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Sun ONE Application Server 7, Update 1 Developer's Guide to NSAPI



acl parameter 1
addCgiInitVars parameter 1
add-footer function 1
add-header function 1
example of custom SAF 1
flow of control 1
function descriptions 1
requirements for SAFs 1
summary 1
alphabetical reference
NSAPI functions 1, 2
SAFs 1
API functions
cinfo_find 1
condvar_init 1
condvar_notify 1
condvar_terminate 1
condvar_wait 1
crit_enter 1
crit_exit 1
crit_init 1
crit_terminate 1
daemon_atrestart 1
dr_cache_init 1
dr_cache_refresh 1
dr_net_write 1
fc_close 1
fc_net_write 1
fc_open 1
filebuf_buf2sd 1
filebuf_close 1
filebuf_getc 1
filebuf_open 1
filebuf_open_nostat 1
func_exec 1
func_find 1
log_error 1
net_ip2host 1
net_read 1
net_write 1
netbuf_buf2sd 1
netbuf_close 1
netbuf_getc 1
netbuf_grab 1
netbuf_open 1
param_create 1
param_free 1
pblock_copy 1
pblock_create 1
pblock_dup 1
pblock_find 1
pblock_findval 1
pblock_free 1
pblock_nninsert 1
pblock_nvinsert 1
pblock_pb2env 1
pblock_pblock2str 1
pblock_pinsert 1
pblock_remove 1
pblock_str2pblock 1
prepare_nsapi_thread 1
protocol_dump822 1
protocol_set_finfo 1
protocol_start_response 1
protocol_status 1
protocol_uri2url 1
protocol_uri2url_dynamic 1
request_get_vs 1
request_header 1
request_stat_path 1
request_translate_uri 1
session_dns 1
session_maxdns 1
shexp_casecmp 1
shexp_cmp 1
shexp_match 1
shexp_valid 1
system_errmsg 1
system_fclose 1
system_flock 1
system_fopenRO 1
system_fopenRW 1
system_fopenWA 1
system_fread 1
system_fwrite 1
system_fwrite_atomic 1
system_gmtime 1
system_localtime 1
system_lseek 1
system_rename 1
system_ulock 1
system_unix2local 1
systhread_attach 1
systhread_current 1
systhread_getdata 1
systhread_newkey 1
systhread_setdata 1
systhread_sleep 1
systhread_start 1
systhread_timerset 1
util_can_exec 1
util_chdir2path 1
util_cookie_find 1
util_env_find 1
util_env_free 1
util_env_replace 1
util_env_str 1
util_getline 1
util_hostname 1
util_is_mozilla 1
util_is_url 1
util_itoa 1
util_later_than 1
util_sh_escape 1
util_snprintf 1
util_strcasecmp 1
util_strftime 1
util_strncasecmp 1
util_uri_escape 1
util_uri_is_evil 1
util_uri_parse 1
util_uri_unescape 1
util_vsnprintf 1
util_vsprintf 1
util-cookie_find 1
util-sprintf 1
vs_alloc_slot 1
vs_get_data 1
vs_get_default_httpd_object 1
vs_get_doc_root 1
vs_get_httpd_objset 1
vs_get_id 1
vs_get_mime_type 1
vs_lookup_config_var 1
vs_register_cb 1
vs_set_data 1
vs_translate_uri 1
append-trailer function 1
assign-name function 1
AUTH_TYPE environment variable 1
AUTH_USER environment variable 1
auth-group parameter 1
auth-passthrough function 1
example of custom SAF 1
flow of control 1
function descriptions 1
requirements for SAFs 1
summary 1
auth-type parameter 1, 2, 3
auth-user parameter 1


basedir parameter 1
basic-auth function 1
basic-ncsa function 1
bong-file parameter 1
browsers 1
bucket parameter 1
buffered streams 1
buffer-size parameter 1
built-in SAFs 1


