
delete-mime command   1, 2
delete-persistence-resource command   1
delete-profiler command   1
delete-ssl command   1
delete-virtual server command   1
delete-virtual-server command   1
deploy command   1, 2
deploydir command   1, 2
COSNaming service with   1
directory structure   1
disabling   1
dynamic   1
EJB JAR modules   1
individual modules   1
lifecycle modules   1
redeployment   1
RMI/IIOP clients   1
runtime environments   1
using Administration interface   1
using asadmin   1
using Sun ONE Studio   1
WAR modules   1
deployment descriptors
entries   1
J2EE standard   1
Sun ONE Application Server   1
transaction attributes   1
deployment, hot
deploying an application at server runtime, without restart   1
destinations, for JMS messages, See JMS destinations 1
Developer's Guide to Web Applications
documentation, description   1
directives, configuring logging   1
directories, additional document   1
directory structure, deployment   1
disable command   1
disabling deployed applications or modules   1
discardmanualchanges   1
display-license command   1, 2
distributed and local transactions   1
distributed transactions   1
monitoring attributes   1
monitoring HTTP server elements   1
DnsBucket attributes   1
document directories
additional   1
primary   1, 2, 3
restricting content publication   1
document footer, setting   1
document preferences
default MIME type, specifying a   1
directory indexing   1
index filenames   1
parsing the accept language header   1
server home page   1
virtual servers, setting   1
document root   1, 2
setting   1
overview of manuals   1
lists of those accessed in log   1
domain directory   1
domain registry
recreating   1
administrative, about   1
administrative, creating and deleting if non-root users   1
configuring   1
creating   1
domains.bin   1
domains.lck   1
dotted names, asadmin   1
DTD files
application XML   1
dynamic deployment   1
dynamic redeployment
redeploying an existing application without a server restart   1
dynamic reloading   1


activation   1
cache settings, configuring   1
MDB pool settings, configuring   1
module attributes   1
passivation   1
pool settings, configuring   1
references   1
settings, configuring   1
types   1
EJB container
about   1
attributes   1
attributes that can be monitored   1
configuring the log level   1
responsibilities   1
EJB JAR file   1
EJB JAR modules
deploying   1
ejb-container   1, 2
EJBContext   1
ejb-jar.xml   1
ejb-jar.xml deployment descriptor   1
ejb-link element   1
ejbLoad   1
ejb-module   1
monitoring object type   1
ejb-name element   1
mapping   1
EJBObject   1
ejb-ref-name element   1
enable command   1
enabled attribute   1
Enterprise Edition
Application Server 7   1
Enterprise Java Bean container
about   1
Enterprise Java Beans
entity beans, about   1
message-driven beans   1
session beans, about   1
types   1
entity beans
about   1
bean-managed transactions not allowed   1
handling data access via JDBC   1
transactions   1
monitoring object type   1
environment classpath
ignore   1
environment commands, asadmin   1
environment entries   1
environment variables
asadmin   1
Error directive   1
error log file   1
Error qos-error   1
error responses, customizing   1
ErrorLogDateFormat   1
escape characters, asadmin   1
event log file
viewing   1
event variables
traps   1
Event Viewer
monitoring events (Windows 2000 Pro)   1
events, viewing (Windows 2000 Pro)   1
rolling back transactions   1
execution-time-millis   1
exit status, asadmin   1
export command   1, 2
external repositories, accessing   1
external resources
about   1
creating   1


factory objects   1
fail-all-connections property   1
file cache   1
file manipulation, remote
enabling   1
FINE   1
FlagAsyncEnabled   1
FlagCacheEnabled   1
FlagEnabled   1
monitoring HTTP server attributes   1
monitoring HTTP server attributes   1
flat transactions, J2EE   1
flexanlg   1
use and syntax   1
monitoring Process attributes   1


get command   1
asadmin   1
monitoring data   1
getUserTransaction   1


hard links, definition   1
Administration interface   1
asadmin utility   1
help command   1
home page   1
home.html   1
Hosts   1
hosts attribute
checking against subject pattern   1
hot deployment
deploying an application at server runtime, without restart   1
htaccess files   1
HTML, server-parsed, setting up   1
htpasswd utility   1
HTTP   1
monitoring   1
HTTP listeners   1
acceptor threads, specifying number   1
Administration Server   1
attributes   1
creating   1
http-listener-1   1, 2
settings   1
SSL/TLS security settings, activating   1
HTTP server
monitorable attributes   1
HTTP server attributes
monitoring   1
HTTP server elements
monitoring   1
HTTP server monitorable attributes   1
HTTP service
attributes   1
HTTP/1.1 protocol   1
http-listener   1, 2
monitoring attribute names   1
monitoring object type   1
http-server.http-listener   1
http-service   1, 2


