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Sun ONE Application Server 7, Update 1 Developer's Guide to Web Services



accessing elements   1
adding attachment to message   1
accessing attachment part   1
ant build file
creating   1
ant tool   1
using ant tasks   1
application classes   1
arrays   1
asadmin deploy command   1
assembling and deploying JAX-RPC web services   1
war file   1
asynchronous message   1


basic authentication over SSL   1
body object   1
build.xml   1


call interface method   1
classification scheme   1
Client Certificate Authentication   1
client environment   1
using ant tasks   1
client jar files   1
client using a messaging provider   1
client without using a messaging provider   1
coffee break example   1
config.xml   1
configuration file   1
web services attributes   1
with a WSDL document   1
with rmi interfaces   1
connection   1
creating a SOAP client   1
accessing attachment part   1
adding attachment to message   1
adding contents to a message   1
creating a message   1
getting a connection   1
retrieve message content   1
sending a message   1


developing a JAXR client   1
developing JAX-RPC clients
assemble the client   1
call interface method   1
compile the client   1
dynamic proxy method   1
generated stubs method   1
run the client   1
using a WSDL   1
DII client
call interface approach   1
dynamic proxy approach   1
document directories
primary   1
document root   1
document-oriented model   1
dynamic proxy method   1


ebXML   1
elements of a SOAP message   1
establishing connection
setting properties   1


build.xml   1
JAX-RPC runtime descriptor   1
jaxrpc-ri.xml   1


generated stubs method   1


implementing web services
coffee break example   1
invoking web services   1
creating a SOAP client   1
developing a JAXR client   1


J2SE SDK classes   1
Java APIs   1
JAXM   1
JAXR   1
SAAJ   1
JavaBeans components   1
javax.activation.DataHandler   1
javax.xml.rpc.Service   1
javax.xml.soap package   1
javax.xml.soap.SoAPConnection.Call()   1
JAXM   1, 2
JAXMServlet class   1
JAXP   1
DOM   1
SAX   1
XSLT   1
JAXR   1, 2
JAXR client
assemble   1
authorization   1
creating connection   1
deploy   1
establishing connection   1
execute   1
getting access to a registry   1
obtaining registry service   1
publishing   1
querying a registry   1
querying registry   1
JAXR connection properties   1 file   1
JAX-RPC clients   1
types supported by JAX-RPC   1
JAX-RPC clients
assembling   1
deploying   1
invoking an EJB   1
JAX-RPC sample applications   1
JAX-RPC tools   1
wscompile tool   1
wsdeploy tool   1
JAX-RPC web services   1
configuration file   1


managing registry   1
adding classifications   1
adding service and bindings   1
creating organization   1
finding taxonomy   1
getting authorization   1
message endpoint   1
constructing an endpoint   1
message queue   1
message-oriented model   1
MIME (Multi-purpose Internet Mail Extension) types
definition and accessing page   1
model file   1
mutual authentication over SSL   1


namespace mappings   1


onMessage method   1
override JAXP 1.1 implementation   1


parts of a SOAP message   1
AttachmentPart object   1
body   1
SOAPEnvelope   1
SOAPHeader   1
SOAPMessage   1
SOAPPart   1
predefined faultcode   1
pre-defined SOAP namespaces   1
primary document directory, setting   1
primitive types   1
ProviderConnection object   1


query a registry   1
querying registry
based on WSDL specification   1
find organizations by classification   1
find organizations by description   1
find organizations by name   1
find organizations by services and service bindings   1


SAAJ   1, 2
sample JAXR Client   1
securing web services   1
basic authentication over SSL   1
mutual authentication over SSL   1
security properties   1
security properties   1
securing web services
security properties   1
sending SOAP message   1
service bindings   1
SOAP   1
SOAP client
client using a messaging provider   1
client without a messaging provider   1
samples   1
SOAP client messaging models
client using a messaging provider   1
client without using a messaging provider   1
SOAP client scenarios   1
SOAP handlers   1
SOAP message fault handling   1
defining SOAP fault   1
SOAPFault object   1
SOAP serialization   1
SOAP service   1
creating   1
samples   1
SOAPConnection object   1
SOAPEnvelope object   1
SOAPFault subelements   1
detail   1
faultactor   1
faultcode   1
faultstring   1
SOAPHeader object   1
SOAPMessage object   1
SOAPPart object   1
specifying postal address   1
stubs   1
Sun ONE customer support   1
Sun ONE web services features   1
synchronous message   1
syntax of asadmin deploy command   1


taxonomy   1
defining   1
ties   1
attributes   1
type system   1
types supported by JAX-RPC   1
application classes   1
arrays   1
J2SE SDK classes   1
JavaBeans components   1
primitives   1


UDDI   1
UDDI, registry   1
using ant tasks   1
using JAXP 1.2 implementation   1
using namespaces   1
using wscompile tool   1
using wsdeploy tool   1


war file   1
web service
endpoint   1
web service models
asynchronous   1
synchronous   1
web services   1
assembling and deploying JAX-RPC web services   1
building clients   1
invoking web services   1
securing web services   1
working of web services   1
web services standards   1
ebXML   1
SOAP   1
UDDI   1
WSDL   1
adding security elements   1
working of web services   1
wscompile configuration file   1
with rmi interfaces   1
with wsdl   1
wscompile tool   1
wscompile command options   1
wsdeploy tool   1
jaxrpc-ri.xml file   1
wsdeploy command options   1
WSDL   1


XML namespace   1
using name spaces   1
XML schema definition   1
XSD   1
deployment descriptors   1
exported wscompile model files   1
runtime descriptors   1
wscompile configuration   1

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