cache, enabling memory allocation pool 1
cache-size parameter 1
CALLOC API function 1
case sensitivity in obj.conf 1
environment variables in NSAPI 1
execution 1
cgistub-path parameter 1
characters, special, matching 1
charset parameter 1, 2, 3
check-acl function 1
checkFileExistence parameter 1
check-passthrough function 1
chroot parameter 1
ChunkedRequestBufferSize parameter 1
ChunkedRequestTimeout parameter 1
cindex-init function 1
cinfo NSAPI data structure 1
cinfo_find API function 1
field in session parameter 1
getting DNS name for 1
getting IP address for 1
requests 1
sessions and 1
CLIENT_CERT environment variable 1
code parameter 1, 2
comments in obj.conf 1
Common Log subsystem, initializing 1
common-log function 1
compiling custom SAFs 1
condvar_init API function 1
condvar_notify API function 1
condvar_terminate API function 1
condvar_wait API function 1
CONTENT_LENGTH environment variable 1
CONTENT_TYPE environment variable 1
core SAFs 1
crit_enter API function 1
crit_exit API function 1
crit_init API function 1
crit_terminate API function 1
csd field in session parameter 1
SAFs, creating 1
server-side HTML tags 1


daemon_atrestart API function 1
data structures, NSAPI reference 1
dbm parameter 1
define-perf-bucket function 1
deny-existence function 1
descend parameter 1
description parameter 1
dir parameter 1, 2, 3
init.conf 1
obj.conf 1
order of 1
SAF behavior for 1
summary for obj.conf 1
syntax in obj.conf 1
disable parameter 1, 2, 3
disable-types parameter 1
DNS names, getting from clients 1
dns-cache-init function 1
document-root function 1
dorequest parameter 1
dotdirok parameter 1, 2
dr_cache_init API function 1
dr_cache_refresh API function 1
dr_net_write API function 1
dynamic link library, loading 1


enc parameter 1, 2, 3
environment variables
and init-cgi function 1
CGI to NSAPI conversion 1
env-variable parameter 1
Error directive
flow of control 1
function descriptions 1
requirements for SAFs 1
summary 1
error-j2ee function 1
finding most recent system error 1
sending customized messages 1, 2
escape parameter 1
location in the build 1
of custom SAFs (plugins) 1
quality of service 1
wildcard patterns 1
exec-hack parameter 1
exp parameter 1
expire parameter 1
extension parameter 1


fancy indexing 1
fc_close API function 1
fc_net_write API function 1
fc_open API function 1
file descriptor
closing 1
locking 1
opening read-only 1
opening read-write 1
opening write-append 1
reading into a buffer 1
unlocking 1
writing from a buffer 1
writing without interruption 1
file I/O routines 1
file name extensions, object type 1
file parameter 1, 2, 3
filebuf_buf2sd API function 1
filebuf_close API function 1
filebuf_getc API function 1
filebuf_open API function 1
filebuf_open_nostat API function 1
find-index function 1
find-links function 1
find-pathinfo function 1
find-pathinfo-forward parameter 1, 2
flexible logging 1
flex-init function 1
flex-log function 1
flex-rotate-init function 1
flow of control 1
flushTimer parameter 1
fn argument
in directives in obj.conf 1
force-type function 1
example 1
format parameter 1
format.logfileName parameter 1
formats, time 1
forward slashes 1
FREE API function 1
free-size parameter 1
from parameter 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
func_exec API function 1
func_find API function 1
funcs parameter 1, 2
NSAPI reference 1
pre-defined SAFs 1
see also SAFs 1


-G option 1
GATEWAY_INTERFACE environment variable 1
get-client-cert function 1
get-sslid function 1
GMT time, getting thread-safe value 1
group parameter 1
groupdb parameter 1
groupfn parameter 1
grpfile parameter 1


hard links, finding 1
header files
nsapi.h 1, 2
shtml_public.h 1
header parameter 1
headers 1
field in request parameter 1
home-page function 1
HOST environment variable 1
HTML tags, server-parsed commands 1
HTTP 1, 2
compliance with 1.1 1
registering methods 1
requests 1
responses 1
HTTP_* environment variable 1
HTTPS environment variable 1
HTTPS_KEYSIZE environment variable 1
HTTPS_SECRETKEYSIZE environment variable 1
HyperText Transfer Protocol
see HTTP 1