ibm367   1
ibm819   1
Id   1
monitoring ConnectionQueue attributes   1
monitoring HTTP server attributes   1
idle-timeout-in-seconds   1, 2
IIOP listener
attributes   1
creating   1
ports   1
SSL/TLS settings   1
IIOP service
attributes   1
IIOP, about   1
iiop-listener   1
iiop-service   1, 2
monitoring object type   1
web server plugin, configuring for   1
web server plugin, configuring to use   1
index filename   1
index.html   1
in-flight transactions   1
inflight-tx   1
INFO   1
default log level   1
INIT   1
init.conf   1, 2
global variable settings at start-up   1
termination timeout   1
initial naming context   1
initialBeansInPool   1
init-passthrough   1
inittab   1, 2, 3
editing   1
restarting servers automatically   1
starting the server with   1
install-license command   1, 2
application server
about   1
accessing   1
interactive asadmin   1
Interfaces   1
internal daemon log rotation   1
IP addresses, in HTTP listeners   1
IP-address-based virtual servers   1
isFrozen   1
1991   1
iso_8859-1   1
1987   1
iso-2022-jp   1
iso646-us   1
iso-8859-1   1
iso-ir-100   1
iso-ir-6   1
isolation   1
iwsCpuID   1
iwsCpuIdleTime   1
iwsCpuKernelTime   1
iwsCpuTable   1
iwsCpuUserTime   1
iwsInstanceContact   1
iwsInstanceCount200 (through 404)   1
iwsInstanceCount2xx - 5xx   1
iwsInstanceCount3xx   1
iwsInstanceCount4xx (& 5xx)   1
iwsInstanceCount503   1
iwsInstanceCountOther   1
iwsInstanceDeathCount   1
iwsInstanceDescription   1
iwsInstanceId   1
iwsInstanceInOctets   1
iwsInstanceLoad15MinuteAverage   1
iwsInstanceLoad1MinuteAverage   1
iwsInstanceLoad5MinuteAverage   1
iwsInstanceLocation   1
iwsInstanceNetworkInOctets   1
iwsInstanceNetworkOutOctets   1
iwsInstanceOrganization   1
iwsInstanceOutOctets   1
iwsInstanceRequests   1
iwsInstanceStatus   1
iwsInstanceTable   1
iwsInstanceUptime   1
iwsInstanceVersion   1
iwsListenAddress   1
iwsListenId   1
iwsListenPort   1
iwsListenSecurity   1
iwsListenTable   1
iwsProcessConnectionQueueCount   1
iwsProcessConnectionQueueMax   1
iwsProcessConnectionQueueOverflows   1
iwsProcessConnectionQueuePeak   1
iwsProcessConnectionQueueTotal   1
iwsProcessId   1
iwsProcessKeepaliveCount   1
iwsProcessKeepaliveMax   1
iwsProcessTable   1
iwsProcessThreadCount   1
iwsProcessThreadIdle   1
iwsThreadPoolTable   1
iwsVsCount200 (through 404)   1
iwsVsCount2xx - 5xx   1
iwsVsCount503   1
iwsVsCountOther   1
iwsVsId   1
iwsVsInOctets   1
iwsVsOutOctets   1
iwsVsRequests   1
iwsVsTable   1