icon-uri parameter 1
ignore parameter 1
imagemap function 1
include directory for SAFs 1
index-common function 1
indexing, fancy 1
index-names parameter 1
index-simple function 1
function descriptions 1
requirements for SAFs 1
init.conf 1
directives in 1
init-cgi function 1
init-clf function 1
for CGI 1
global settings 1
plugins 1
SAFs 1
init-j2ee function 1
init-passthrough function 1
init-uhome function 1
IP address, getting from client 1
iponly parameter 1, 2


J2EE interoperability limitations 1


key-toosmall function 1


lang parameter 1, 2, 3
LateInit parameter 1, 2
line continuation 1
linking custom SAFs 1
list-dir function 1
load-config function 1
custom SAFs 1
custom server-side HTML tag 1
plugins 1
SAFs 1
load-modules function 1, 2
example 1
localtime, getting thread-safe value 1
log file
analyzer for 1, 2
format 1
log_error API function 1
logFileName parameter 1, 2
cookies 1
flexible 1
rotating logs 1


make-dir function 1
Makefile file 1
MALLOC API function 1
matching special characters 1
memory allocation 1
memory management routines 1
method parameter 1, 2


name attribute
in obj.conf objects 1, 2
name parameter
assign-name function 1
common-log function 1
define-perf-bucket function 1
flex-log function 1
pfx2dir function 1
unix-home function 1
example of custom SAF 1
flow of control 1
function descriptions 1
requirements for SAFs 1
summary 1
native thread pools, defining in obj.conf 1
NativeThread parameter 1, 2
net_ip2host API function 1
net_read API function 1
net_write API function 1, 2
netbuf_buf2sd API function 1
netbuf_close API function 1
netbuf_getc API function 1
netbuf_grab API function 1
netbuf_open API function 1
network I/O routines 1
nice parameter 1
nocache parameter 1
nostat parameter 1
alphabetical function reference 1, 2
CGI environment variables 1
data structures reference 1
functions, overview 1
location 1
overview of data structures 1
NSIntAbsFilePath parameter 1, 2
ntcgicheck function 1
ntrans-base 1, 2, 3
ntrans-j2ee function 1
nt-uri-clean function 1
num-buffers parameter 1


adding directives for new SAFs 1
and virtual servers 1
case sensitivity 1
comments 1
directive syntax 1
directives 1
directives summary 1
flow of control 1
OBJECT tag 1
parameters for directives 1
processing other objects 1
server instructions 1
syntax rules 1
name attribute 1, 2
ppath attribute 1
object type
forcing 1
setting by file extension 1
objects, processing non-default 1
example of custom SAF 1
flow of control 1
function descriptions 1
requirements for SAFs 1
summary 1
opts parameter 1
order of directives in obj.conf 1


param_create API function 1
param_free API function 1
parameter block
manipulation routines 1
SAF parameter 1
parameters for SAFs 1, 2
path name 1
converting UNIX-style to local 1
path parameter
check-acl function 1
deny-existence function 1
home-page function 1
query-handler function 1
require-auth function 1
send-error function 1
PATH_INFO environment variable 1
PATH_TRANSLATED environment variable 1
example of custom SAF 1
flow of control 1
function descriptions 1
requirements for SAFs 1
summary 1
patterns 1
pb SAF parameter 1
pb_entry NSAPI data structure 1
pb_param NSAPI data structure 1
NSAPI data structure 1
see also parameter block 1
pblock_copy API function 1
pblock_create API function 1
pblock_dup API function 1
pblock_find API function 1
pblock_findval API function 1
pblock_free API function 1
pblock_nninsert API function 1
pblock_nvinsert API function 1
pblock_pb2env API function 1
pblock_pblock2str API function 1
pblock_pinsert API function 1
pblock_remove API function 1
pblock_str2pblock API function 1
perf-init function 1
PERM_CALLOC API function 1
PERM_FREE API function 1
PERM_MALLOC API function 1
PERM_STRDUP API function 1
pfx2dir function 1
example 1
creating 1
example of new plugins 1
instructing the server to use 1
loading and initializing 1
pool-init function 1
ppath attribute
in obj.conf objects 1, 2
predefined SAFs 1
prepare_nsapi_thread API function 1
processing non-default objects 1
profiling parameter 1
protocol utility routines 1
protocol_dump822 API function 1
protocol_set_finfo API function 1
protocol_start_response API function 1
protocol_status API function 1
protocol_uri2url API function 1
protocol_uri2url_dynamic API function 1
pwfile parameter 1, 2


qos.c file 1
qos-error function 1
qos-handler function 1
quality of service 1
quality of service example code 1
QUERY environment variable 1
query parameter 1
QUERY_STRING environment variable 1
query-handler function 1
quotes 1


readme parameter 1
REALLOC API function 1
realm parameter 1
reason parameter 1
record-useragent function 1
redirect function 1
NSAPI data structures 1
NSAPI functions 1
SAFs 1, 2
register-http-method function 1
relink_36plugin file 1
REMOTE_ADDR environment variable 1
REMOTE_HOST environment variable 1
REMOTE_IDENT environment variable 1
REMOTE_USER environment variable 1
remove-dir function 1
remove-file function 1
rename-file function 1
init-class function failure 1
response code 1
response code 1
response code 1
response code 1
reqpb field in request parameter 1
how server handles 1
methods 1
NSAPI data structure 1
SAF parameter 1
steps in handling 1
request_get_vs API function 1
request_header API function 1
REQUEST_METHOD environment variable 1
request_stat_path API function 1
request_translate_uri API function 1
request-handling process
flow of control 1
steps 1
request-response process
see request-handling process 1
require parameter 1
require-auth function 1
responses, HTTP 1
result codes 1
results caching plugin 1
return codes
rlimit_as parameter 1
rlimit_core parameter 1
rlimit_nofile parameter 1
root parameter 1
rotate-access parameter 1
rotate-callback parameter 1
rotate-error parameter 1
rotate-interval parameter 1
rotate-start parameter 1
rotating logs 1
rq SAF parameter 1
rq->headers 1
rq->reqpb 1
rq->srvhdrs 1
rq->vars 1
rules for editing obj.conf 1


alphabetical list 1
behavior for each directive 1
compiling and linking 1
creating custom 1
examples of custom SAFs 1
include directory 1
init.conf 1
interface 1
loading and initializing 1
obj.conf 1
parameters 1
predefined 1
result codes 1
return values 1
signature 1
SCRIPT_NAME environment variable 1
search patterns 1
secret-keysize parameter 1
send-cgi function 1
send-error function 1
send-file function 1
send-range function 1
send-shellcgi function 1
send-wincgi function 1
separators 1
flow of control 1
handling of authorization of client users 1
initialization directives in init.conf 1
instructions for using plugins 1
instructions in obj.conf 1
processing non-default objects 1
request handling 1
Server Application Functions
see SAFs 1
SERVER_NAME environment variable 1
SERVER_PORT environment variable 1
SERVER_PROTOCOL environment variable 1
SERVER_SOFTWARE environment variable 1
SERVER_URL environment variable 1
server-side HTML commands 1
Service directive
default 1
example of custom SAF 1
examples 1
flow of control 1
function descriptions 1
new SAFs (plugins) 1
requirements for SAFs 1
summary 1
service-dump function 1
service-j2ee function 1
service-passthrough function 1
defined 1
NSAPI data structure 1
resolving the IP address of 1, 2
SAF parameter 1
Session->client NSAPI data structure 1
session_dns API function 1
session_maxdns API function 1
set-default-type function 1
set-virtual-index function 1
shared library, loading 1
shell expression
comparing (case-blind) to a string 1
comparing (case-sensitive) to a string 1, 2
validating 1
shexp_casecmp API function 1
shexp_cmp API function 1
shexp_match API function 1
shexp_valid API function 1
shlib parameter 1, 2
shmem_s NSAPI data structure 1
shtml.dll 1 1
shtml_add_tag 1
function for registering custom server-side tags 1
shtml_public.h 1
shtml_send function 1
shtml-hacktype function 1
ShtmlMaxDepth parameter 1
function for defining server-side tags 1
function for defining server-side tags 1
function for defining server-side tags 1
function for defining server-side tags 1
function for defining server-side tags 1
sn SAF parameter 1
sn->client 1
sn->csd 1
closing 1
reading from 1
sending a buffer to 1
sending file buffer to 1
writing to 1
spaces 1
special characters 1
sprintf, see util_sprintf 1
srvhdrs field in request parameter 1
ssl-check function 1
ssl-logout function 1
stat NSAPI data structure 1
stats-init function 1
STRDUP API function 1
streams, buffered 1
string, creating a copy of 1
strip-params function 1
subdir parameter 1
Sun customer support 1
symbolic links, finding 1
directives in obj.conf 1
for editing obj.conf 1
system_errmsg API function 1
system_fclose API function 1
system_flock API function 1
system_fopenRO API function 1
system_fopenRW API function 1
system_fopenWA API function 1
system_fread API function 1
system_fwrite API function 1
system_fwrite_atomic API function 1
system_gmtime API function 1
system_localtime API function 1
system_lseek API function 1
system_rename API function 1
system_ulock API function 1
system_unix2local API function 1
systhread_attach API function 1
systhread_current API function 1
systhread_getdata API function 1
systhread_newkey API function 1
systhread_setdata API function 1
systhread_sleep API function 1
systhread_start API function 1
systhread_timerset API function 1