transactional applications   1
transactions   1
Web Container, about   1
J2EE applications
EJB specification   1
JMS, and   1
message-driven beans, See MDB 1
resources   1
services   1
J2EE Connectors
resource manager   1
J2EE modules
definition   1
dynamic reloading   1
naming   1
runtime environment   1
Java Database Connectivity (JDBC) API
for data access via entity beans   1
Java Message Service, See JMS 1
Java Virtual Machine, See JVM 1
java.sql.Connection   1
java.util.Properties   1
java-config   1
Folder objects   1
JAF   1
Message class   1
Message subclass   1
Session class   1
Store class   1
JavaMail API
about   1
message handling   1
JavaMail resources
about   1
attributes   1
configuration parameters   1
JavaMail Sessions
configuring   1
creating   1
deployment descriptors   1
resource factory   1
javax.ejb.EJBContext   1
javax.ejb.EntityBean   1
javax.ejb.EntityContext   1
javax.ejb.MDBContext   1
javax.ejb.SessionBean   1
javax.ejb.SessionContext   1
javax.ejb.SessionSynchronization   1
javax.sql.DataSource   1
javax.sql.XADataSource   1
API   1, 2, 3
connection factories   1
connections   1
DataSource object   1
datasources   1, 2
transactions   1
URLs   1
JDBC connection pools
attributes   1
connection validation   1, 2
creating   1
fail-all-connections property   1
monitoring   1
pool settings   1
properties   1
transaction isolation   1
JDBC resources
attributes   1
creating   1
registering   1
jdbc-connection-pool   1, 2
monitoring attribute names   1
monitoring object type   1
jdbc-resource   1
about   1
administered objects See JMS administered objects 1
API, list of specifications   1
destinations, See JMS destinations 1
message consumers   1
message delivery models   1
message listeners   1
message producers   1
message structure   1
message-driven beans   1
messaging system concepts   1
physical destinations, See JMS destinations 1
programming model   1
provider, See JMS provider 1
resources, See JMS administered objects 1
Service, See JMS Service 1
specification   1, 2
system architecture   1
JMS administered objects
about   1
attributes   1
connection factory   1
destination   1
managing   1
JMS destinations   1
about   1
managing   1
queues   1
topics   1
JMS provider
about   1, 2
native   1, 2
resource manager   1
JMS Service
administration of   1
administration tools   1
architecture   1
attributes   1
built-in   1, 2
configuring   1
disabling   1
external   1
MQ administered objects, and   1
MQ client runtime, and   1
MQ Message Server, and   1
jms-max-messages-load   1
jms-ping command   1, 2
jms-resource   1, 2
jms-service   1, 2, 3
architecture   1
connection factories   1
custom resources, creating   1
external repositories   1
external resources, creating   1
JMS administered objects, and   1
lookup method   1
lookup names   1
lookups   1
lookups and associated references   1
MDB and   1
names   1
resource attributes   1
jndi-resource   1
attributes   1
debug options   1
options   1
configuring   1, 2
JVM Profiler
attributes   1
configuring via Administration interface   1


monitoring HTTP server elements   1
keepmanualchanges   1


latin1   1
library, shared, using   1
license commands   1
lifecycle modules
attributes   1
deploying   1
lifecycle-module   1
list command   1
monitoring   1
list-acls command   1
list-authdbs command   1
list-auth-realms command   1
list-components command   1
list-custom-resources command   1
list-domains command   1, 2
listen sockets, See HTTP listeners 1
listener, HTTP
editing   1
list-file-groups command   1
list-file-users command   1
list-http-listeners command   1, 2
list-iiop-listeners command   1
list-instances command   1
list-javamail-resources command   1
list-jdbc-connection-pools command   1, 2
list-jdbc-resources command   1, 2
list-jmsdest command   1, 2
list-jms-resources command   1, 2
list-jndi-resources command   1
list-lifecycle-modules command   1, 2
list-mimes command   1, 2
list-persistence-resources command   1
list-profilers command   1
list-sub-components command   1
list-virtual-servers command   1
monitoring HTTP server attributes   1
monitoring HTTP server attributes   1
monitoring HTTP server attributes   1
local and distributed transactions   1
local option   1
local transaction optimization   1
location   1
log analyzer
archiving server logs prior to use   1
flexanlg, use and syntax   1
running   1
running from command line   1
log archive file format   1
log files
access   1
archiving   1
configuring   1
error   1
virtual servers   1
log levels
about   1
configuring, EJB container   1
order of severity   1
table of   1
used for syslog configuration   1
log rotation
internal daemon   1
internal-daemon   1
performing (four methods)   1
scheduler   1
log service attributes   1
file   1
level   1
log-stderr   1
log-stdout   1
use-system-logs   1
log service element   1
logadm   1
location and sample of   1
LogFlushInterval   1
about   1
access file, viewing   1
Application Client Container (ACC)   1
client side   1
components and subsystems, configuring   1
components and subsystems, list of   1
configuring attributes via Administration interface   1
configuring via administrative interface   1
configuring via command line interface   1
directives, configuring   1
event file, viewing   1
features and functions   1
information provided   1
preferences   1
redirecting application and server log output   1
UNIX   1
using syslog   1
virtual server instances   1
web container, default behavior   1
Windows   1
log-service   1, 2, 3
log-virtual-server-id   1
long options   1


mail-resource   1
managed objects   1, 2
management information base (MIB)
defines managed objects   1
master agent
CONFIG file, editing   1
SNMP   1
SNMP, enabling and starting   1
SNMP, installing   1, 2, 3
SNMP, manually configuring   1
SNMP, starting   1
SNMP, starting on another port   1
starting on a nonstandard port   1
maxBeansInCache   1
max-beans-in-cache   1
maxBeansInPool   1
MaxByteTransmissionRate   1
MaxCacheEntries   1
MaxConnections   1
MaxEntries   1
MaxHeapCacheSize   1
MaxMmapCacheSize   1
MaxOpenConnections   1
MaxOpenEntries   1
max-pool-size   1
monitoring HTTP server attributes   1
MaxQueued   1
monitoring ConnectionQueueBucket attributes   1
MaxThreads   1
monitoring HTTP server attributes   1
monitoring HTTP server attributes   1
about   1, 2
deployment descriptor   1
JNDI and   1
transactions   1, 2
MDB container
about   1
attributes   1
MDB pool settings
configuring for EJBs   1
mdb-container   1, 2
message brokers, See MQ brokers 1
message listeners   1, 2
message, log
information provided   1
message-driven beans, See MDB 1
monitoring object type   1
MessageListener   1
asynchronous   1
meta-data connection validation   1
metric interval
time used in traffic calculations   1
Microsoft Internet Information Services
configuring to use web server plugin   1
MIME types
attributes   1
charset parameter   1
creating new file   1
definition   1
definition and accessing page   1
editing definitions   1
specifying a default   1
virtual server settings, configuring   1
with virtual servers   1
mime, dotted name   1
minBeansInCache   1
minBeansInPool   1
Mode   1
monitoring Process attributes   1
monitoring   1, 2, 3, 4
about   1
additional subsystems and components   1
bean-cache attributes   1
bean-method attributes   1
CacheBucket   1
CLI name mapping   1
client name mapping, example   1
ConnectionQueue   1
ConnectionQueue server attributes   1
ConnectionQueueBucket   1
ConnectionQueueBucket attributes   1
ConnectionQueueBucket ConnectionQueue attribute   1
ConnectionQueueBucket CountOverFlow attribute   1
ConnectionQueueBucket CountQueued attribute   1
ConnectionQueueBucket CountTotalConnection attribute   1
ConnectionQueueBucket CountTotalQueued attribute   1
ConnectionQueueBucket MaxQueued attribute   1
ConnectionQueueBucket PeakQueued attribute   1
ConnectionQueueBucket TicksTotalQueued attribute   1
container subsystems   1
DnsBucket   1
FlagProfilingEnabled   1
FlagVirtualServerOverflow   1
HTTP   1
HTTP server attributes   1, 2
HTTP server elements   1
http-server attributes   1
Id   1, 2
JDBC connection pools   1
jdbc-connection-pool attributes   1
KeepaliveBucket   1
Load15MinuteAverage   1
Load5minuteAverage   1
LoadMinuteAverage   1
MaxProcs   1
MaxThreads   1
MaxVirtualServers   1
Node Process attribute   1
object types   1
ORB service   1
orb-connection attributes   1
orb-thread attributes   1
Pid Process attribute   1
process   1
process attributes   1, 2
Process CountConfigurations attribute   1
Process FractionSystemMemoryUsage attribute   1
Process SizeResident attribute   1
Process SizeVirtual attribute   1
Profile   1
Profile attributes   1
ProfileBucket   1
quality of service (QOS)   1
RateBytesReceived   1
RateBytesTransmitted   1
RequestBucket   1
SecondsRunning   1
server   1
SNMP   1
statistics   1
Thread   1
ThreadPool   1
ThreadPool attributes   1
ThreadPoolBucket   1
TicksPerSecond   1
TimeStarted   1
TimeStarted Process attribute   1
transaction service   1
transaction-service attributes   1
using asadmin to extract data   1
using get command   1
using list command   1
VersionServer   1
VirtualServer   1
virtual-server attributes   1
about 1
administered objects   1
administration tools   1
brokers   1
client runtime   1
documentation, web site location   1
integration with Sun ONE Application Server   1
message server   1
messaging system, parts of   1
resource manager   1
multimode   1, 2
multiple server pools
configuring   1


NameTrans   1
COSNaming   1
initial context   1
J2EE modules   1
JNDI and resource reference   1
JNDI lookup   1
services   1
standards   1
native SNMP daemon
restarting   1
network management station (NMS)   1
about   1
nice   1
non-interactive asadmin   1
file cache settings   1
numBeansCreated   1
numBeansDestroyed   1
numBeansInPool   1
num-beans-in-pool   1
num-expired-sessions-removed   1
num-passivation-errors   1
num-passivations   1
num-passivation-success   1
numThreadsWaitaing   1
num-threads-waiting   1


obj.conf file   1
set up SAFs for using quality of service   1
template   1
virtual server   1
object types, monitoring   1
ObjectType   1
ObjectType-class   1
online documentation
web site location   1
online help
Administration interface, accessing   1
asadmin utility   1
onMessage   1, 2
operands, asadmin   1
optimization, local transaction   1
options   1
boolean   1
default values   1
attributes   1
configuring   1
functionality of bundled   1
IIOP listener configuration   1
introduction   1
listener attributes   1
service, monitoring   1
thread pools   1
dotted name   1
monitoring object type   1
monitoring attribute names   1
monitoring object type   1
orblistener   1
monitoring attribute names   1
monitoring object type   1


package-appclient utility   1
passivation   1
password file option   1
password file, loading on startup   1
password.conf   1
PathCheck   1
PeakQueued   1
monitoring ConnectionQueueBucket attributes   1
dynamic reloading   1
using quality of service (QOS)   1
about   1
bean-managed   1
container-managed   1
data store and   1
entity beans   1
persistence manager
creating   1
factory resource attributes   1
role of   1
persistence-manager-factory-resource   1
monitoring Process attributes   1
PidLog   1
pipe, with asadmin   1
pkgadd   1
Platform Edition
Application Server 7   1
plugin, web server
See web server plugin 1
pool settings
EJB, configuring   1
PooledConnection object   1
pool-resize-quantity   1
pools, multiple server
configuring   1
HTTP listener   1
IIOP listener   1
PR_Recv()/net_read   1
PR_Send()/net_write   1
PR_TransmitFile   1
preferences, log
setting   1
primary document directory, setting   1, 2, 3
attribute   1
monitoring attribute names   1
monitoring attributes   1
monitoring HTTP server elements   1
monitoring object type   1
Process element   1
product line
overview, Application Server 7   1
Profile   1
monitoring attributes   1
monitoring HTTP server elements   1
Profile element   1
monitoring HTTP server elements   1
ProfileBucket element   1
profiler   1
attributes   1
dotted name   1
programming, JMS programming model   1
protocol data units (PDUs)   1
proxy agent, SNMP   1
installing   1
starting   1
public directories
configuring   1


qos-error, Error   1
qos-handler, AuthTrans   1
quality of service   1
concurrent connections, virtual servers   1
configuring   1
configuring for HTTP server   1
example   1
monitoring   1
only HTTP bandwidth for application level measured   1
set up SAFs in obj.conf for using   1
using   1
virtual servers, configuring settings for   1
queues, See JMS destinations 1


ra.xml deployment descriptor   1
RAR files   1
monitoring HTTP server attributes   1
RateBytesTransmitted   1
monitoring HTTP server attributes   1
rc.2.d, starting the server with   1
recompute interval   1
reconfig command   1, 2, 3, 4, 5
Recovery, Transaction   1
redeploying applications   1
registry, domains
recreating   1
reloading, dynamic   1
remote file manipulation
enabling   1
RemoteException   1
removal-timeout-in-seconds   1
request processing, for virtual servers   1
monitoring HTTP server elements   1
how server handles   1
methods   1
steps in handling   1
Resource Adapter   1
resource environment references   1, 2
resource manager
database   1
definition   1
J2EE Connectors   1
JMS provider   1
transaction   1
Resource RAR files   1
resource references   1, 2
custom   1
external   1
JMS, See JMS administered objects 1
monitoring object type   1
res-sharing-scope   1
restart-instance command   1, 2
restartserv   1
restricting symbolic links   1
introduction   1
RMI/IIOP clients
deploying   1
rollbacks, See transactions, rollbacks 1
monitoring object type   1
root directories
installation, conventions for   1
runtime environments   1


auth-passthrough   1
check-passthrough   1
init-passthrough   1
service-passthrough   1
sagt   1
sagt, command for starting Proxy SNMP agent   1
scheduler log rotation
archive log files   1
scheduler link   1
schedulerd   1
script, asadmin   1
SecondsMaxAge   1
monitoring HTTP server attributes   1
SecondsTimeouts   1
security service
attributes   1
security, asadmin   1
security-service   1, 2
Server element   1
server instance
adding   1
deleting   1
server logs   1
server.log   1
default log level   1
default logging   1
example   1
server.xml   1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8
default web application   1
settings that do not require a restart   1
server1   1
server-parsed HTML   1
configuration attributes   1
monitoring HTTP server elements   1
request handling   1
restarting (Unix)   1
restarting manually (Unix)   1, 2
starting   1
stopping   1
stopping manually   1
stopping manually (Unix)   1
Service   1
service-passthrough   1, 2, 3
Services Control Panel
starting the Administration Server   1
session beans
about   1
instance variables, synchronizing   1
stateful   1
stateless   1
synchronizing instance variables   1
transactions   1, 2
and dynamic reloading   1
JMS messaging   1
SessionSynchronization   1, 2
set command   1, 2
setAutoCommit   1
setRollbackOnly   1
Administration Server, accessing   1
Java Virtual Machine (JVM), configuring   1
shared library, using   1
short options   1
show-component-status command   1
show-instance-status command   1, 2
shutdown command   1, 2
Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP)
introduction   1
single sign-on, about   1
singlemode   1
SizeHeapCache   1
SizeMmapCache   1
monitoring Process attributes   1
monitoring Process attributes   1
SMUX   1
community string   1
community strings, configuring   1
daemon, restarting   1
GET and SET messages   1
master agent   1
enabling and starting   1
installing   1, 2, 3
manually configuring   1
starting   1
starting on another port   1
monitoring   1
native daemon, restarting   1
proxy agent
about   1
installing   1
starting   1
setting up on a server   1
Simple Network Management Protocol, introduction   1
subagent   1
subagent, enabling   1
trap   1
snmpd, command for restarting native SNMP daemon   1
soft (symbolic) links   1
Solaris 8 and 9 package-based, non-evaluation, unbundled installations
document conventions for default installation directories   1
Solaris 9 bundled installations
configuring   1
document conventions for default installation directories   1
log file   1
log level   1
transaction log location   1
HTTP listener settings   1
IIOP listener settings   1
using with virtual servers   1
monitoring object type   1
Standard Edition
Application Server 7   1
start-appserv command   1
start-domain command   1, 2, 3
starting the server   1
start-instance command   1, 2, 3
startserv   1
starting the Administration Server   1
state, virtual server   1
monitoring object type   1
monitoring object type   1
monitoring   1
quality of service bandwidth lost when server reconfigured dynamically   1
settings for measuring traffic   1
status, application server instance   1
stderr   1, 2
stdout   1, 2
steady-pool-size   1
stop-appserv command   1, 2
stop-domain command   1, 2, 3
stop-instance command   1, 2
stopping the server   1
stopserv   1
shutting down the Administration Server   1
stronger ciphers   1
SNMP   1
SNMP, enabling   1
logging control, at the   1
logging default handlers   1
monitorable attribute   1
Sun customer support   1
Sun ONE Message Queue, See MQ 1
Sun ONE Studio
about   1
deploying with   1
sun-acc.xml   1
sun-application.xml deployment descriptor   1
sun-application-client.xml deployment descriptor   1
sun-cmp-mapping.xml deployment descriptor   1
sun-ejb-jar.xml deployment descriptor   1   1
sample file   1
sun-web.xml   1
sun-web.xml deployment descriptor   1
support, customer
contact information   1
symbolic (soft) links, definition   1
symbolic links, restricting   1
syntax, asadmin   1
sysContact   1, 2
sysLocation   1, 2
info used to identify Application Server messages   1
log levels used for configuration   1
logging   1
example   1
syslog.conf   1
configuring to store less severe messages   1
example of configured file   1
syslogd   1
system RC scripts
restarting the server automatically   1
System.getCurrentTimeInMillis   1


table connection validation   1
termination timeout
init.conf   1
setting   1
monitoring attributes   1
monitoring HTTP server elements   1
thread pools
information you specify to add   1
ORB   1
monitoring attributes   1
monitoring HTTP server elements   1
Thread-pool   1
monitoring attributes   1
monitoring HTTP server elements   1
thread-pool-size   1
three-tier database access   1
TicksDispatch   1
TicksFunction   1
monitoring HTTP server attributes   1
monitoring ConnectionQueueBucket attributes   1
timeout, termination
setting   1
timeStamp   1
TimeStarted   1
monitoring HTTP server attributes   1
monitoring Process attributes   1
TLS Rollback option
ciphers   1
available for administration functions   1
topics See JMS destinations 1
total-beans-created   1
total-beans-destroyed   1
total-beans-in-cache   1
total-connections-timed-out   1
total-inbound-connections   1
total-num-calls   1
total-num-errors   1
total-num-success   1
total-outbound-connections   1, 2
total-threads-waiting   1
total-tx-completed   1
total-tx-inflight   1
total-tx-rolled-back   1
settings, counting statistics for   1
Transaction Manager   1
transaction resource manager   1
transaction service
administering via asadmin   1
attributes   1
freezing and unfreezing examples   1
monitoring   1
transactional User Application   1
TransactionRequiredException   1
administering with Administration interface   1
afterBegin method example   1
afterCompletion method example   1
attributes   1, 2
bean-managed   1
commits   1
consistency   1
container-managed   1
databases, administering and monitoring using asadmin   1
distributed   1
entity beans   1
flat, J2EE   1
in-flight   1
introduction   1
J2EE   1
local and distributed   1
local optimization   1
Mandatory attribute   1
message-driven beans   1, 2
monitoring   1
Never attribute   1
NotSupported attribute   1
recovery   1
required attribute   1
RequiresNew attribute   1
rollbacks   1, 2, 3
session beans   1
Supports attribute   1
user application   1
transactionsCompleted   1
transaction-service   1, 2
monitoring attribute names   1
monitoring object type   1
transactionsInFlight   1
transactionsRecovered   1
transactionsRolledBack   1
messages containing event variables   1
SNMP   1
two-tier database access   1


ulimit   1
undeploy command   1, 2
unset command   1, 2
update-file-user command   1
URL connection factory resources   1
URL forwarding, configuring   1
URL-host-based virtual servers   1
URLs, JDBC   1
us   1
usage, asadmin   1
us-ascii   1
User Application, transactional   1
user directories
configuring   1
customizing   1
user transaction references   1
UserTransaction object   1
use-system-logging   1


traps   1
settings in init.conf   1
verifier utility   1, 2
version command   1
monitoring HTTP server attributes   1
viewing events   1
virtual servers
acceptor threads   1
attributes   1, 2
concurrent connections, quality of service   1
configuring MIME settings   1
configuring web containers to deploy web applications   1
creating   1
default   1
default configuration example   1
default web application   1
deleting   1
deploying   1
document preferences, setting   1
editing general settings   1
HTTP listeners   1
HTTP listeners, creating   1
intranet hosting example   1
introduction   1
log files   1
logging instances   1
mass hosting example   1
public directories, configuring to use   1
quality of service, configuring settings   1
request processing   1
secure server example   1
setting additional document directories   1
single sign-on   1
state   1
types   1
using access control   1
using quality of service   1
using SSL   1
monitoring attributes   1
monitoring HTTP server elements   1
virtual-server   1, 2
monitoring attribute names   1
monitoring object type   1
virtual-server attribute   1
VirtualServer element   1


waiting-thread-count   1
WAR files   1, 2
WAR modules, deploying   1
watchdog   1
web applications   1
elements of   1
with virtual servers   1
web container
attributes   1
default logging behavior   1
deploying web applications within virtual servers   1
introduction   1
web application deployment   1
web module attributes   1
web server plugin
about   1
adding   1
configuring   1
configuring Microsoft Internet Information Services   1
IIS, configuring to use   1
init.conf   1
web.xml deployment descriptor   1
web-container   1, 2, 3
WEB-INF directory   1
web-module   1
attributes   1
wscompile utility   1
wsdeploy utility   1


XATransaction mode   1
x-euc-jp   1
x-mac-roman   1
x-sjis   1

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