tag execution function
for customized server-side tag 1
data structure for custom server-side tags 1, 2
allocating a key for 1
creating 1
getting a pointer to 1
getting data belonging to 1
putting to sleep 1
routines 1
setting data belonging to 1
setting interrupt timer 1
thread pools, defining in obj.conf 1
thread-pool-init function 1
tildeok parameter 1
time formats 1
timefmt parameter 1
timeout parameter 1
timezone parameter 1
trailer parameter 1
type parameter 1, 2, 3, 4
type-by-exp function 1
type-by-extension function 1


unicode 1, 2
unix-home function 1
unix-uri-clean function 1
update-interval parameter 1
upload-file function 1
uri parameter 1, 2
mapping to other servers 1
translated to file path 1
url parameter 1
url-prefix parameter 1
UseOutputStreamSize parameter 1
user home directories
symbolic links and 1
user parameter 1
userdb parameter 1
userfile parameter 1
userfn parameter 1
util_can_exec API function 1
util_chdir2path API function 1
util_cookie_find API function 1
util_env_find API function 1
util_env_free API function 1
util_env_replace API function 1
util_env_str API function 1
util_getline API function 1
util_hostname API function 1
util_is_mozilla API function 1
util_is_url API function 1
util_itoa API function 1
util_later_than API function 1
util_sh_escape API function 1
util_snprintf API function 1
util_sprintf API function 1
util_strcasecmp API function 1
util_strftime API function 1
util_strncasecmp API function 1
util_uri_escape API function 1
util_uri_is_evil API function 1
util_uri_parse API function 1
util_uri_unescape API function 1
util_vsnprintf API function 1
util_vsprintf API function 1
utility routines 1


vars field in request parameter 1
virtual servers
and obj.conf 1
routines for 1
virtual-index parameter 1
virtual-servers parameter 1
vs_alloc_slot API function 1
vs_get_data API function 1
vs_get_default_httpd_object API function 1
vs_get_doc_root API function 1
vs_get_httpd_objset API function 1
vs_get_id API function 1
vs_get_mime_type API function 1
vs_lookup_config_var API function 1
vs_register_cb API function 1
vs_set_data API function 1
vs_translate_uri API function 1
vsnprintf, see util_vsnprintf 1
vsprintf, see util_vsprintf 1


widths parameter 1
wildcard patterns 1

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Copyright 2003 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved.